At the peak of the Fa Xiang Realm, Lin Yuan had not yet seriously confronted such a master.

Moreover, the sense of oppression given by the black-robed man was really too strong, so Lin Yuan directly used the Wang Dao Killing Fist.

As the 68,700 colossal particles in his body trembled, Lin Yuan rushed towards the black-robed man with a huge amount of energy in his fist.

Although it was only one punch, the black-robed man also understood that Lin Yuan’s strength did not belong to the Jin Dan Realm.

However, the master of his own grand law realm perfection will not back down.


As the two fists collided, Lin Yuan quickly flew to the rear and then landed heavily on the ground.

Because the black-robed man also used a punch with full strength, Lin Yuan could not stop it, so he would fly into the distance.

“I thought it was so strong, but I was afraid of it, I couldn’t even stop it with one punch.”

The black-robed man looked arrogantly at Lin Yuan, who was slowly getting up, and said.

And Lin Yuan was also shocked in his heart, after all, the strength of the black-robed man was indeed very strong, and the other party was obviously a dead hand.

If the punch just now hit the ordinary Jin Danjing’s body, it would definitely die directly.

After understanding that the other party really wanted to take his own life, Lin Yuan decided to use all his strength to let the black-robed man stay here.

“Can you still fight?” The head of the forest courtyard,” said the black-robed man.

Lin Yuan looked at him and quickly considered countermeasures, after all, the Fa Xiang Realm Consummation was indeed too powerful.

“Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding”

The big ding above Lin Yuan’s head exploded with powerful mana, and then Lin Yuan also rushed towards the black-robed man.

“King’s Road Killing Fist” “All Words Secret”

Compared with the power of the King’s Dao Killing Fist ten times, it is more lethal.

Lin Yuan’s goal now was to quickly resolve the battle, after all, the longer it dragged on, the greater the chance of his defeat.

After all, the Fa Phase was complete, and Lin Yuan didn’t know what the other party’s magic weapon was, so he could only solve the opponent in an instant.

However, the black-robed man looked at Lin Yuan, who was rushing towards him, and smiled slightly.

“Heavenly Fist”

The two fists collided again, but this time because both sides exerted their full strength, the surrounding environment was also destroyed by both sides.

I saw that the mountains around the two were trembling violently, and then they were turned into powder.

The two were also beaten into the distance because of the aftermath.

This time, not only Lin Yuan, but even the black-robed man fell to the ground and groaned.

The black-robed man had never imagined that Lin Yuan’s punch would be so powerful, and he also began to rejoice, fortunately he used the Heavenly Dao Fist, otherwise he knew that he would definitely kill Lin Yuan.

And Lin Yuan was also lying on the ground, breathing violently, he thought that he could directly kill his opponent by virtue of the secret of all words, but he did not expect to just hit the black-robed man.

At this moment, Lin Yuan began to think wildly, because he had to think of a way to get out.

After all, the other party’s strength is really too strong.

“What the hell to do, is it really necessary to show all the hole cards?”

“If you can’t get out with all your strength, then you will account for this”

While Lin Yuan was thinking, the black-robed man slowly stood up.

“You guy, it seems that you really have a lot of hole cards.”

“Sure enough, if you don’t stay here, you will become a big hidden danger later”

The black-robed man stood up and summoned his own Daoist weapon, which was a pure black sword.

And the mana emitted by this long sword can be described as incomparably powerful.

Lin Yuan was far away from the black-robed man, but he still clearly felt the pressure emitted by the long sword.

He looked at the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding above his head, and he felt that summoning the Great Ding was the right choice, because the punch of the black-robed man just now was also absorbing part of the power.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan alone would be difficult to stand up without injury.

“Shura Mask”

The black-robed man looked at the mask that appeared out of thin air on Lin Yuan’s face, and he understood that this was Lin Yuan’s magic weapon.

Because the mana on Lin Yuan’s body became manic in an instant.

“How many hole cards do you have, and how many surprises do you want to give me,” the black-robed man thought.

Because Lin Yuan had not revealed these things in the previous battles, but now that these magic weapons were used, it showed that Lin Yuan was also hiding his strength.

“Ten Thousand Swords”

Lin Yuan decided to solve the black-robed man in this battle.

Because Lin Yuan felt that the more time he consumed, the less chance he would win.

The black-robed man looked at the picture behind Lin Yuan, his face full of seriousness.

Because he found that the mana inside this map was extremely terrifying.

As he grasped his sword and prepared to attack, he found that a sword qi in the picture was flying towards him.

The black-robed man also quickly blocked, but the sword qi has been flowing continuously. 、

And the number is also growing wildly.

Seeing this scene, the black-robed man was also shocked, because the amount of sword qi was too much.

And Lin Yuan also saw the timing and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Then he appeared behind the black-robed man, and Lin Yuan, who had been thinking of sneaking in, found that the black-robed man actually looked at himself to block the flying sword qi.

“Oh, it is worthy of being a master of the perfection of the Fa Realm,” Lin Yuan said.

The range of perception of the consummation of the Fa Xiang Realm could be described as enormous, so when Lin Yuan disappeared into the same place, he had already been discovered by the black-robed man.

Lin Yuan looked at the black-robed man who had been blocking, and then released ten thousand sword qi.

And the giant elephant particles in his body were also trembling wildly.

Because Lin Yuan decided to use his own killing skills at this moment,

The Shuluo Mask also increased Lin Yuan’s own strength by ten times.

“All words are secret”

With the launch of the Secret of the Word, Lin Yuan’s current strength can be said to have reached the highest point.

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

As Lin Yuan unleashed his Wang Dao Killing Fist, the sword qi used by Wan Jiantu also rushed towards the black-robed man at the same time.

The man in the black robe also understood that he could not hide, and he also understood that his current self was likely to die.

But he decided to take Lin Yuan with him before he died.

“Heavenly Sword Chong”

The black-robed man rushed directly towards Lin Yuan.


A huge explosion sounded as the two touched each other.

Then the space was shaking violently, and the ground was randomly cracked.

The clouds in the sky also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After a fierce explosion-like confrontation, the terrifying body of the black-robed man on the ground lay firmly on the ground.

Not far away, Lin Yuan was also lying on the ground dying.

“Damn guy, almost confessed here”

After saying that, Lin Yuan fainted.

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