Gu Xuan lightly took the storage spirit ring belonging to the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion in his hand, and without thinking about checking it, he casually stuffed it into his arms.

At this time, almost all the people on the field who had been eyeing him were dead, and there were only two or three large and small cats left at the edge of the field, of course, they were also so frightened that they almost fainted, looking at Gu Xuan's eyes as if they were looking at a peerless beast that ran out of ancient myths and legends.

Gu Xuan shifted his divine thoughts to the ancient tree next to him.

As soon as his mind moved slightly, the white light clusters on the ancient trees fell into his hands one by one.

Some of these light clusters were broken weapons, some were jade slips, and some were pills.

Either way, it looks quite extraordinary.

Gu Xuan put all of these into the storage spirit ring.

His gains this time were just too great.

Just the things in the storage spirit rings of those dead Life and Death Realm powerhouses, Life and Death Realm Grandmasters, and Life and Death List Tianjiao add up to a huge wealth that is difficult to phenomena.

Gu Xuan was quite satisfied in his heart, and then began to ponder the ancient tree itself.

Standing here, this ancient tree is also a great treasure.

But how do you move such a big tree?

This is a problem.

Just when Gu Xuan was thinking about how to take away the ancient tree, suddenly...

The void above the platform suddenly parted, and a figure as hot as the sun suddenly appeared.

The terrifying divine thought pressure rolled down, as if boiling magma molten iron fell from the sky, pointing directly at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's expression changed, and the realm realm that belonged to him immediately shrank, forming a heavenly sword-like form, and slashing upward.


Two terrifying divine thoughts collided together, directly shattering a large area of the void.

The sky above the secret realm of the Sword Emperor Tomb seemed to be cracked, and a large area collapsed.


Gu Xuan was hit by an unimaginable impact, and the whole person fell directly from mid-air.

It smashed into the ground like a meteor and blasted out a big hole.

"King Realm powerhouse?!"

The audience around the platform endured the violent shock of the divine thoughts, and flew back one after another, while their faces showed a huge look of emotion.

"This breath should be the king realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty!"

"I'll just say, Gu Xuan killed so many Tianjiao on the life and death list, how could he not alarm the forces behind these Tianjiao.

Sure enough, there is a King Realm powerhouse chasing and killing here!"

"Gu Xuan is terrible now. "

The powerhouse of the King Realm who suddenly descended stood in the void.

This person has an ordinary appearance and looks like an ordinary middle-aged man.

But he had a brilliant golden pattern in the center of his eyebrows, and he just stood quietly, and endless heat waves emanated from his body, and the whole person was like a real sun, and the light was difficult to see.

This is the power that belongs to the powerhouses of the royal realm.

"Click.. Click..."

The earth and rocks on the platform cracked, and a figure crawled out of the rubble.

Possessed by the divine pattern, covered in thunder and fire, Gu Xuan, who was like an ancient god, walked out of the pit.

At this time, Gu Xuan's face was a little pale, and there was a trail of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth.

Gu Xuan's face was ugly.

The powerhouse of the King Realm!

Even if his divine soul had reached the king realm, after all, his own cultivation was too poor.

The powerhouses of the King Realm are not only strong in the divine soul, but also in the physical body and the yuan power, all of which have reached a level of transcendent sanctification.

With that blow just now, Gu Xuan's body was fully opened in an instant, and the strength of his physical body was increased to the extreme, and he was directly injured by the aftermath.

For ordinary people, it is estimated that it will be difficult to climb up.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan's life was constantly surging in the palace, and with the support of the Xuan's fetus, the injury was not too serious, and it was rapidly improving.


When the King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty saw Gu Xuan walking out intact, a deep look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"No wonder you can kill me the crown prince of the Golden Crow God Dynasty, the six princes and the two heavenly pride, it is indeed quite extraordinary. "

The King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty had murderous intent on his face, and said coldly: "Since this is the case, then I can't keep you even more." "

As he spoke, the King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty raised his hand and slapped it lightly.

In an instant, the void around Gu Xuan was all blocked, and then he saw a palm print that was extremely bright and contained incomparable terrifying power slowly slapping towards him.

Gu Xuan's pupils contracted, and Wang Jing's soul shook.

Turning into a heavenly sword, it instantly broke through this person's blockade of the void.

Immediately, a Star Dao Palace in Gu Xuan's body shone brightly, and a strange power quickly emerged.

Star Pole Dao Palace!

In an instant, Gu Xuan turned into an afterimage and fled into the distance at an unbelievable speed.

"If you let you escape, I will be the king in vain!"

The middle-aged man said with an indifferent expression.

As he spoke, the middle-aged man directly stretched out his hand to tear the void, and with the next breath, he appeared in front of Gu Xuan, who was frantically fleeing.

Gu Xuan's expression froze, and his face was extremely ugly and he stopped.

No matter how fast the Star Pole Dao Palace can provide, it can't be faster than the speed of the space shuttle of the powerhouses of the King Realm.

It's almost impossible to escape with speed.

The middle-aged man was no longer in a hurry to make a move, but just looked at Gu Xuan coldly.

His eyes and gestures seemed to be looking at a worm lying in the palm of his hand desperately trying to struggle to escape.

Contempt, indifference, ridicule ...

"It's over, now Gu Xuan is really finished. "

"The powerhouse of the Wang Realm personally pursued and killed, and he had almost no hope of survival. "

"This time, it's a real dead end..."

The onlookers watched from afar, with a complicated and indescribable look on their faces.

Although it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies on the road to the king, Gu Xuan has gone too far this time.

killed several sons of Tianjiao who were powerful in a row, causing a monstrous disaster.

A figure like the Prince of the Golden Crow, adhering to the luck and future of a Divine Dynasty, God knows how many resources the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty has spent on him and how many high hopes it has placed on it.

As a result, he was killed by Gu Xuan with a knife.

How can you not arouse the wrath of the Divine Dynasty, and the powerhouse of the King Realm will end up in person.

"Those who have attained the Tao have much help, and those who have lost the Tao have little help. Gu Xuan acted too domineering and left no room for anything, so he also cut off his vitality..."

"This time, he is going to die, and if he doesn't die, he has to die, and he is almost a lifeless situation. "

Everyone sighed.

"You don't have to think about running away again."

The King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty sneered at Gu Xuan and said, "Even if you can escape from me, you can't escape from others.... White Elephant Holy Land, Daoyan Holy Land, Purple Mansion Holy Land... All of them were alarmed by the powerhouses of the King Realm, and they were rushing to this place. "

"Gu Xuan, you are from heaven to earth today, and you will not escape death!"

"You are destined to be the darling of heaven and earth, and we will fight to kill you here at the price of being devoured by the sky!"

This person said word by word, and his tone was cold and revealing monstrous killing intent, as well as incomparable determination.

All of a sudden, everyone was moved.

Gu Xuan's face also became gloomy and solemn.

This time, he seems to have really played big...

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