The Great Yin Dynasty.

In the emperor’s imperial study.

At this time, Emperor Dayin looked at Jade Jian in his hand with a somewhat dignified look.

When he finished reading Yu Jian, he then handed the letter to a famous minister next to him.

“This Lin Yuan, the rising momentum is too incredible, completely contrary to common sense!”

After reading Yu Jian’s message, a minister took a deep breath.

“No matter how bad the Xuanhu Kingdom is, it also has a national heritage, but as a result, it has been broken through thirty-six cities in a row!”

Another shook his head and sighed.

“However, there is no doubt that if this Lin Yuan’s strength is made a commander and leads the army to conquer our big yin, I am afraid it will be a big disaster!”

Nearby ministers expressed their opinions.

“If we want to solve the difficulties of Xuan Hu, I am afraid it is not simple, and now we cannot draw out so many troops.”

“This time was already a temptation, and now that the purpose has been achieved, the Xuanhu Kingdom, as a vassal state, is not sincere, so it is better to take advantage of this to push the boat along the water and talk with the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage.”

There are ministers who offer advice.

“Yes, if this battle is lost, it is very likely that the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty will take advantage of the void in the future, and Daxuan is not a good person.”

Emperor Dayin looked at the crowd and pondered for a while, “This Lin Yuan can’t let it grow, we must find a way to solve it.” ”

The monarchs and courtiers began to discuss involuntarily.

Between countries, there are only interests, and the Mandate of Heaven Holy Pilgrimage is constrained by Da Xuan and Da Yin, and in the same way, the two countries are also constrained by the Mandate of Heaven Holy Pilgrimage.

Therefore, in this case, the Great Yin Dynasty could not make the original promise of Xuanhu Kingdom’s troops to help.


Xuanhu Kingdom.

Xuan Hu Jing.

“Lin Shuai, the last battle is over!”

Zhu Fan stood behind Lin Yuan and said with a very excited look.

Not only him, but everyone behind him seemed very excited.

Just one month.

Directly hit the capital of the Xuanhu Kingdom.

This kind of thing is like a dream, unimaginable.

The only thing to say is that Zhao Wuchen has some complicated feelings, and some do not know how to face it.

“If there is no accident, the gate of this Hujing City will be opened.”

Lin Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said softly.

Words give a sense of questioning.

During this time, his own temperament also changed slightly.

Or to put it another way, all the noble qi that had not yet appeared was revealed.

No one went back to question Lin Yuan’s words.

Because, in just one month, they had already worshipped Lin Yuan as a god.

The Ten Wars Giant Ships continued to move forward, constantly approaching the Tiger Capital City.

“War is rising!” Lin Yuan ordered.

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The heavenly war drums rushed up into the sky, scattering the clouds in the sky.

The 100,000 troops rushed into the sky, like black clouds crushing the city, and slowly landed at a high altitude outside the Tiger Capital City.

In the Hujing Imperial Palace.

“Your Majesty, this war drum, that Lin Yuan has already beaten it.”

A minister stood up and spoke.

“One month, hahaha!!! One month!!! ”

Han Chengtian, the lord of the Xuanhu Kingdom, laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of irony and many inexplicable emotions.

“Your Majesty, please make a quick decision, otherwise, Lin Yuan will directly break into the city!”

Another minister stood up and urged.

“Your Majesty please make a decision!”

“Your Majesty please make a decision!”

One by one, the courtiers opened their invitations.

Now it’s almost a forced palace.

Han Chengtian was silent.

He knew that now that the overall situation had been decided, he was powerless to return to heaven.

As the lord of the Xuanhu Kingdom, if he wanted to escape, where could he escape?

When the Mandate of Heaven pilgrimage sends out a strong man, he will undoubtedly die.

Unless you hide in Tibet and live in anonymity.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath, “Please Lin Yuan enter the city and enter the temple.” ”

“Your Majesty Saint Ming!”

“Your Majesty Saint Ming!”

“Your Majesty Saint Ming!”

The response of the courtiers echoed in the hall, but at the moment it was full of irony.

Outside the Tiger Capital City.

Flag hunting, war drums!

At this moment, an old man in brocade with a white face stepped out of the city, “My Xuanhu Kingdom is willing to surrender!” Lin Shuai please come in! ”

“Elder Liu, is the Lord of the Yunting Hall coming?” Lin Yuan asked.

Last time, Elder Liu told him that there would be a temple lord coming to protect him, so that he didn’t have to worry.

However, during this time, he had not seen the so-called lord of the temple appear.

Originally, he was not worried.

But now Xuanhu is going to destroy the country, just as the so-called dog jumps the wall.

The Tiger Capital City gathered all the powerful people in the Xuanhu Kingdom, and now the rules and regulations were already difficult to restrain.

When the time comes, there really is a strong person who wants to attack and kill him, and what if he does not stop him.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but ask about this.

“Rest assured, Hongu has always been.”

However, as soon as Lin Yuan’s words came out, a cold female voice appeared in his head.

It wasn’t Elder Liu’s voice.

It was a strange voice.

In an instant, a figure appeared in Lin Yuan’s mind, one of the twelve hall masters he had seen when he was promoted to the head of the court.

However, the other party’s face was blurred, and his face was filled with chaos.

“Since this is the case, the students are relieved.”

Lin Yuan nodded and said softly.

With the strong man of the Immortal Realm, he has the confidence and peace of mind.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan took the lead and directly strode towards the Xuanhu National Capital.

The crowd did not hesitate, walked directly behind Lin Yuan, and followed in.

This is the trust and self-confidence of Lin Yuan.

Everyone in the Xuanhu Kingdom was shocked to see this scene.

Admire Lin Yuan’s courage.

I don’t know whether to say it is arrogance or self-confidence.

He was not afraid at all that Xuan Huguo was cheating and tricking him into it.

It’s confidence, absolute confidence.

Even if there is deception, there is an ambush, there is also a fearless self-confidence.

Just entering the city, you can directly see the magnificent imperial city.

I thought that once, in the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage, I walked step by step to the palace and entered.

Lin Yuan flew directly into the air, crossed the void, and landed directly at the gate of the Imperial City.

Suddenly, a group of royal guards stepped forward to surround Lin Yuan.

Flying in the imperial city is simply an act of looking for death.

“Get out of the way!”

Lin Yuan looked at the guards blocking the way, and directly gave a cold drink, domineering.

“Find Death!”

Naturally, these guards did not recognize Lin Yuan’s identity.

Their hearts were full of anger, thinking that Lin Yuan had stormed the Imperial City.

“Stop! All go away! ”

Prince Ren, who was following Lin Yuan, immediately came forward and reprimanded the guards.

Then he respectfully bowed his hand to Lin Yuan, ‘Lin Shuai, this side please.’ ’

Open the way forward.

The guards on both sides could only retreat with unwilling faces and bow their heads.

Lin Yuanlong walked with a tiger stride, striding the meteor directly up the jade steps of the palace.

Zhu Fan, Lu Wu and the others followed one after another, following Lin Yuan.

The five elders who protected Lin Yuan did not know when they would directly reveal their figures.

At this moment, the five of them looked like they were fighting at any time.

In case someone directly attacked and killed Lin Yuan.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan seemed to be unprepared and fearless.

Soon, Lin Yuan walked into the main hall of the palace, which was magnificent, carved with dragons and phoenixes, gorgeous and extraordinary, and full of ministers.

The moment Lin Yuan walked in, everyone’s eyes immediately fell on him.

There is scrutiny, there is hostility, there is killing, there is suspicion, there is resentment, and all kinds of differences.

“Destiny Saint Pilgrimage Young Hou Lin…”

Han Chengtian looked at Lin Yuan, his eyes were very complicated, and he opened his mouth and said slowly.

However, before he could finish speaking, he saw Lin Yuan’s eyes freeze, and he looked coldly at Han Chengtian on the dragon chair and shouted, “My name is what you can call?” ”

“Come down, you’re not qualified to sit like this and talk to me!”

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