As soon as Lin Yuan’s voice came out, everyone in the hall took a breath of cool air.

These words simply shocked everyone and did not know what to say.

Too rampant, too arrogant.

Han Chengtian was not only the head of the Xuanhu Kingdom.

He is also a strong figure of the Yuanshen Fa.

And Lin Yuan actually said now, you don’t deserve to call my name directly, and you don’t deserve to sit and talk to me like this!

This shocked the crowd beyond measure.

Even the five elders trembled slightly in their hands, afraid that Lin Yuan would provoke the people of this Xuanhu Kingdom and let the other party run away.

You must know that this is the lord of the Xuanhu Kingdom.

There is a way to humiliate the death of a king.

This Manchu Dynasty minister was all here, and Lin Yuan insulted everyone in person.

“Funny, interesting little guy!”

In the void that no one could see, a figure that could not see clearly his face, his gaze fell on Lin Yuan’s body, and the corners of his mouth rose from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yuan’s words immediately made Han Chengtian’s face gloomy as water.

An unangry and self-effacing momentum rose up, “Lin Yuan, you are the lord of a country, you really …”

However, his words were still not finished, and he was interrupted by Lin Yuan.

“Ben Shuai even broke through the thirty-six cities of Xuanhu, all the way unimpeded, to the Tiger Capital City, you have no resistance, choose Kaesong to surrender, under the current circumstances, do you still dare, and face in front of me?”

“Along the way, you have already given up resistance and dignity, and now you are qualified to talk to the commander?”

Lin Yuan’s body was straight, revealing a peerless edge, and his words were domineering and matchless, with a sense of disdain.

It made Han Chengtian already gloomy as watery face, almost looking vicious and ugly.

And the following courtiers did not know what to say, defending their majesty.

Because in front of them, they also advised Han Chengtian to give up resistance.

“Good location and nice staff!!!”

Han Chengtian suddenly smiled without anger, his face disappeared viciously, became flat, and stood up from the dragon chair.

His body is very tall, almost two meters, with a Chinese character face, with a strong majesty.

Pedal !!!

Footsteps sounded, and Han Chengtian stepped down from the imperial steps step by step, looking at Lin Yuan at an equal level.

He was much taller than Lin Yuan, and he stared straight at Lin Yuan, with an invisible sense of coercion and oppression.

This scene made the five elders on Lin Yuan’s side vigilant.

“Since you have already surrendered, I naturally will not embarrass you, and now I will appoint myself as a cultivator and go to the capital when the time comes.”

Lin Yuan and Han Chengtian looked at each other, their eyes were deep, without the slightest fear, and then they twisted their necks and slowly opened their mouths.

“What will happen to me when I go to Beijing?”

After Han Chengtian heard this, there was no fluctuation.

It seemed so bland that no one could see what he was thinking.

It has the appearance of the head of a nation.

“When the time comes, that’s not what I know.”

Lin Yuan told the truth.

No promises were given.

There is nothing to appease or anything.

He did not know how the Mandate of Heaven would deal with prisoners of war.

He guessed that just like Lin Xuanji’s original slaughter, it would not be used on Xuan Hu Guo.

Because this is the first battle after many years, this battle, the Mandate of Heaven Holy Pilgrimage must show the benevolence and righteousness of the Holy Pilgrimage.

But he wasn’t interested in that either.

He’s pretty much done with it.

All that remains is to wait for the pilgrimage to come and finish.

After all, his so-called attack on the Xuanhu Kingdom was actually too clever.

It was only with his own prestige and combat strength and the power of the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty that he completely suppressed the Xuanhu Kingdom.

Plus the reason why the Xuanhu Kingdom itself had given up resistance.

Otherwise, if the Xuanhu Kingdom wanted to resist, the fish died and the net broke, which could easily directly cause turmoil.

After all, according to the normal words of destroying the country, it is basically to break through the entire five states of the Xuanhu Kingdom, and then occupy them all, and then send troops to the city and the Tiger Capital City.

At this time, it is the real announcement of the collapse of the Xuanhu Kingdom and the real change of ownership of the Xuanhu Kingdom.

However, understanding is understanding, because now there are not enough troops, and it is impossible to eat the entire Xuanhu Kingdom.

Han Chengtian was silent and did not say anything.

Lin Yuan raised his hand, and the two elders stepped forward to suppress Han Chengtian.

The Lord did not resist.

Lin Yuan didn’t care about this.

In the current situation, the other party can’t turn over any big waves.

As for future revenge or something, he didn’t pay any attention to it at all.

When Man Dian Wenwu saw this side, he didn’t look over his shoulder and couldn’t bear to look at this scene.

“Someone will take me to the storeroom.”

Seeing that Han Chengtian had already left, Lin Yuan stretched out his waist and said.

Now that the big picture is set, nothing else is going on.

As the capital of the Xuanhu Kingdom, Hujing City will naturally have a lot of good things.

After all, this is the treasury of a country.

It is also his great harvest time.

Looking at the Manchu Dynasty without anyone moving, Lin Yuan’s eyes were like a knife, and he swept through the temple, “What, no one knows where it is?” ”

“Lin Shuai, I’ll take you down there.”

It was still the old man in gold robes, Prince Ren stepped forward and led the way in front.

“Good!” Lin Yuan nodded and strode away, while letting Zhao Wuchen take over the Tiger Capital City and send the Jie Chuan back to the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage.

Zhu Fan, the five elders and others naturally followed behind.

Manchu Wenwu looked at Lin Yuan’s behavior as if he were so casual and did not take them in his eyes at all, and the emotions in his heart were complex and indescribable.

All the way, Lin Yuan took a look around.

This palace is naturally inferior to the Imperial Palace of the Mandate of Heaven Holy Pilgrimage, but it is also extremely extraordinary.

The last time I went to the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage Palace, I didn’t visit it, and taking this opportunity, Lin Yuan should also hang out.

Under the guidance of Prince Ren, Lin Yuan and others were brought to the royal treasury.

There was a group of guards guarding the door of the storeroom.

However, under the words of Prince Ren, the door of the storehouse was opened without any obstacles.

It was not that Prince Ren had this right, and the current situation, the qi machine, made it impossible for this group of guards to resist.


When the storeroom was completely opened, Lin Yuan first smelled a faint fragrance.

Then I saw things piled up like mountains, and there were shelves with things on them.

“A few elders, if you have anything to see, take it.”

Lin Yuan signaled that everyone should not be polite, and let Zhu Fan, Lu Wu and others also pick at will.

However, several elders chose to refuse, and Zhu Fan Luwu and the others only chose a spiritual artifact under the meaning of the meaning.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan shook his head and did not persuade anything.

Directly take out the treasure bag and sweep the contents away, without taking a needle and a thread.

As for the value of things, if he could tell the difference, he really couldn’t figure it out, but none of this mattered.

When the time comes to return to the Academy, you can throw all the merit halls to deal with.

Immediately, he went to the place where the elixir was hidden, and continued to sweep away all the elixirs, as well as herbs, materials and the like.

It can be said that this trip made Lin Yuan gain a lot.

When night fell, Lin Yuan rested directly in the palace and slept on Han Chengtian’s dragon bed.

After all, he was waiting here for the Mandate of Heaven Pilgrims to take over this place completely.

With the Elder guarding it, Lin Yuan was very relieved and dived his mind into the Heavenly Dao Library.

His number of borrowings has been refreshing for half a month.

But the process has never had time to read, and now there is finally free time.

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