Lin Yuan withdrew the Yuan God back into the Sea of Eyebrows, and with a palm of emptiness in his right hand, the Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Halberd appeared in his hand, transforming into a supreme god of war, and swept away towards the Lightning Heavenly General.


At the same time, a humanoid lightning bolt stepped out of the Heavenly Court Gate, and like a Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General, it came towards Lin Yuan.

A statue of a celestial soldier will come out, as if to slaughter the world.

“Three-headed, six-armed power!”

Lin Yuan’s expression did not change color, the Brahma Holy Demon Phase appeared, two huge heads appeared, and then four arms were extended, and the ferocity was extremely powerful.

The Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Halberd in his hand slashed out, and the divine splendor around him burst out, colliding with a celestial general.

Suddenly, a violent blast sounded.

One hit.

Just one blow.

A statue of heaven will be directly destroyed by Lin Yuan’s Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Blade.

After dying on this day, it directly turned into wild thunder and rushed towards Lin Yuan.

The thunder flickered, and in the most core of it, there was a drop of purple liquid, purple gas, emitting a sweet fragrance, very extraordinary.

“Hey, it’s thunder liquid!” It is rumored that only in the extremely rare heavenly calamity will the thunder robbery liquid be born. ”

“Only when you are reborn in destruction will you be able to produce the Celestial Liquid, which is one of the rarest Divine Liquids in the heavens and the earth.”

“The Heavenly Dao is ruthless, and the Heavenly Disaster is descending, but the blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and once the Heavenly Disaster is stronger than a certain point, there will be a great blessing and a Heavenly General.”

“I didn’t expect Lin Yuanshou to get the Thunder Robbery Liquid!”

When the crowd saw this scene, they couldn’t help but marvel and feel envious.

There are strong and weak thunder liquids, but no matter what, they are all hidden in it, which is extremely extraordinary.

Lin Yuan’s other four arms continued to wave, and the Wang Dao Killing Fist burst out with endless divine might, destroying everything in the Ancient Firmament.


The drop of thunder in the wild thunder fell into his hand.

“Good stuff.”

Lin Yuan saw the thunder liquid and couldn’t help but speak.

Seeing more heavenly treasures, he could see at a glance that the thunder robbery liquid was very extraordinary.

It was no worse than the Heaven and Earth Creation Divine Liquid he had once obtained.

Opening his mouth to swallow, in an instant, this drop of thunder liquid was directly swallowed by Lin Yuan, turning into pure energy and pouring into the particles.

Immediately, Lin Yuan looked at the humanoid thunderbolt, and his eyes bloomed.

These humanoid thunderbolts also had no fear, did not know whether they were dead or alive, and killed Lin Yuan.




At this time, Lin Yuan was a three-headed, six-armed god of war, holding the Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Sword, fighting heaven and earth, stepping through the Lingxiao, and destroying everything.

A humanoid lightning bolt was exploded by him, turning into a wild thunder rushing towards him, containing the thunder liquid.

The lightning of the Thunder Sea drowned everything.

Lin Yuan was like a flat boat in the Thunder Sea.

He was dancing all over his hair, the guardian of the underworld was constantly shattering, and traces appeared on the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding Ding.

“Sizzle! This day is too difficult, and no one can get through it at all. ”

The Chief of the Battle Hall, Jin Tianri, looked at this scene, his eyes showed a deep fear and couldn’t help but say.

He was also the Jin Dan Realm, and he also survived the Heavenly Disaster.

However, compared with Lin Yuan’s day-raid, it was simply a small witch.

Don’t say it’s him, even the elders are shocked and speechless.

They were already in the ancient well, and their hearts were simply moved.

After the last time Lin Yuan condensed the Essence Rune, which led to a thunderstorm, their view of Lin Yuan, the status had been raised by a ladder.

But now, hairstyles are no longer enough, not at all what they can measure.


A huge thunder light appeared, like a monstrous wave crashing over, hitting Lin Yuan’s back, and even the god of the underworld did not defend it, and there was a faint sound of broken bones.

In the face of this situation, Lin Yuan was still unafraid.

Constantly killing this humanoid lightning bolt, a drop of thunder robbery liquid was swallowed into his body.


Lin Yuan’s eyes were reflected in the sun and the moon, the sword appeared, and the eyes of the martial arts heaven were full of blazing battle intentions.

Incarnating as the Immortal God of War, no matter how traumatized he suffered and how terrible his enemies were, he would not give up.

The Heavenly Court of Destruction on the Heavenly Dome was getting darker and darker, but the humanoid thunder and lightning continued.

The Heavenly Soldier Heavenly Generals who appeared later were also more powerful.

There are also mounts and pets to fight, as if reflecting something.

Rumble! Rumble! Thundered!

I don’t know how long it took to kill, finally, the surrounding humanoid thunder raids had all been shattered and dissipated, and the thunder palace of the Heavenly Dome still had nothing to appear again.

Lin Yuan stood in the middle of the Thunder Ocean, his body scorched black, and his blood flowed, revealing Sensen’s white bones, which were extremely tragic.

This apocalypse is terrifying.

It’s unimaginable.

“Sizzle! Finally passed. ”

When the Heavenly Punishment Elder saw this scene, he let out a long breath.

This battle is simply frightening and terrifying.

“It’s too dangerous, even if it’s me, I’m afraid I’m going to die in this day.”

A newly promoted elder with only the tenth weight of Jin Dan spoke in a loud voice, and his heart palpitated.

Looking at Lin Yuan standing in the middle of Lei Yang, he couldn’t help but marvel in his heart.


The Heavenly Dome’s Palace Gate exploded, filled with endless thunder.

Inside the thunder there was a figure coming out, covered in platinum, and its eyebrows were marked with purple thunder and lightning, which was different from the platinum thunder in the body.

Armed with a three-pointed and two-edged knife, he was followed by a thunderous Heaven-Devouring God Dog.

“What’s going on! How can there be! ”

Seeing this scene, someone screamed loudly.

“This is the Ultimate Heavenly Disaster!!! It is rumored that on top of the Nine Nine Heavenly Disasters, there is also the Extreme Heavenly Disaster, that is, the Ten Heavenly Disasters! ”

“I didn’t expect the Ultimate Heavenly Disaster to really appear in the world.”

The lord of the temple opened his mouth, and he saw many questions and told the secret.

In his own heart, he couldn’t help but turn the river upside down.

“It is recorded in ancient texts that only the Supreme Demon of the Ultimate Heavenly Destruction can appear in the Divine Body!!! Even if it is a supreme demon, the success rate of crossing the robbery is not even eleven. ”

“The head of the hospital is now full of scars, and the oil lamp is running out, how can it survive this last disaster?”

At this moment, everyone couldn’t help but worry.

Even Li Chunqiu, the dean of the Mandate of Heaven Academy, did not know when it would appear.

Looking at Lin Yuan in the Heavenly Dome, he showed a worried color.

Even if his strength is heavenly, he is helpless now.

Because this kind of thing can only rely on oneself, others simply cannot intervene, otherwise it will only help and make the Heavenly Disaster riot break out with more powerful power.

“Erlang God!”

Lin Yuan looked at the god-like man who had stepped out of the endless thunder raid and couldn’t help but whisper in his mouth.

The image of the person who came out of this thunderstorm was exactly the same as the Erlang Manifestation True Emperor Yang Jian that he knew before he crossed.

Especially the Devouring God Dog next to him.

But now, Lin Yuan didn’t have time to think about it so much, because he felt a sense of danger, extreme danger from the Thunder God in front of him.

It was as if his own life was threatened.

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