Gu Xuan's divine soul strength had already reached the level of the king realm.

The divine thoughts are scattered and form a realm of its own.

In the realm, he is the sky, a god, and under the realm of the king, life and death are taken away!

"I said, if you want the treasure on the ancient tree, take me first and don't die. "

Gu Xuan opened his mouth coldly, his eyes swept over the many life and death realm powerhouses in front of him, as if he was looking at a group of ants on the ground.

He slashed at it with a single sword, without even using any arcane power.

Those who have been cut by the light of the knife will be slashed by him!

Under the pressure of the Wang Realm's divine thoughts, it was extremely difficult for these powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm to move their little fingers, let alone resist them.

It's just pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Gu Xuan saw a handsome young man with blond hair and eyebrows.

This person is dressed in golden crowns, unspeakably expensive, and is the prince of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty.

Previously, Prince Jin Crow was also one of the first to mock Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's mind locked on the Golden Crow Prince, and the Golden Crow Prince suddenly felt as if countless mountains had fallen on him, his handsome face suddenly turned extremely pale, and his eyes showed a hint of panic and confusion.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and his mind turned.


Prince Jinwu's head suddenly exploded as if he had been struck by a knife.

Within the realm, it was too simple for Gu Xuan to kill anyone, and anyone's life and death were in his thoughts.




Gu Xuan didn't even use a knife, his gaze shifted to which person, and whose person's head exploded directly.

Whether it is the grandmaster of the realm of life and death, or the holy son Tianjiao on the list of life and death.

They were all easily wiped out by Gu Xuan with a single look.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: 100x Comprehension Pill*1"

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the Reward: Life and Death Realm Birth Rank Pill*1"

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Upanisham Comprehension Pill (Yicheng)*1"


Almost every time Gu Xuan kills someone, he can get a hint of a system reward.

In a short period of time, the powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm on the field quickly decreased, and more than 30 powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm, including many Tianjiao of the Life and Death Rankings, died more than half.


The onlookers next to him looked horrified and gasped wildly.

There are no words to describe the shock and fear in their hearts.



There was only one thought left in my head.

How so?!

How could Gu Xuan have a king-level divine soul?!

This... How can it be?!

"This can't be described as a demon anymore, Gu Xuan is a monster, a demon star from the sky!"

Someone looked frightened, looked at Gu Xuan who was wantonly slaughtering on the field, and muttered: "Gu Xuan may be a reincarnated ancient power, otherwise this talent will inevitably be too rebellious..."

Everyone shook violently.

Oh, yes.

The reincarnation of the ancient power is the only possible one.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Gu Xuan could have a king-level divine soul with the double realm of life and death!

At this time, Yuan Jiansheng was also shocked and stunned.

For Gu Xuan, who is known as the "Twin Stars of Zhongzhou Youth" with him, the first knife in Zhongtian.

Yuan Jiansheng's attitude towards Gu Xuan was disdainful and indifferent at first.

After all, not everyone is qualified to be compared to his Yuan Jiansheng.

But this time in the Sword Emperor Tomb, Gu Xuan's performance repeatedly shocked everyone.

Yuan Jiansheng's attitude towards Gu Xuan gradually became more important.

Waiting for Gu Xuan to kill strongly, Yuan Jiansheng finally recognized Gu Xuan, and regarded Gu Xuan as a real opponent who could fight with him in his heart.

But now...

Yuan Jiansheng found out that he was wrong.

This guy's hole cards are even more exaggerated than he imagined, and he has reached an unbelievable point that he even has to look up.

It's just...


Qin Qingmiao's mouth opened slightly, and she was stunned to see Gu Xuan's heroic posture of wantonly slaughtering the powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm, and before she knew it, the whole person was stupid.

On the side of the Yaotai Holy Land, Tantai Qingyin and Zhu Ziyan also have similar expressions.

"This guy .."

Yutai Qingyin blinked and whispered in disbelief: "What a pervert..."

Su Qingmo is definitely the most surprising one.

The big stone in her heart was finally completely put down, her little fists clenched tightly, and she looked at Gu Xuan intently, with a brilliant look in her beautiful eyes.

"Childe.. Childe is amazing!"

In Su Qingmo's mind, the man in front of her gradually quickly overlapped with the young man in her memory who taught her martial arts and seemed to be omnipotent.

I haven't seen him for several years, and Childe is still the son who makes Anu worship from the bottom of his heart!


Gu Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and where his gaze swept over, more than a dozen heads exploded in unison.

A panicked divine soul escaped, but as soon as it appeared, it was directly shattered by Gu Xuan's divine thoughts, absorbed into the sea of consciousness to strengthen his body.

The sound of the system's prompts kept coming from my ears.

In just such a short period of time, Gu Xuan had already received dozens of hints for task rewards, which was a bumper harvest.

And in this process, the perception of the mystery of killing that he had obtained from the memory of stopping killing quickly integrated into his soul.

Gu Xuan's understanding of the mystery of killing is getting deeper and deeper, and there is a tendency to transcend martial intent and directly achieve the mystery.

The onlookers were cold and their scalps were numb.

This platform is almost full of headless corpses.

Each headless corpse represents a strong man in the realm of life and death.

Among them are the top ten Masters of the Life and Death Realm on the Life and Death List, as well as many Holy Land Saint Son Tianjiao.

This scene is too tragic.

It's simply the death of the Zhongzhou cultivation world!

It is conceivable that after this battle, there will be a big change of blood on the list of life and death.

Moreover, many holy places that have lost the descendants of the Holy Son will inevitably shake, and the entire Zhongzhou may fall into a major earthquake.

And all of this, it's all because of one person...

Gu Xuan!

Too horrible, too murderous, too unscrupulous!

"I seem to see Gu Xuan stepping on the throne that belongs to him, and on the way to the throne, there are many arrogant bones..."

Someone looked dazed and muttered in a low voice.

The scene happening in front of him is destined to become a lifelong nightmare for everyone on the field, lingering and imprinting for life.

For those in the realm of Gu Xuan King, it was an unspeakable terrible nightmare.


A human head exploded, and blood splattered all over the Purple Mansion Holy Son's face.

The Purple Mansion Holy Son's eyes widened, and his pale face was full of fear and despair.

He couldn't move, but his body, his spirit, was trembling.


Why does Gu Xuan have a king-level divine soul, why is he so perverted?!

At this moment, the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion is about to regret his intestines.

If he had known this, he shouldn't have run to the mountains to join in the fun.

He doesn't want to die yet!


As soon as the Holy Son of Zifu shouted in his heart, his handsome head completely burst open, and his divine soul became a nourishment for Gu Xuan's divine thoughts.

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