The Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding was sacrificed, and then two Excalibur swords appeared.

This Biluo Huangquan Sword was still a Zhongpin Daoist Weapon, one level higher than Wang Ding.

Lin Yuan was not worried about this.

The qi of the Five Prisons spewed out, and the two Daoist instruments directly entered the Five Prisons Town Sin King.




The two Daoist instruments were constantly trembling, as if they were emitting a wailing sound after learning of their fate.

Under the control of Lin Yuan’s mind, the two Daoist instruments became calm and allowed to be devoured by the Five Prisons Town Sin King.

The Heavenly Devil in Wang Ding was frantically exerting his power, prompting the Five Prisons Town Sin Wang Ding.

The Tao and the Principle in the two Daoist instruments, the law lines are constantly intertwined.

The biggest difference between Daoist instruments and treasure tools is that there is a Tao and a reason intertwined, with its own Dao Law pattern.

The second is the natural treasure, the material.

The Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding burst out of the brilliant light, constantly absorbing the Dao Law patterns in the two Dao Instruments, and the Five Prisons Qi was colorful, constantly melting and refining the materials of the two Dao Instruments.

A little time passed, and the lines on the Five Prisons Town Sin King’s Ding began to change, and various Dao lights burst out, appearing mysterious and unpredictable.

This fusion required Lin Yuan’s full attention, and he had to control the three Dao Instruments throughout the process, otherwise, there would be problems.

I don’t know how long it has been, the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding is like Lin Yuan’s physical transformation, there are Dao Dao cracks on it, and countless essences are revealed.

The roar of the avenue sounded, the cracks on Wang Ding disappeared, the inside and outside lines had undergone great changes, the craftsmanship of heaven and earth, the sun, moon, and stars in the Ding had surfaced, and billions of gods and goddesses appeared.

The Five Prisons Town Sin Wang Ding was promoted to Zhongpin Daoji.

One step closer, you can be promoted to the top grade Dao.

Under this metamorphosis, the biggest change of the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding was the fusion of the Biluo Yellow Spring, Wuji Meaning.

Both Daoist artifacts are swords, and the meaning is similar.

Biluo Huangquan refers to all corners of the universe, and Wuji represents infinity, infinity and infinity.

Therefore, this time, in addition to the attack and defense, the qi of the five prisons, the refining instrument, and the alchemy effect of the Five Prisons Town were even higher than a ladder.

The space inside expanded a hundred times from its original size, almost turning into an inner world.

Originally, it could accommodate up to one million Heavenly Demons, but now it has expanded a hundred times, and theoretically it can directly accommodate one hundred million Heavenly Demons.

“If you really fill these five prison town sin kings with heavenly demons, then this Dao Instrument can exert its divine effect without limitation.”

“With the continuous promotion, will this Wang Dingzhong not only be limited to the use of demonic qi to urge, but even suppress the demon clan and the human race, and turn them into coolies!”

Lin Yuan looked at the new Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

The remaining magic weapon, he did not intend to continue to devour the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding.

Because every magic weapon has its effect.

Even Lin Yuan felt that he had missed two auxiliary magic weapons.

Now he has three heads and six arms, holding the Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Blade in both hands, and the other hand can hold the Great Sun God Bow, and he also has free arms.

As for the three Daoist instruments given by the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage, they mainly have special significance in them, and they are not easy to dispose of, and the only thing that can be handled is the Eight Wilds Town World Banner.

Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to deal with it, he had just read two works, he still had 110 billion lower spirit stones on him, and the academy also had 18 billion contribution points, which was completely enough.

“Well, there’s still time, read the book of the Infinity Sword Zun over there, and the mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small.”

After Lin Yuan finished cultivating, he planned to relax and unwind.

As for his relaxation, he naturally reads novels.

However, when he entered the library, he found that the borrowing had long passed.

“Sure enough, there is no age in cultivation.”

Lin Yuan looked at the time, there were only five days left this month.

Thinking about it, this time, he first read three books, then made a breakthrough in cultivation, transformed into a divine body, and was also a Daoist instrument synthesis, which naturally took a lot of time.


Taking out the borrowing card, Lin Yuan quickly used up the number of borrowings this month, otherwise, it would be wasted again.

Although he is quite rich now, in fact, if you calculate it, with five billion as an average, he can only read twenty-five novels.

A book floats directly out of the bookshelf, and the light is shining, blooming endlessly.

“The Absolute Dan God”

Introduction: Young Zhang Yang possesses the Supreme Fire Wood Heavenly Spirit Root, but he is injured in the womb and cannot practice.

In an unexpected circumstance, he obtained the Dan Dao lineage of the Medicine Lord, became a noble alchemist, and began the path of rise to Dan Dao.

Level: Boutique.

Word count: 5.2 million.

Status: Finished.

A fine work appeared.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yuan picked up the book and ran directly to the ancient tea tree of the Goku Dao to read.

After all, there are only five days left in this month.

This book is still the rise of waste wood, but the protagonist’s forced route is just a change of gimmick, the so-called Dan preaching, the feeling is crazy drug promotion.

And the main line in addition to pretending,

This made Lin Yuan a little happy, and the nature of his joy was not the content, but the various magic elixirs inside.

Three days go by in a flash.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reading the Peerless Dan God, and the reward has begun to be distributed!”

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Tai Void God Furnace】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Nine Nine Xuan Shen Dan】

“It’s a pity.”

Lin Yuan sighed slightly, this time he only got two items.

The time remaining was not enough for him to do a second reading.

“First digest these Nine Nine Xuan Shen Dan, refresh them next month, and then prepare to go to the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm after reading.”

Lin Yuan reached out and grabbed it, and a snow-white jade Xuan Dan appeared in his hand, which was the Nine Nine Xuan Shen Dan.

This Xuan Dan was very extraordinary, and had a miraculous effect on the divine soul.

Although Lin Yuan had already refined his soul into a god, reaching a point that only the Yuan God Fa could reach, it was still a short board compared to his physical body and mana.

Without much thought, Lin Yuan walked out of the Platinum Villain with his eyebrows and hugged this Nine-Nine Xuan Divine Dan.

The Platinum Villain was only the size of a fist, and this elixir was already quite big for it.

The breath of the elixir continued to flow into the body of the platinum villain, making his god grow and ascend.

At the same time, Lin Yuan’s body flesh and blood also began to flourish, which was the fit between the body and the Yuan God.

A mysterious and mysterious breath kept flowing, as if a divine fire was burning the platinum villain.

And the platinum villain was like a holy spirit, holding the Nine Nine Xuan Shen Dan that had shrunk, the law was not invaded, the evil did not dare to approach, and the appearance of the Shen Yun Dao pattern appeared on the surface of the body.

After a long time, the Nine-Nine Xuan Shen Dan was thoroughly digested by the Platinum Villain.

The appearance of the platinum villain also became more sacred, magnificent, majestic, vast, as if tainted with the breath of a trace of the mark of the gods, mysterious.


The platinum villain returned to Lin Yuan’s body, causing the shell to rumble.

At this moment, Lin Yuan almost cultivated the Yuanshen to his own limit, and the perfect flesh Yuanshen matched.

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