This time, when Lin Yuan entered the Heavenly Dao Library, he seemed to have a feeling of being absent for a long time.

Compared to before.

This month he has experienced more, so it seems to be more prolonged.

The ancient tea tree in front of the door has not changed at all, and it is still the same as before.

Lin Yuan walked into the library, the borrowing card appeared in his hand, and he silently read it in his heart.


In an instant, a rainbow of light flashed the card directly into a bookshelf.

A thick book floated straight out of the bookshelf, glowing with light and radiance.


Introduction: One life, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulation of yin virtue and five meritorious names!

Zhong Yue, in order to seek eternal life, establish the Supreme Heavenly Dynasty, collect the qi and fortune of the world, wash away his own karmic obstacles, and thus meet the heavenly power, open up the heavens and the earth, and live forever.

Quality: Great God.

Word count: 516 words.

Status: Finished.

“Works of the Great Gods!”

Lin Yuan was shocked when he saw the works that appeared, and he was a little incredulous.

After so many times, he is now not particularly expecting to borrow and refresh his works and appear the Great God Platinum or something.

After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

And now he is carrying a huge amount of money, just waiting for his strength to break through Jindan, open a fine reading, soaring.

However, seeing the appearance of the works of the Great God still made him very excited.

You know, every grade of the work is different, and the things obtained in it are very different.

Up to now, he has read the ordinary, read the fine works, read the platinum, and has not read the works of the gods.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, Lin Yuan held the book in his hand and came to the ancient tea tree of the Enlightened Way and began to read it.

This is also a habit of his, who likes to read quietly under the ancient tea tree of the Enlightenment.

The book had just begun to be read, leaving Lin Yuan a little speechless.

The protagonist of the opening game is not only a bit miserable, but also an eighty-year-old man.

However, the work of the great god is the work of the great god, and this book belongs to the slow heat, and the more I read it, the more wonderful it is.

Looking all the way down, when you see the protagonist Zhong Yue under his own command, from a weak little mortal with a strange bone, constantly rising, rising in countless dynasties.

Especially the luck of the dynasty inside, the theory of luck, let Lin Yuan see it happily.

Watching the protagonist go from the creation of the dynasty to the imperial dynasty, the imperial dynasty, the heavenly dynasty, the holy court, and the heavenly court simply made Lin Yuan want to stop.

The theory of luck in this also reminded Lin Yuan of the forces of the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty, the Great Yin Dynasty, and the Great Xuan Imperial Dynasty.

It made him wonder if these were similar to the fortunes in the book of immortality.

The main reason is that when he was named a young marquis, he had the luck and body, which made him unreminiscent of it.

In the book, it is also a world dominated by qi luck, and the creation of the fortune dynasty is to condense qi luck, fight with heaven and earth.

Lin Yuan put down the book, which totaled more than 5.1 million words.

He has read four and a half million words now.

The reason why he put it down was because two days had passed and the Mandate of Heaven pilgrims had arrived, forcing him to stop reading.

Lin Yuan walked out of the room, and the dragon walked towards the palace hall.

At this time, the hall was already full of people, and the leader was a middle-aged man in his forties.

He was tall and long, like a loose and tall man, wearing a golden butterfly wearing a flower red robe, wearing a purple and gold crown of hair, and carrying an extremely powerful and brazen momentum.

The middle-aged man saw Lin Yuan coming and said very politely.

“Young Hou, sure enough, in more than a month, he defeated the Xuanhu Kingdom and moved the world, afraid that he would directly ascend to the heavens when he returned to the dynasty.”

Behind him and in the main hall, all the people paid homage to Lin Yuan.

“Fang Tianhou is polite, but now he has to be fortunate to be the Marquis of Sorrow.”

Lin Yuan bowed his hand and returned the salute.

The middle-aged man in front of him was named Fang Tianyang, the Marquis of Erpin, the Marquis of Fang Tianhou in the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage.

Fang Tianyang laughed loudly, “Young Hou is polite, Ben Hou is just a trip.” ”

Then he looked at Lin Yuan a few times, as if the more he looked, the more satisfied he was, “I heard that the young Hou is not yet married, I have two daughters, both beautiful as flowers, gifted, although a few years older than you, but there is a way that the female senior third holds the golden brick, and when the time comes, the young Hou can come to my house as a guest.” ”

He usually valued his daughter more than anything, so now looking at Lin Yuan, he felt very well matched.

Fang Tianyang’s words made Lin Yuan stunned.

How suddenly the leap is so big, directly to the marriage match.

However, Lin Yuan naturally would not say no or anything directly, after all, the other party said so, which was a good intention or something, and replied very politely.

“Then this Xuanhu Prefecture will be handed over to Hou Ye, and I will take Han Chengtian and others back to Beijing!” When Hou Ye returns to Beijing, he will definitely go to Fuchu to pay a visit! ”

Now Lin Yuan had already called the Xuanhu Kingdom Xuanhu Prefecture.

When Han Chengtian and the Xuanhu Minister heard these words, they all bowed their heads deeply and dared not speak in anger.

“Well, Ben Hou will finish dealing with Xuan Hu’s affairs in three months at most, just when my eldest daughter Qingxue is not at home and is practicing outside, but she will come back soon.”

Fang Tianyang heard Lin Yuan so cheerfully agree, and seemed even more cheerful.

“???” When Lin Yuan heard these words, he suddenly didn’t know what to say.

I’m obviously just being polite.

You especially let the eldest daughter come back.

Immediately, Lin Yuan didn’t stay much longer, leaving everything in the Xuanhu Kingdom and any mess to Fang Tianyang to take over.

And Zhao Wuchen and the 900,000 troops also directly stayed.

Only with their original 100,000 troops back to the dynasty.

The only ones that were many were Han Chengtian, the lord of the Xuanhu Kingdom, and his six princes.

“War is rising!” Zhao Wuchen ordered a loud roar to send Lin Yuan off.

“Bang bang bang !!!”

An army of 100,000 people boarded the giant war ship with great excitement and began the road back.

At this time, the 100,000-strong army was completely different from when it came, completely different.

The real horror is that when the hundred thousand troops came, when they returned, there were still 100,000 troops.

Not a single soldier or pawn was lost in the whole process.

The return journey takes five or six days.

As soon as the battleship departed, Lin Yuan entered the cabin and ordered people not to disturb him and start reading.

After all, it was now a great god work, and it was very likely that he would have to read it three times to get the reward full.

Now that the time has passed for more than half a month, once you return to the DPRK, you will be busy again.

So you must hurry up and read.

A little time passed, and Lin Yuan finished reading the rest of the last time.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reading immortality, and the reward begins to be distributed!”

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: casting the heavenly garden】

“I actually got this.”

After Lin Yuan saw the reward he had obtained, he couldn’t help but frown.

This thing is naturally excellent, and it is the supreme method for the early rise of the protagonist Zhong Yue in the novel.

But for him now, it was a bit of a chicken rib.

Because this thing is the law of establishing the fortune of the dynasty.

“Shall I establish the Yun Dynasty?”

Lin Yuan had a thought.

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