At this time, the total number of points of all the gods is more than 80,000 points.

More than 70,000 points in the thunder department.

They are ranked first and second in the rune standings.

On the contrary, before the start of the Divine Hunting Conference, the Doubu that was recognized as the strongest and most favored only had more than 40,000 points.

However, no one will look down on the Doubu, because so far, the two generals under the Douxing Monarch, Long Huan and Ji Shuming, have not returned.

These two people will definitely be able to return with a large number of points, and the result will not be decided yet.

"Huyuan's new original novel, please go to Feilu Novel Network [098929237535505601

A figure suddenly flew out of the void of the Upper Xuantian Void.

This person has a young appearance, and his body exudes a sword aura that rushes into the sky, which makes many people look sideways for a while.

As soon as this person appeared, he flew in the direction of Dou, and then began to count his harvest.

One of the King Realm One Void Beast Crystal Nuclei, one of the King Realm Double Void Beast Crystal Nuclei, and several Beast Crystal Nuclei of the Life and Death Realm and the Divine Realm Realm.

The counting officer finished counting the harvest and sang loudly: "Doubu Shenguan Jiansheng, points harvest, three thousand four hundred and sixty points!"


As soon as these words came out, many people below immediately let out a cry of surprise.

"The priest level can earn more than three thousand four hundred points, almost comparable to some great priests, how is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible? This person should be the genius of the Tianxuan Realm who has been shining in the middle three days of Tianjiao in the arena for a few years, this person was extremely powerful at the beginning, and was specially recruited as a divine officer by Dou Xingjun, and now... It should be abrupt. Broken to the king's realm. "

"Just breaking through the King Realm One Heavy can fight and kill the King Realm Double Void Beast, this Yuan Jiansheng's combat power is very strong. The Heavenly Xuan Realm can be regarded as a talent.

"In the future, Doubu will have a promising great god and strong man!

Yuan Jiansheng's outstanding performance has made many people admire, that is, Dou Xingjun, who has always had a calm face, has a lot of better looks, and even rarely appreciates Yuan Jiansheng.

"Yes, this matter is over, you can be promoted to the great god of my fighting department!"

Yuan Jiansheng nodded silently and did not speak.

If it was before, the promotion to the king realm might make Yuan Jiansheng feel happy, but now, he only cares.

The person who saved his life in the Voidless Void and stimulated him to break through the royal realm early, how should he behave at this divine conference.

Yuan Jiansheng looked at the entrance of the void void, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The Great Priest of the Thunder Department, points harvested, four thousand two hundred and thirty points. "

The Great Priest of the Golden Department, points harvest, five thousand and one hundred points. "

With the return of the strong one by one, the total points of the gods and hunters of the various departments are also rising, especially the two Jinlei departments, which are growing the fastest.

On the other hand, the Doubu side still looks half-dead.

Rao is Dou Xingjun has always been calm, and he is a little out of breath at this time.

"Light the lamp and summon all the Grand Priests to return!"

"Yes. "

A light of soul ignited in the sky above the clan flag of the Dou tribe. Invisible fluctuations spread out,.. Suddenly, a light went out. BEK: This is a soul lamp that belongs to the Great Priest.

Doubu Xingjun's eyebrows were raised fiercely. Immediately after that, the second cover:

Third cover.


Three lights went out in a row, representing the fall of the three great god-level powerhouses of the Doubu, including even the sevenfold of the King Realm, the only dragon ring of the Doubu Star Monarch in the Doubu.

Dou Xingjun couldn't hold back any longer, and stood up from his position at once.

"What's going on, why are there so many great priests in front of my fighting department?! Even the Dragon Ring has fallen?"

Dou Xingjun was shocked and angry, and slapped the armrest of his seat to pieces with one palm.


Nearby, there was a burst of mocking laughter.

Dou Xingjun turned his head, only to see Jin Bu and Lei Bu Xingjun looking at him with a smile.

"Xingjun, don't be too surprised, the bigger surprise is yet to come.

The lightning flashed in Dou Xingjun's mind, and he suddenly came to his senses, and said angrily: "You two join forces to yin my fighting department?!" Damn!"

The furious momentum surged out from Dou Xingjun's body, sweeping away the tall cumulus clouds, and even several surrounding warships were blown away.

The two Xingjun of the Golden Lei Department turned a blind eye to this, and just smiled and said: "Dou Xingjun is so powerful, there is no evidence to slander my two Jinlei Divisions, be careful that we go to the Emperor to join you together."

The great priest of your Doubu had bad luck and died under the minions of the virtual beast who was not afraid of emptiness, who is to blame?"

"You guys. . .

Dou Xingjun's face turned pale with anger, and he wanted to have a seizure but was helpless, so he could only endure it.

At this moment, two figures flew out from the entrance of the void hole.

One was wearing gold armor and was handsome, while the other was a middle-aged man.

It's Uncle Ji's name of the Doubu two............

Seeing that a trace of hope suddenly shot out of the eyes of the two Dou Xingjun, he hurriedly sent someone to meet him.

Uncle Ji, you're back! Okay, good, take out the harvest...

Uncle Ji's face was a little strange, and it could even be said that he was depressed, and he didn't seem to have recovered from something.

And the middle-aged priest beside him looked even more stunned.

Hearing Dou Xingjun's question, Uncle Ji's face turned red, and he replied ashamedly: "Uncle Ji has lived up to Xingjun's high expectations, and there is no gain from this trip. "


Dou Xingjun's face shook violently, and then he turned his head suddenly, and his cold gaze glared at Jin Lei's two Xingjun.


Seeing this, Lei Bu Xingjun laughed and said, "Xingjun, you should be happy about this matter." This Uncle Ji deserves to be your right-hand man, he can be regarded as a talent, and he can come back alive...

As he spoke, Lei Xingjun waved his hand in a good mood and ordered: "Light the lamp and lead the return of the great priest of our department."

The soul lamp of the thunder department was lit, but soon, the four lamps were extinguished one after another.

Seeing Lei Bu Xingjun jump up directly from his seat.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?".

Lei Bu Xingjun was shocked and angry, and he couldn't wait to rush up and pull down the soul lamp to take a good look at whether it was broken.

At this time, Uncle Ji said coldly: "I was just about to tell the Thunder Sect Star Monarch that the four great priests of your ministry encountered a quasi-Emperor Realm void beast with us in the void, and all of them have unfortunately fallen?!"

"What?!" 5.6.

Lei Bu Xingjun's eyes widened, and even the other clan Xingjun next to him were stunned.

Quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast?!


Lei Bu Xingjun scolded, "Fart, are you the emperor?

Everyone's eyes brushed back to Uncle Ji's name.

Uncle Ji's expression became extremely complicated at this moment, and he didn't know how to explain it.

At this moment, Uncle Ji seemed to see something.

His pupils contracted slightly, then he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Why can we come back alive, Star Monarchs... Soon I will be able to speak loudly.

Everyone heard the meaning of Uncle Ji's famous words, and their eyes looked at the sky.

They saw a figure appearing at the entrance of the Void Void in the Upper Xuan Sky...

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