The person who came was dressed in a golden and beautiful black robe, with a handsome appearance, and his eyebrows revealed a domineering and cold beer-eyed world.

As soon as he appeared, it seemed that he immediately became the center of the entire Heavenly Heaven, and the light of heaven and earth converged on him, making it impossible to take his eyes off.

Gu Xuan took every step.

The momentum on his body immediately skyrocketed.

Triple King's Realm!

The Quadruple King Realm!

The fivefold realm of the king!


It soared until the sixth level of the King Realm before it stopped.

Gu Xuan's realm has always far exceeded his own cultivation, and the difference is only the accumulation of time.

And all the essence of a quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast greatly shortened the process.

After absorbing the space crystal nucleus, Gu Xuan's strength directly skyrocketed to the fifth level of the King Realm.

Coupled with the King Realm Upgrade Pill rewarded by the system, the cultivation soared all the way to the Eightfold Realm of the King Realm.

"Wang Jing Zhong?!".

Yuan Jiansheng, who had been staring at the entrance of the void void, had his pupils contracted, and the sword heart in his chest throbbed violently.

The speed at which Gu Xuan's strength grew was too fast.

It was so fast that even if he was desperately trying to catch up, he still felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"What?! The Sixfold King Realm!"

Dou Xingjun's face was full of shock.

Did he know what Gu Xuan's cultivation was before participating in the Rune Conference?

28, but the realm of the king is double.

Of course, it was already remarkable to have such strength at Gu Xuan's age, worthy of the name of the first day of the Nine Heavens.

But now, the Sixfold King Realm!

It was only three small realms away from his King Realm Ninefold.

How long has it been since Gu Xuan entered the Void of Nothingness?

Less than two months.

Cultivation has directly soared to four realms?!

Rao is Douxingjun's thousand-year-old experience, and he was also shocked.

The powerhouses of the rest of the tribes, as well as the bereaved families who were onlookers, were also shocked.

"Wang Realm Yae!When did Dou have another great priest who is not inferior to the name of Dragon Ring and Uncle Ji, and he is still so young!".

"Good guy, I'm afraid this person's bone age is not more than thirty, and the king realm is six times less than thirty years old, how noble is this guy's bloodline?!"

Suddenly, someone suddenly woke up and cried out loudly.

"I remember, this son's name is Gu Xuan, and he is the one who blew up the middle three days of Tianjiao Arena a few years ago, known as the first demon in the sky and on the ground. Hiss - I didn't expect that he had already set foot in the King Realm in just a few years, and he was still the sixth level of the King Realm, which was too amazing...

"I remembered it too, it was really scary!".

More and more people remembered Gu Xuan's brilliant achievements, and they let out exclamatory voices.

In the crowd, several people from the Thunder Department in the next three days were also watching this scene, their faces were full of shock, and they couldn't say a word with their mouths wide open. "I don't know what the Great Elder will think when he hears this news... The eyes of all the people in the entire Upper Xuantian converged on Gu Xuan, and for a while, Gu Xuan, who was walking down the void, was as dazzling as the sun in the sky.

"It turned out to be him...

Lei Xingjun looked at Gu Xuan strolling down with a gloomy face, his eyes were a little complicated.

Of course he knew who Gu Xuan was.

At the beginning, the inheritance saint thunder of the next three days and the middle three days was devoured by the kid in front of him.

That made him, the Thunder Minister, anxious for a while.

It is said that this guy's bloodline is unprecedented, and it has even reached the point of returning to his ancestors.

He had intended to solicit, but he didn't want to be preempted by Dou Xingjun.

I didn't expect that after just a few years of not seeing him, this son has grown to such a situation. Novel Network You om Minister 203080160

Tens of thousands of eyes were added to his body, and there were many powerhouses in the King Realm, the respect of one piece, if he was someone else, it was estimated that his hands would have trembled and his heart trembled, but Gu Xuan was still calm, and his expression did not fluctuate.

"What is the department, what is the position?"

The inventory officer asked Gu Xuan's name.

Gu Xuan said calmly: "The Great Priest of the Dou Department, Gu Xuan."

The inventory officer picked up the pen and paper and said to Gu Xuan: "Okay, you can start to take out the harvest now,

Gu Xuan nodded, suddenly paused, and said, "If you have to count carefully, it may be a bit much." "

The inventory officer held the pen and paper in his hand and was stunned for a moment.

A bit too much?

What does it mean, doesn't he know how many crystal nuclei he will count when he counts the priests?

Besides, somewhere more. Birk is such a joke.

The powerhouses of the rest of the departments couldn't help but laugh when they heard Gu Xuan's words.

"This kid is participating in the Divine Hunt Conference for the first time. The Star Monarchs of all the ministries, the Void Beast Crystal Nucleus worth tens of thousands of dollars dare not say much, he is still afraid that there are too many crystal nuclei to count the officials?

"Maybe it's because the Void Beasts of the Divine Realm have killed too much, and it really has to dazzle the inventory officer. "

"Haha, don't be ridiculous, how can you say that others are also one of the top gods in the Doubu...

Just when everyone was joking, Gu Xuan waved his hand.

During the dose, countless Void Beast crystal nuclei fell from his big sleeves.

Each of these crystal nuclei was the size of a human head, representing at least the essence crystals of the Life and Death Realm Void Beasts.

There is also the crystal nucleus of the King Realm Void Beast that is as big as a water tank, which is mixed in and attracts special attention.

Countless crystal nuclei fell in a hurry, and the number was no less than thousands.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be a small rain of virtual beast crystal nuclei in front of everyone.


The inventory officer in charge of the inventory was stunned for a moment.

Holding a pen and paper in his hand, he forgot to count at all, opened his mouth wide, and was completely overwhelmed by the crystal nucleus rain in an instant

The others were stunned too.

The powerhouses who were still laughing at Gu Xuan just now seemed to have been choked by the neck one by one at this time, their expressions were fixed on their faces, and they couldn't say a word.

Eventually, the crystal nucleus rain stopped.

Thousands of Void Beast Crystal Nuclei were piled up into a small mountain in front of everyone.

Before everyone came back to their senses, they heard Gu Xuan's flat voice. 323 "There is also a big one, which catches it." "

Before the words fell, everyone saw...

In Gu Xuan's big sleeve, a super-large crystal nucleus rolled down.

This crystal nucleus is the size of a mountain peak, the color is deep purple and almost black, and you can feel the terrifying aura of the sea in it from afar.

There was still a trace of blood left on the crystal nucleus.

The bloodstains were pale golden, as if they still contained life, and they were squirming.

A trace of the emperor's coercion emanated from the bloodstains.


At this moment, all the Star Monarchs stood up almost at the same time, their faces full of extreme shock, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Imperial Realm! This is the blood of Imperial Realm!"

"Emperor Realm Void Beast!Is it possible that this son has killed an Emperor Realm Void Beast?!"

Lei Bu Xingjun turned his head suddenly, stared at Uncle Ji with an incredulous expression, and asked, "What you said before, the matter of the quasi-emperor realm void beast... Is it true?".

Uncle Ji's expression was complicated, and he nodded slowly: "The four great priests of your department came to intercept and kill me, and they were unlucky, and they encountered the virtual beasts of the quasi-emperor realm foraging for food. But even worse luck is the quasi-emperor realm void beast...

Uncle Ji glanced at Gu Xuan deeply, and said word by word: "It happened to meet Gu Xuan's great god. Official. "



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