“The Great Destruction of the Sword Soldiers, the condensation of the Thunder Qi, such a great catastrophe can only occur when the Fa Xiang Realm is in the Fa Realm, the last Heavenly Punishment Elder was this Heavenly Punishment, but even the Heavenly Punishment Elder is only eighteen sword soldiers, but now there are forty-nine kinds of sword soldiers!”

With the intensity of this day of disaster, at least nine or nine days of disaster, this is the second heaviest, how vast it will be behind this!

Everyone couldn’t help but look slightly different.

According to this, how could Lin Yuan stop this.

If you don’t get it right, you’ll be in vain.”

The thunder robbery is divided into three or nine days of robbery, six or nine days of robbery, and nine days of robbery.

With the Heavenly Disaster Vision of Lin Yuan condensing the Essence Rune last time, everyone would not doubt Lin Yuan’s Golden Dan Robbery Power.

Because through the natural disaster, you know a person’s talent, strength.

Lin Yuan was still standing still in the face of the second heavenly calamity, his body was like a sharp gun, a Taigu Heavenly Dragon.

Thunder ding, thunder bell, thunder piano, constantly ringing, as if there is a god beating, singing.

Thunder knife, thunder sword, thunder gun… And so on all the blades, constantly slashing at Lin Yuan’s body.

Each time it was chopped, the void was broken, and a Dao Dao crack appeared, and then it landed on Lin Yuan’s body, rumbling.

Each of these blows was comparable to a blow from the ordinary law realm, making Lin Yuan’s body tremble continuously.

Lin Yuan felt almost the same, his body was shaken, his hands clenched his fists, bursting out of endless divine light, towards Lei Ding, Lei Zhong, Lei Qin… Smash it.


Lin Yuan was like a supreme god of war, the sword soldiers condensed by the thunder and thunder were all shattered by his fists.

The third heavenly calamity has fallen.

This time, the heavenly calamity was even more terrifying, directly a thunder god mountain, crushing the void, wanting to kill everything.

In the face of this thunderstorm, Lin Yuan did not wait for it to slowly fall.

Before, it was because he had self-confidence and used the power of this heavenly thunder to temper himself.

He attacked with great enthusiasm, as if fighting with the heavens, and a dignified Taikoo god appeared behind him, and the heart of this god elephant had a brilliant golden dan.

The Jindan Avenue was full of charm and had a lightning rune on it.


Lin Yuan’s whole person was like a godless king, and the King’s Dao Killing Fist opened and closed, shattering the void and smashing towards the Taigu Thunder Mountain.

The gods swallowed and sucked the vast power of the sacred mountain.

The fourth heavenly calamity has come, the first three heavenly disasters are three or nine heavenly disasters, and now the six or nine heavenly disasters have greatly increased their power.

Everyone watched all this intently, wanting to see how Lin Yuan got by.


It is no longer a simple thunderstorm, but a natural disaster, which is very terrible.

This day is divided into five elements of yin and yang, the sun is really robbed, the sun is really robbed, the white emperor is the golden emperor, the Qing Emperor is wooden, the black emperor is water, the red emperor is fire, and the yellow emperor is earth.

“Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding!”

Lin Yuan sacrificed this king and hovered it overhead.

This thunder raid was like hundreds of Fa Realm masters attacking in unison, and in an instant, the power of the Yin and Yang Five Elements directly broke through the defense of the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding, penetrated into his flesh and blood, and began to destroy it continuously.

However, Lin Yuan’s flesh was strong and arbitrary, simply inhuman, allowing the power of the Heavenly Disaster to run wild.

In this process, the power of these heavenly calamities seemed to turn into a sledgehammer, tempering Lin Yuan’s flesh.

“Repression! Repression! Engulf! Engulf! ”

Lin Yuan roared for a long time, and the fifty thousand particles in his body roared in unison, and the thunder in his body began to devour and refine.

The fifth heavenly calamity fell, this time a round of Hao Sun and a round of Hao Yue.

“The Spear of Hades!!!”

Lin Yuan transformed into the god of the underworld, holding the spear of the underworld, and the hell vortex condensed, shooting at the sun, moon and heaven, to shoot this great sun and bright moon.

Bang! Bang!

Under the attack of the Spear of Hades, the Fifth Heavenly Destruction was directly exploded.

“, demon, it’s a demon, you can still get through it like this!”

“Hey, how many hole cards does he have, and he actually hit the sky with one blow.”

“Lin Yuanshou had just used the power of the Heavenly Disaster to refine himself, and he had not shown his true strength.”

“It’s horrible, this power… Unimaginable! ”

Seeing this scene, everyone let go of the heart they were carrying.

At the time of the Fourth Heavenly Disaster, when Lin Yuan sacrificed the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding, everyone still thought that Lin Yuan could not hold on, so they used the magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the next wave directly exploded the heavenly disaster.

This is what to do, to play with.

Except for the great demon, everyone could no longer say anything else.

But in everyone’s eyes, there is envy, admiration, admiration, affirmation.

Sixth weight!

Seventh weight!

The eighth weight!

At this time, Lin Yuan’s golden villain had experienced the baptism of the Eightfold Heavenly Robbery, and had become completely crystal clear, round like a god, and transformed into a pure Yang Yuan God.

After the divine soul transformed into the Yuan God, Lin Yuan felt that his soul was clear.

After possessing the Yuan God, he has the ability to break the barrier of life and death, take away the rebirth, dissolve the corpse and reincarnate, have a whim, and split the Dao to distract the gods.

And you can more clearly perceive the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

This is the benefit of practicing the soul to become a god.

It was as if his own majesty had been challenged, Lin Yuan had survived the Eightfold Heavenly Disaster, and the whole person was still light and cloudy.

The sky was covered with black clouds, and a thunder gate slowly appeared, as if it were the gate of the Heavenly Garden, from which we could see the Supreme Palace, humanoid lightning, as if the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General Nether wanted to kill Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan’s gaze froze, and he felt a sense of danger in his heart.

“Sizzle! What a heavenly calamity this is, how can there be such a heavenly calamity when breaking through the Golden Dan Realm, I have never seen it before! ”

Some elders couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This is the legendary Immortal Raid, the Heavenly Raid when the Immortal Realm crosses the Robbery and ascends, and the head of the courtyard already has the posture of becoming an immortal, so this robbery has evolved into a Immortal Raid!”

When a temple lord saw this scene, he couldn’t help but shrink his pupils and tell the secret.

Immortals, etc., are only recorded in rumored ancient books.

Although praising a genius will say that he is immortal, this is only a statement, not a guarantee.

And Lin Yuan, like this, has the appearance of immortals, if he can survive, it means that he has been recognized by heaven and earth, as long as he does not die and cultivates quietly, he will definitely become the existence of immortals.

Originally, everyone was already relieved about Lin Yuan’s robbery, but when this supreme divine disaster appeared, they couldn’t help but start to worry.

A humanoid lightning-like celestial general stepped out of the Heavenly Court and appeared next to Lin Yuan, with a spear in his hand that instantly pierced.

“Guardian of Hades!”

Between the electric light and flint, Lin Yuan roared, and a layer of elliptical supreme qi appeared around him, which was impermeable to the wind, protecting the whole person and staying there.


The lightning sky dropped this shot on the guardian of the god of the underworld, and a violent explosion occurred, like a thunderous explosion, and the aftermath spread.

Lin Yuan withdrew the Yuan God back into the Sea of Eyebrows, and with a palm of emptiness in his right hand, the Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Halberd appeared in his hand, transforming into a supreme god of war, and swept away towards the Lightning Heavenly General.


At the same time, a humanoid lightning bolt stepped out of the Heavenly Court Gate, and like a Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General, it came towards Lin Yuan.

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