Yutai Qingyin frowned and looked at the figure that Qianfu was pointing at, and said suspiciously: "This Gu Xuancai is so high, he is by no means a stupid person, how could he suddenly have such an unwise act?"

At the moment, it is not a question of whether we can help him or not, Gu Xuan is angry, under the targeting of so many strong people, even if we want to help him, we can't help him.

Now he can only hope that he will wake up and give up the folly of being the enemy of everyone. "

Zhu Ziyan nodded silently.

It is true that as Tantai Qingyin said, she and Tantai Qingyin can't help Gu Xuan even if they want to.

There are too many masters on the field, if you rashly choose to stand with Gu Xuan, you are likely to be crushed by everyone and Gu Xuan.

Su Qingmo, who was next to him, listened to the conversation between the two, his mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, but his eyes became much firmer, as if he had made a decision.

Here, Gu Xuan was subjected to countless pairs of eyes that were either greedy, hot, cold, or full of murderous intent, like thousands of swords approaching, but the expression on his face was still calm.

It's not that Gu Xuan wants to stand on the opposite side of everyone, but...

He had to.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, at this moment, many people in the field were shining with the light of chance, and these lights of chance were the highest golden, and the worst was purple.

The threads of chance were all connected to the ancient trees behind him.

"If I stop one person, I can intercept a chance of at least purple level, if I stop two people, it will be two chances, and if I stop everyone, it will be a big chance to splash the sky!"

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed with a cold and crazy light.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to intercept so many opportunities at the same time, how could he be willing to miss it, how could he give it a try.

Everyone approached Gu Xuan step by step.

The momentum exuded by dozens of life and death realm powerhouses colluded together, and at the same time put pressure on one person, which was an extremely terrifying thing.

As if a monstrous wave was slowly pressing down, even if it was a Realm Master of Life and Death, he would feel the pressure of suffocation.

If one of them is picked out and confronted by Gu Xuan, it is estimated that anyone will have to weigh it carefully before making a move.

After all, Gu Xuan's strength is obvious to all, and he is not defeated at all, and even surpasses the combat power of the Life and Death Realm Grandmaster.

But when everyone was together, their courage began to swell tenfold and hundredfold.

"Ants can bite elephants to death, and... We are not ants, and Gu Xuan is not an elephant, what are we afraid of him?!"

"Although my strength is not top-notch, when the battle starts, I may not have a chance to fish in troubled waters. "

"If you can really kill Gu Xuan, even if you can't get the wealth on him, if you can participate in it and get a little bit of luck from him, the benefits will be great..."

Everyone has a different calculation in their hearts, and this calculation turned into a thick greed and killing intent, and began to spread in the field.

More than thirty powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm gradually formed an encirclement, faintly encircling Gu Shu and Gu Xuan in the center.

Even those who were watching from the sidelines and were not ready to make a move could imagine what kind of pressure Gu Xuan, who was at the center of the storm, was under at this time.


Yuan Jiansheng stood quietly, looking at Gu Xuan, who was surrounded by many strong people, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said to himself in a low voice: "I'll see, where do you have the confidence, where do you have the courage, dare to do this.."

Just when the atmosphere in the field was depressed and tense to the extreme, I don't know who snorted.

"Do it!"

In an instant, dozens of figures burst out almost simultaneously, each unleashing their most powerful killing moves.

All kinds of powerful and radiant offensives rumbled down.

The aura and void of this piece of heaven and earth were instantly stirred into a pot of porridge.

Gu Xuan's figure was instantly submerged under countless attacks.


When Qin Qingmiao saw this scene, her beautiful eyes widened, and she covered her mouth suddenly.

Su Qingmo and Zhu Ziyan also clenched their dresses all of a sudden, looking extremely nervous.

Yutai Qingyin shook his head helplessly.

Those who watched and did not move also shook their heads and sighed.

Under such a terrifying attack, Gu Xuan's chances of surviving were extremely slim.

Don't say Gu Xuan, even if it was the black shadow remnant soul in the fifth sword state before, whose strength was infinitely close to the king realm, it was estimated that it would be shattered in an instant.

"It's over, Gu Xuan will have no way to live unless his luck goes against the sky this time..."

"This time, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!"

"Could it be that the youngest life and death realm in the history of Zhongzhou, the person with the highest talent, is about to fall here?"

Just as everyone sighed, suddenly...

A sense of unprovoked fear rose in everyone's hearts.

This feeling came so suddenly, as if the desire to survive was born in the instinct of a warrior before the extremely terrible crisis came.

Everyone's eyes widened, and at this moment time seemed to slow down countless times.

The next moment...

An extremely terrifying and huge momentum erupted and spread from the place where everyone was besieging it...


A terrifying power of divine thought spreads out, and under this divine thought, the void is like a piece of paper, wrinkled with countless folds.

An unimaginable fear descended and enveloped the audience.

Under the coercion, everyone's bodies couldn't help but tremble violently, as if a huge mountain was suddenly on their backs, and their bodies were a little rickety.

The bodies of those Life and Death Realm powerhouses who besieged Gu Xuan remained in a state of stasis and frozen, frozen in mid-air, like flying insects sealed in amber.

Then a majestic and boundless figure stepped out of the center of the crowd step by step.

The expression is indifferent, and the majesty is like the sky.

It's Gu Xuan.

The crowd's eyes widened, their faces showed a look of extreme disbelief, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't say a word.

And those life and death realm powerhouses who besieged Gu Xuan were terrified one by one, and their eyes were split.

Gu Xuan stood in mid-air, the general trend of heaven and earth worshipped him, he seemed to have become the sole master of this heaven and earth, high up, making people bow and worship.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and the Ming Hong knife in his hand slashed gently.

A sword light that was not amazing slashed through the void.

The closest to Gu Xuan were seven or eight Life and Death Realm powerhouses, including Life and Death Realm Grandmasters such as the Demon Heart Old Monster.

Without saying a word, he was swept by the sword light, and his body was divided into two sections.

Then it was twisted by the sword light, turned into a blood mist in the sky, and completely disappeared.

A knife ....

Eight powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm died!

The flow of time seemed to return to normal, and everyone was given a little respite.

The onlookers' eyes were almost protruding from their sockets.

Feeling the terrifying power emanating from Gu Xuan's body, someone trembled and whispered in horror: "Wang.. Wang Jing?!"

At this moment, the heavens and the earth seemed to be silent.

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