Tianyang Mountain.

The golden-winged roc bird was full of gold, like a great sun, pulling the chariot of the God King.

Lin Yuan stood on the God King’s chariot, standing with his hands in his hands, his body was majestic, and his posture was straight, like a sharp spear piercing the heavens, showing a unique sharpness.

The faint words not only stung Zhao Wushen’s heart.

At the same time, it also made thousands of people behind Zhao Wushen look ugly and glared.

These words do not take them seriously at all, as pigs and sheep to be slaughtered.

The students of the Mandate of Heaven Academy were excited and scared at this time.

The excitement lies in Lin Yuan’s strength, which is simply too strong, easily pressing Zhao Wushen.

This was the Prince of the Immortal Qin Temple, Zhao Wushen, the existence of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter level.

As for fear, it was completely Lin Yuan’s behavior that was too domineering and too easy to be beaten.

The reason why Lin Yuan opened his mouth like this and pulled hatred was naturally his own reason.

He wants to make a big wave, directly make a big profit, and earn a lot of resources.

If you only show your strong strength, scare many people away, and leave by taking the jade card, it will be a loss.

What he wanted was to hold the hatred to death, wait for the entire Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm to gather and come together, reveal the treasures of the East and West, and then make a fortune with the five-colored divine light.

To make a name for the Destiny Academy and to play a mighty role is one thing.

But really, it’s about getting the resources yourself.

“Black Dragon Real Body!”

Zhao Wushen’s hands were sealed, and he clicked a few times on his chest, the dragon roared, the fierce wind suddenly rose, the void exploded one after another, and a half-human, half-dragon Fa Xiang appeared behind him.

He did not break through the Fa Phase, but just like the Burning Heaven Holy Demon Phase, he condensed the magic power of the Fa Phase in advance.

At the same time, a purple qi overflowed in Zhao Wushen’s body, setting him off with great dignity, like the emperor and king of the world.

Dragon Man Fa Xiang spewed out a mouthful of black mist, enveloping Zhao Wushen and causing a surprising change in his appearance.

On the surface of the body, black fish scales appeared, which were dragon scales, dark light Sensen, full of metal.

At this time, Zhao Wushen’s body was covered with black scales, his five fingers turned into dragon claws, and the purple qi around him was swirling, making the original noble qi and the king’s qi more reckless.

“Sizzle! Black Dragon True Body, Zhao Wushen was actually able to manifest the Black Dragon’s true body, wasn’t it necessary to cultivate the Black Dragon’s true body to the sixth level before it could be cast? ”

“If Zhao Wushen is like an ordinary person, then how can it be called Tianjiao, and Tianjiao is just what ordinary people can’t do.”

“Terror, horror, I don’t know if Lin Yuan can block this Zhao Wushen who manifested the true body of the Black Dragon.”

The crowd was obviously shocked to see Zhao Wushen’s change.

“The real body of the Black Dragon?”

Lin Yuan looked at this scene and immediately saw that this practice was magical.

The Burning Heaven Saint Demon he cultivated was very similar, similar to casting the Burning Heaven Transformation to allow his strength to explode in a short time.

“Today, you will undoubtedly die, but if you can die under the black dragon of this prince, you can also die without regrets!” I will blow you up with the strength of my flesh!” ”

After Zhao Wushen cast the Black Dragon True Body, his body was covered with black dragon scales, giving people a very fierce feeling, and there was less of a king’s qi and more of a wild nature between his eyes and eyebrows.

When the words fell, his figure swept up, leaving a remnant in the same place, and his flesh tore through the air, setting off a wave of air and rushing towards Lin Yuan.

The God King’s chariot bloomed with endless divine light, a statue of a god appeared, and Lin Yuan, who was standing in the chariot, was like the Supreme God King, and the chariot crushed the void and crashed directly into Zhao Wushen, as if to crush him into powder.

This scene made Zhao Wushen even more angry, and he punched out, and a black dragon-shaped qi appeared on the fist arm covered with dragon scales, and it was torn towards Lin Yuan.

The endless divine light of the God King’s chariot collided with the dragon-shaped qi and constantly grinded away, while Lin Yuan threw out a punch, directly colliding with Zhao Wushen’s fist, and a roaring sound broke out.


With a loud noise, Zhao Wushen was once again suppressed by death, like a kite that had taken off its line, and flew out again.

But this time, he stabilized in front of him.

“That’s it?”

Lin Yuan looked at Zhao Wushen and said so.

He was slightly surprised in his heart, after the other party cast the Black Dragon True Body, it had greatly improved, the strength had been increased by at least four or five times, and it was also a dragon-shaped energy.

If they do not have the absolute crushing power, ordinary people may directly overturn in the face of this blow.

“How is this possible, how can your power be so strong?” What a Eucharist you are! ”

Zhao Wushen stabilized his body, his eyes widened, and he stared at Lin Yuan deadly, making an unbelievable sound.

He possessed the Nine Emperors Sacred Body and had the King’s Qi Protective Body, so since he was a child, he had cultivated his flesh with various heavenly and earth treasures, and he was also cultivating the Supreme Cultivation Technique, the Black Dragon True Body.

Among his peers, there are few people who can compare with him in the flesh and suppress him.

But now, above his flesh, he was suppressed by Lin Yuan’s death, and he was suppressed in all aspects, and he had no power to fight back at all.

How could this make him accept.

“Physique? There is no strongest physique, only the strongest person. ”

Lin Yuan said calmly, these words are very plain, but with endless domineering, there is the potential to swallow mountains and rivers.

“There is no strongest physique, only the strongest person!”

All who heard these words were startled and repeated these words to themselves.

That’s too overbearing.

It contains this confidence, invincible self-confidence.

Lin Yuan told Zhao Wushen, I am stronger than you, and it has nothing to do with physique.

Everyone looked at Lin Yuan’s mighty back and sighed, this is the invincible heart, the invincible road.

Only many students of the Mandate of Heaven Academy knew that Lin Yuan had a Holy Body, and they always felt that this was a little strange.

However, Lin Yuan looked at the shocked look of these people and couldn’t help but chuckle.

As a person who has experienced everything from mortal bodies to spiritual bodies, royal bodies, holy bodies, and divine bodies, he has personally experienced the gap between physical bodies and the benefits.

At the same level, the royal body faces the gap between the Holy Body, there is a gap, and if you want to cross it, you must pay ten times, a hundred times the price.

And the words of the royal body and the divine body, this is a heavenly barrier, ordinary people want to cross, it is impossible.

The reality is that.

But now, he speaks this kind of words with supreme resources, and naturally there is no problem.

“Ahem! There is no strongest physique, only the strongest person! Shameless and dare to claim to be the strongest! Then I’ll show you what a powerful physique is! ”

Zhao Wushen’s hair was dancing wildly, his body was full of purple qi, there were stars evolving behind him, and a statue of a figure appeared.

The Nine Emperors Holy Body, as the name suggests, has nine emperors plus the body, with ten times the combat strength.

Once Dacheng, he can transform into nine emperors, which is equivalent to ten people shooting together, which is terrifying.

However, now that Zhao Wushen’s Nine Emperors Sacred Body had just been formed, it could not reach that point, but it was also very terrifying.

The appearance of the nine emperors, who could not see their faces, seemed to stand in the long river of time and space, between reality and illusion.

At this moment, Lin Yuan saw a little dangerous aura from Zhao Wushen’s body, allowing him to look at it formally.

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