After Gu Xuan obtained the two origin seeds of fate and reincarnation, his sword technique also carried a trace of the meaning of fate and reincarnation.

The power has skyrocketed exponentially, and the Nine Shadows Power Dao has also become the strongest hole card in Gu Xuan's hand now.

Facing the terrifying void beast of the quasi-emperor realm, Gu Xuan directly sacrificed his strongest killing move.


At the moment of the Nine Shadows, who is not reincarnated?!


The light of the curtain knife and the giant mouth of the void beast collided fiercely.

A brilliant silver light erupted from the mouth of the quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast, forming a huge silver vortex, resisting the sword light to death.

This scene stunned the four major priests of the Thunder Department and Ji Shuming and others behind them.

Gu Xuan, who was double in the King Realm, single-handedly confronted the quasi-Emperor Realm virtual beast head-on, and this shocking scene directly made them stupid.

It's unbelievable and incomprehensible.

This is beyond their knowledge and understanding.

The terrifying aura of fate and reincarnation contained in the light of the prison knife made them tremble even more as the five, six, or seven levels of the royal realm.

understands that just looking at it, there is a sense of horror that you are falling into reincarnation and never recovering.

Now they have only one thought left in their minds

What is the origin of this kid?

What kind of monster?!

"The current Nine Shadows Sword Dao, there is no problem in confronting the Emperor Realm head-on, and it can even steadily suppress the Void Beast of this quasi-Emperor Realm, but... It's still a bit difficult to kill the other party. "。

Gu Xuan's eyes were as cold as iron, and the killing intent in his chest was surging.

This quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast has the golden fate he wants, so it must die!

Gu Xuan doesn't just have the hole card of the Nine Shadows Sword Dao to play.

"Devouring the gods with a knife, slash!" Birk is obviously the best way to deal with a "stupid" opponent like a virtual beast, and the Divine Soul attack is obviously the best means.

In particular, the strength of Gu Xuan's divine soul with "Nerve Eater" far exceeded the limits of his own cultivation, and he had already reached a level comparable to the real imperial realm.

The Divine Soul slashed through the void and slammed through the flesh of the beast into the depths of its Divine Soul.

The huge sea of divine souls of the void beast was instantly split in half, and was severely shattered by Gu Xuan's divine soul knife, devouring it in a big gulp.


The huge quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast let out a painful scream, and the silver vortex in its mouth that collided with Gu Xuan's sword light shattered

The sword light drove straight in, slashing down from the middle of the Void Beast's huge mountain-like head.

"Boom, boom—"

The sound of a knife slashing through a mountain.

Vast expanses of flesh fell in the void.

The life breath of the quasi-emperor realm void beast quickly faded, and its huge body floated in the void, up and down.

Gu Xuan's eyes were as bright as stars, and after devouring the soul of the void beast, his soul had made great progress. If birk said that it was comparable to the imperial realm before, now it has completely reached the level of the imperial realm!

After Gu Xuan obtained the "Nerve Eater", the strength of the divine soul has always maintained a level beyond his own cultivation to the entire great realm.

I have to say that the four great ancient scriptures have helped him too much.

"I want a chance...

Gu Xuan took a step forward, brushed aside the stinky flesh and blood of the Quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast with his bare hands, and followed the guidance of chance, and finally found a dark purple crystal nucleus the size of a small mountain in its body, as well as a transparent crystal nucleus the size of a water tank.

"This void beast is only one step away from the real imperial realm, if it succeeds in devouring several great gods this time, maybe it will really set foot in the imperial realm..",

Gu Xuan exclaimed.

He felt the incomparably pure aura of heaven and earth and the power of space from the transparent crystal nucleus.

Compared to the other crystal nucleus, this is probably the true power core of this virtual beast.

Gu Xuan casually put the dark purple crystal nucleus into the storage space, and then inserted his five fingers into the transparent crystal nucleus like a knife

Suddenly, a surging aura surged into his body, accompanied by a large amount of spatial power and spatial perception.

Gu Xuan's cultivation, as well as his comprehension of the mysteries of space, skyrocketed wildly in an instant.

At the same time, the pleasant prompt sound of the system also sounded in my head.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu interception opportunity and the reward: Wang Jing Kai Dan 1"

When Gu Xuan was frantically improving his strength, the Great Priest of the Thunder Department, Ji Shuming and the others were already numb.

The scene of Gu Xuan confronting the Terrifying Void Beast head-on had already stunned them before, but now it was good, Gu Xuan directly killed the Quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast with one sword.

In turn, devour each other.

Several people were completely numb, their heads were blank, and they were confused.

Uncle Ji's name was full of question marks, and a thought came back and forth.

"Did I want to target him before? Did I deliberately target him?

How could I have such a thought??

......... Asking for flowers...............


And the other Thunder Priests were also stupid.

They couldn't understand why a mere king realm could be so strong in combat power

And Doubu, when did there be such a peerless demon great priest who was extremely perverted???!

"It's almost time...

Nine heavens, upper Xuantian.

Countless people are looking forward to it.

The Divine Press Conference has been in the process of coming to an end for nearly two months.

Many of the priests and high priests had already turned back and began to count the loot in front of everyone.

With the inventory of the combat power, there will be bursts of exclamations in the field from time to time.

... There are two Realm One Heavy Beast Crystal Nuclei, one King Realm Triple Void Beast Crystal Nucleus, and several Divine Beast Crystal Nuclei in the Life and Death Realm, with a total of 4,500 Divine Hunting points!"

A fire priest with a scorching aura shook the harvest away, causing a low cry from the audience.

Martian Jun, who was as powerful as the god of fire, watched his subordinates return with satisfaction, and turned his head and ordered, "Light the ghost fire and gather the rest to return." "Landline bevel, plane".

"Yes. "

His subordinate chief priest followed his words and lit a lamp on a warship that represented fire.

With the ignition of the soul ding, invisible fluctuations were quickly transmitted.

Some of the soul lamps were quickly responded, but others, after the fluctuations were transmitted, went out silently.

Everyone knew that the extinguished soul lamp represented a Nine Heavens powerhouse who had fallen in the fearless void

After the fire ignited all the soul lamps, a total of eighteen covers were extinguished.

Most of them are god general soul lamps, and the ghost lamps representing the priests also have several covers.

Mars-kun was slightly satisfied with this result.

The backbone of a clan is the Great Priest, and as long as the number of High Priests does not decrease, it is acceptable.

Anyway, there are many god-level powerhouses, and it is a lot to catch them in three days in the middle and third days.

And this rune conference, everyone knows that the protagonists are Jinbu, Lei and Doubu.

In order to compete for the position of the White Emperor, there will inevitably be a lot of battles between the three Star Monarchs, both openly and secretly, and the Fire Department is just going through the motions, and the strength is not lost.

And the vast majority of people in the field also set their eyes on Jin, Lei, and Dou.

The gods who pay attention to the three parts all the time will have a total of points. 」

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