Behind Zhao Wushen, nine steps appeared, and above each one stood a supreme emperor.

This is copied from heaven and earth and inscribed in the body of the Eucharist.

After the Nine Emperors appeared, Zhao Wushen’s surrounding aura pervaded to the extreme, causing the void to constantly twist and shatter.

Lin Yuan chose to take the initiative to attack, and the True Dragon Treasure Technique induced the dragon hand to strike, and a real dragon with the dragon groan sounded.


The true dragon roared, like a pillar of heaven, and rushed straight down at Zhao Wushen, turning into a golden light that tore everything apart, making people almost suffocate.

“It’s ridiculous to dare to call yourself the strongest person in this way!” But you can force me to this point, it is enough to be proud, if you kneel down and admit your mistake now, I can still give you a chance. ”

Zhao Wushen’s voice sounded, his momentum was extremely exuberant, and the nine emperors behind him loomed and mysterious.

A black dragon soared from his vertebrae, like a black cloud covering the sky, crushing the dragon pillar in the sky.

Immediately after that, he appeared in front of Lin Yuan, the black dragon scales of his body flashing with black light, extremely fast, several times the original, which was very terrifying.

“It seems that your brain is no longer bright with this transformation.” Who gives you confidence. ”

Lin Yuan had no fear, a dragon fist burst out, and at the same time cast the Nine Secrets, all of which were word secrets, ten times the bonus.

In an instant, a divine and majestic true dragon appeared, took off, and suppressed all over the world.

The golden light was dazzling, scattering the black dragon that covered the sky, just like the dark clouds scattered by the great sun.

“You keep provoking me, just looking for death!”

Zhao Wushen’s scaly face looked fierce, and he threw a powerful punch at Lin Yuan, at the same time, the Nine Emperors behind him also made the same move.

“If your means are only like this, then kneel.”

Lin Yuan drank coldly, the giant elephant particles in his body roared, and the sound of a dignified head appeared, and at the same time, there were constantly visions of mountains, seas, heavens, earth, sun, moon, emperors, and heavenly powers behind him.

The Killing Fist of the King’s Dao, the seventy-two supreme thoughts appeared in unison, and under the blessing of the Secret of the Word, they transformed into a godless king, and the invincible qi machine of the whole world filled the heavens.

Even the nine emperors behind Zhao Wushen, facing this emperor of Lin Yuan, would kneel and crawl to the ground under this breath of the world, under this invincible power that was proud of the heavens.

In the Divine Realm, Lin Yuan cast the King’s Dao Killing Fist, which was able to burst out four times the lethality.

Now, after transforming into a Golden Dan in the Divine Rune, and having a deeper understanding of the King’s Dao Killing Fist, doubling on this basis can explode five times the lethality.

Even immortals could not reach this point.

Moreover, Lin Yuan’s punch also had the effect of being secretive, the same ten times the combat strength.

Murderous intent runs through the ages.


Lin Yuan’s fist exploded, the heavens and the earth emitted a piercing light, the fist shadow appeared in the sky, swept everything, the void shattered, making the surrounding mountains stone into powder, all around, everyone saw a godless king.

“Back off!!! Stay away, the aftermath is terrifying! ”

“How is it possible, what is this strength exactly, Jin Danjing?” How can it be! ”

“Demons, demons, this is simply the suppression of the characters of an era.”

“Only the strongest people, not the strongest physique!” I realized!!! ”

In the face of Lin Yuan’s punch, everyone in the field resisted with mana and fled quickly, afraid of being affected.

At this moment, they can feel the horror, the great horror between life and death.

When Zhao Wushen saw this punch, his bones creaked and creaked, and a tremor appeared in the depths of his soul, making him want to kneel down and wait for death.

“It is impossible, I am a born king, destined to rise in this era and become an immortal ancestor!”

Zhao Wushen gritted his teeth and straightened his spine, the nine emperors behind him continued to condense, and a huge species engraved with dragon patterns appeared, immovable as a mountain, immortal and immortal.

The purple qi of the two dragon arms was entangled, and thousands of black dragon qi appeared and quickly burst out towards Lin Yuan.

The two attacked and collided, just as two ancient volcanoes erupted at the same time, shaking the heavens, and the heavens and the earth were annihilated and shattered.

The King’s Dao Killing Fist is like a grinding disc of annihilation, slowly pushing to destroy the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and everything in the world.

Any struggle or attack of Zhao Wushen was like nothing in the face of this great mill of annihilation.

“Poof! Impossible, impossible, I can’t lose! ”

Zhao Wushen spat out a mouthful of purple-gold blood, roared wildly in his mouth, and exerted all his killing moves while sacrificing the magic weapon.

But in the face of this blow, everything was useless, and as soon as his magic weapon appeared, a five-colored divine light appeared, making Zhao Wushen only watch as his magic weapon lost control and then left.

This made him vomit blood.


A loud noise appeared, as if the sun and moon had no light, the mountains and rivers were broken, and everything turned into nothingness.

Everyone in the entire Tianyun Secret Realm looked at Tianyang Mountain, and at the exit, the expression on their faces was the same, full of shock and disbelief.

For a long time, the aftermath subsided.

The entire Tianyang Mountain was directly razed to the ground, and the residual Yu Wei made the students of the Tianyang Mountain Heavenly Destiny Academy can’t help but swallow their spit, and a wave of fear from the depths of their hearts was born.

They knew that Lin Yuan was very strong, but this was simply strong terror and strong excessive.

Looking into Lin Yuan’s eyes, he was even more in awe.

Centered on Zhao Wushen’s place, the ground had turned into a large pit at this time.

Lin Yuan’s eyesight was amazing, he could see that in the big pit lay a person with only half of his body, and the other half of his body was all white bones, sticking to a little flesh and blood, which was simply miserable.

This kind of appearance, no one can be associated with the previous king-like Zhao Wushen.

“This vitality is really tenacious.”

Lin Yuan opened the Martial Heavenly Eye, and his eyes appeared with infinite runes, looking at Zhao Wushen’s flesh shell.

With a blow just now, he didn’t have anything to keep his hand on.

I didn’t expect the other party to actually carry it over, and there was really something, that black dragon real body plus the Nine Emperors Holy Body, it was indeed extraordinary.

However, if Zhao Wushen wanted to restore this situation, even if there were rare heavenly treasures, he would have to paint them for a long time.

Lin Yuan raised his hand and grabbed it, and then directly grabbed the storage ring on Zhao Wushen’s finger and put it in his pocket.

“What to do, do you just leave like this?”

“Otherwise, what do you want to do, it’s just too terrifying, and he just wanted to kill him, it’s just unscrupulous.”

“Zhao Wushen is afraid that he is more fierce and less lucky.”

“This Lin Yuan is so terrible, he is so guarded at the exit, there is nothing he can do except abstain from leaving.”

The thousands of people in the distance whispered, their faces changed from dark to cloudy, obviously very entangled.

At this time, because of the movement here, many figures quickly dared to come.

“Hey, Taishang Holy Son, Taishang True Dragon!”

“And the Purple House Saint Daughter Qi Zixiao!”

“Yin and Yang Holy Land Holy Son, Wang Daoyi!” Away from Tianzong, away from Jiang! A thousand machine doors, a thousand machines…”

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