The memory of the soul of stopping the killing is simply a Shura field.

I don't know how this person has come over for more than 30 years, Gu Xuan casually flipped through his memory, and all he saw were pictures of bloody killings.

The memory of the soul of stopping killing contains many insights about the way of the sword, and the most important thing is the perception of the mystery of killing.

If Gu Xuan can sort out and absorb this part of his memory, he may also be able to comprehend the mystery of killing logically.

Gu Xuan stood in place and silently looked at the memory of the divine soul that stopped killing.

At the same time, many martial artists on the field, after a great shock, their thoughts became lively.

Stop killing, the black shadow remnant soul also dies, and the inheritance is obtained by Gu Xuan, but....

Many people's eyes moved to the ancient tree in the center of the platform.

The remnant soul of the black shadow who is responsible for the third level test is not there, and the ancient tree has no guardian, doesn't it mean that the treasures on the ancient tree are also unguarded and can be picked up?!

Those who had participated in the test before, or who had not participated in the test, looked at the white light clusters on the ancient trees at this time, and their eyes were all blooming with blazing light.

Although the treasures on the ancient tree are not as good as the inheritance of the ancient sword emperor, they are not bad.

And if you can get a few more, it will be a worthwhile trip.

I don't know who took the lead.

Someone swooped down on the ancient tree, as if lighting a fuse.

Suddenly, many people on the field rushed in the direction of the ancient tree.

Scrambling to be the first, lest it be a step slower, and the good things will be taken first.

But just as someone was about to touch the ancient tree, suddenly a brilliant sword light bloomed silently in the void.

As soon as the sword light turned, the few life and death realm powerhouses closest to the ancient tree were all cut in two by the sword light, and they died on the spot.


The sudden outbreak of murder made everyone's expressions change greatly.

The warriors who followed behind could only stop abruptly as they watched their predecessors die in front of them.

These people looked at the position where the sword light bloomed, and saw a slender and straight figure quietly blocking the ancient tree, holding the knife in one hand, and his handsome face was full of indifference.

Gu Xuan?!

Everyone was taken aback, and someone gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Xuan, what do you mean by this?" The inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor has been obtained by you, is it possible that you still want to monopolize these remaining treasures?"

Angry eyes converged on Gu Xuan, but Gu Xuan ignored it, and just said lightly: "It's not interesting, I just want you to abide by the rules of the game."

Want the treasures of the ancient trees? Yes. "

Gu Xuan raised his eyes slightly, and his cold and indifferent gaze swept over everyone one by one.

"You can take me without dying. "


As soon as Gu Xuan finished speaking, there was a commotion in the audience.

Everyone stared at Gu Xuan in shock and anger, even many Tianjiao of the younger generation and the younger generation, their faces became unpleasant.

"Good boy... Huh..."

The old monster of the demon heart didn't smile, stared at Gu Xuan with cold eyes and said, "It's really arrogant, it's really domineering! It's interesting, it's kind of interesting..."

"Although your strength is strong, you don't really think you are invincible, do you?"

Prince Jin Crow narrowed his eyes and said to Gu Xuan.

The Golden Crow Prince got a Divine Black Feather from the ancient tree, so he had long wanted to find a chance to see if there was anything else on it.

Now Gu Xuan actually proposed that if you want the treasures of the ancient tree, you must first take him to the rule that he will not die, does this clearly mean that he wants to dominate all the treasures.

How could the prince of the Golden Crow not be annoyed.

"Gu Xuan Daoyou, your talent and strength are so strong that everyone can see it, but there are so many of us, I hope you still don't make some unwise decisions. "

The Daoyan Holy Son, who had fluttering sleeves, also stood up and said.

The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion recovered from his previous shock and fear of Gu Xuan, and when he saw such a scene, he was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately jumped out and mocked: "If you have the ability, you can try, there are so many of us, is it possible that you are still afraid of the double realm of life and death?"


Now there are thirty or forty powerhouses in the Life and Death Realm on the field, including Grandmaster powerhouses whose strength has reached the peak of the Life and Death Realm, such as the Demon Heart Monster.

No matter how strong Gu Xuan's strength is, it is impossible to challenge everyone.

In the face of everyone's hostility, Gu Xuan was unmoved, but said indifferently: "If you are not convinced, you can try." "

The expressions of everyone on the field quickly turned cold.

"I think he's crazy!"

Someone shook his head and said.

"After killing a stop killing, it swells so much that I don't know where it goes.

As everyone knows, the first knife in Zhongtian is only the first knife in Zhongtian, not the first strong in Zhongtian.

The difference between the two is too great..."

"Heaven wants people to perish, and they must first make them mad. Gu Xuan, this son, dares to confront so many Tianjiao powerhouses who are not inferior to him, I don't think it is far from destruction..."

"Hehe, that's right. Kill Gu Xuan, maybe even the Ancient Sword Emperor Inheritance will have a chance to get it. "

This person's words woke up many people on the field.

It has made many people's eyes shine.

Yes, if Gu Xuan died, wouldn't the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor be coming out?

One Sword Emperor Inheritance can already be a genius as amazing as stopping killing, and Gu Xuan has two copies in his hands!

Moreover, putting aside the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor.

Gu Xuan's talent and strength are so amazing, and the background is unimaginable.

The treasure contained in his body must also be a huge treasure, maybe even more than the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor, if he can get it...

Thinking of this, many people's eyes became hot when they looked at Gu Xuan.

"Why did I sing outside the cave before this trip, it turned out to be fulfilled here..."

The old monster with a demon heart looked at Gu Xuan with a smile, his eyes greedy as if he was looking at a piece of fragrant fat.

"The opportunity for the old man to be promoted to the royal realm may fall on you. "

All of a sudden, many people on the field began to get ready to move.

Only a few people cast worried glances at Gu Xuan.

"Hey, how can this be?!"

Qin Qing frowned, biting her lip lightly, her face was full of worry.

She wanted to help Gu Xuan, but she couldn't think of a good way, and she was a little at a loss for a while.

Even Qin Qingmiao herself didn't realize that she was so interested in a man at this moment.

Su Qingmo was also in a hurry.

How can a good son become the target of the audience.

She was anxious and wanted to beg for help, but before she could figure out how to speak, someone had already spoken before her.

"Senior sister..."

Zhu Ziyan looked worried, grabbed Yutai Qingyin's hand, and whispered, "Can you think of a way to help Gu Xuan!"

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