Lin Yuan’s heart was ethereal, and with the ascension of the Yuan God, the whole person would have a kind of mysterious and mysterious change.

Just like the mortal body and the royal body, the royal body and the Holy body, it is a kind of sublimation of life.

In ancient books, Lin Yuan had seen that when the Yuan God reached a certain point, his consciousness could stir up the heavens and the earth, open up the heavens and the earth, instantly comprehend the law, and measure the future of others.

The level that Lin Yuan had just involved in was the perfect fit between the Yuan God and the flesh.

In the Fa-phase realm, it is necessary to achieve the trinity of Jindan, Yuanshen and Flesh, so as to make the condensed Fa-phase more perfect.

After looking at the time, there are still three hours left, and the next month’s borrowing will be refreshed.

Immediately, Lin Yuan gave up the idea of devouring the Void God Furnace.

Because it’s too time-consuming.

The Tai Void God Furnace is a superb Daoist instrument, which is very powerful.

Its effect is even very similar to that of the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding, which also has the effect of suppressing itself and can calcin the flesh with fire.

He could even kill the enemy with the Divine Fire in the Furnace, which seemed to be much more powerful than the Five Hells Qi.

However, Lin Yuan still planned in his heart to devour the Tai Void Divine Furnace with the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding.

There are two reasons, one is that the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding should be more comprehensive and perfect in function.

Attack and defense are integrated, alchemy, alchemy, inner heaven and earth space are all there, and they can also use the heavenly demons as coolies.

The second reason was even simpler, that is, these Five Prison Town Sin Kings were the magic weapons that Lin Yuan first used, and after following him for so long, he did not intend to replace them easily.

What about poor quality, he has a magic weapon that can make him grow.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, realizing his current realm and combing through the mana in his body.

Now how strong he himself is, he can’t say for sure.

Because, Lin Yuan always had a hole card to hide clumsy, and did not really fully show his strength.

“I don’t know if I can defeat the Heavenly Punishment Elder now.”

Lin Yuan said to himself and guessed in his heart.

When he was still in the Divine Realm, the Heavenly Punishment Elder appeared, and a direct look made him have no strength to resist and struggle.

Now, in just a few months, he had already broken through from the Divine Realm to the Golden Dan Grand Consummation.

The Divine Elephant Town Prison Force has gone from the original second heaviest to the fourth heaviest.

Has the power to fight against the Yuanshen Law Realm Strong.

“At that time, the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm can try to see how the Heavenly Pride of this whole Xuanhuang Great World really is.”

Lin Yuan was a little curious in his heart, whether there was a true peerless heavenly pride in this Xuanhuang Great World, a supreme divine body, someone who could compete with him.

He knew that he was very strong, but he could not underestimate others, after all, the last time he met Ye Hao, although he lost to him, he also gave him a great surprise.

The other party was young, looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, but being able to hold out from his hands for so long was very extraordinary and terrible.

Moreover, the other party seemed to have mastered all the True Dragon Treasure Techniques.

It was a pity that he let the other party run away last time, otherwise, he would be able to complete his own mutilated True Dragon Treasure Technique.

For the True Dragon Treasure Technique, the stronger Lin Yuan’s strength was now, the more he could feel extraordinary.

“I don’t know if Xiao Bing’er will go to the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm.”

Lin Yuan suddenly thought of a woman in his heart.

Soon, three hours had arrived.


Lin Yuan did not hesitate to make the next borrowing.

A book appeared from the bookshelf and fell into Lin Yuan’s hands.

“Ancient Madness”

Introduction: The young man of the Great Wilderness, a man who walks out of the Great Wilderness, cultivates the strongest Fa, walks the invincible road, flies and tramples for whom he is crazy, I am the supreme mad god.

Level: Normal.

Word count: 44 crosses.

Status: Finished.

“Oh, when will I be able to come to this platinum?”

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but sigh.

After being a prostitute for so long, he has never refreshed a platinum work, and both platinum works are obtained through special rewards.

The only highest was the last great god work.

Picking up the book, Lin Yuan finished reading the book in one breath.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reading the ancient mad god, and the reward begins to be distributed!”

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Taikoo Mad Tips】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Great Aragami Bone】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Sky Thunder God Liquid】

Three things are obtained, one exercise, one special treasure bone, the same heaven and earth treasure.

Lin Yuan glanced at the three things, and without even receiving the Gong Fa, he directly left the system space.

Jade Jane in the storage ring has a faint fluorescence appear, which is a summons from someone.

Take out a look, it is Li Chunqiu’s information, let him go to the trial hall after he leaves the customs.

This was obviously a matter of the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm, and he was asked to lead the team forward.

Last time, Li Chunqiu and Lin Yuan said that after three months, the Tianyun Secret Realm was the approximate time, and now the three months have almost arrived.

And this kind of thing obviously has to pass in advance.

Lin Yuan changed into the head of the Heavenly Destiny Academy and went straight to the Trial Hall.

“The head of the courtyard is coming.”

When the Trial Elder saw Lin Yuan, he directly stepped forward to greet him.

“I don’t know when the journey to the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm will start?”

Lin Yuan opened his mouth and said so.

“Now that the time has come, this trip you have led three hundred students to go, and some of the students who have been practicing outside have gone alone.”

Elder Merit opened his mouth and said without hurrying.

With that, he took out a bell and shook it.

This is a summons message.

Before long, students came to the Hall of Trials one after another.

“I’ve seen the Trial Elders.”

“I’ve seen the chief master brother.”

These students are all wearing core school uniforms.

There is no doubt that those who can sign up for the Tianyun Secret Realm are at least Inner Courtyard students, and they are basically core students.

Such a secret event, basically most people go to it.

Lin Yuan saw a lot of familiar faces inside, and he nodded with a smile, and a feeling of the past was like smoke in his heart.

“Greetings to the Chief Master Brother!”

Soon, three hundred students lined up in unison, opened their mouths in unison, and their voices soared.

“Can people be there, can they be ready?”

Lin Yuan stood on the God King’s chariot, smashed through the void, and opened his mouth, his voice was extremely majestic.

“Back to Master Brother, you are ready!”

“So be it! Let’s go! ”

Lin Yuan stood with his hands in his hands and rose into the sky as a god.

To go to the Eastern Wilderness first through the teleportation array, otherwise, if you rush to the road, even if these students are all in the Divine Realm and have vast mana, I don’t know how many years it will take.

There was a formation in the Heavenly Destiny Academy, and three hundred students were arranged to enter the formation one by one.

Lin Yuan finally stepped into the formation.

Traveling to the Eastern Wilderness with the Formation and crossing hundreds of millions of miles is not just a blink of an eye, and it will take a certain amount of time.

However, in this process, there are also the elders of this Destiny Academy guarding the back, which is enough to ensure that there will be no problems in the process.

A day later, in the ancient city of Donghuang Dongtian, three hundred figures appeared in unison.

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