“Why don’t you tell me who snatched away our forest leader?”

Li Chunqiu said before the Heavenly Mandate Holy Emperor.

However, the Holy Emperor also did not understand who it was, after all, this kind of master who appeared out of thin air was difficult to find the location.

Moreover, the organizers of the Tianyun Secret Realm also told him that this person did not belong to their forces.

The sudden change made everyone in the Destiny Pilgrimage very sad.

Because according to the captain of the belt, the other party was at least the perfect state of the Fa, so he didn’t know whether Lin Yuan was dead or alive.

“Send everyone out to find Lin Yuanshou, Champion Hou, if you can’t find him, don’t come back!” The Holy Emperor commanded, .

Li Chunqiu also quickly returned to the Heavenly Destiny Academy, because he wanted some disciples and elders to go out with them to find the head of the Lin Academy.

After all, for the first time in such a long time, they didn’t want to lose him, and Lin Yuan’s strength was very important to them.

Hence the large-scale search for the head of the forest and thus began.


Lin Yuan, who was lying on the ground to heal his wounds, would not have thought that because of his disappearance, the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage and the Academy would send out a team of big girlfriends.

Now he is still treating his previous injuries.

After all, he himself did not understand where he was, and whether there were any masters here, and whether the black-robed man had accomplices.

These were unknowns, so he was in a frenzied state of the data for his own injuries.

And he now has another purpose, that is, to improve his strength. 、

Because when he was successfully fighting with the Fa Xiang Realm, he found that he could barely fight, how could this strength fight against Lin Xuanji.

Therefore, he was ready to look for a place to improve his strength directly after the healing was over.

“This month’s book should be updated, hopefully to give something useful”

“If I don’t improve my strength, I’m going to be killed by these people, and I still have a goal.”

With this thought, he continued to seriously begin to heal.

Three days later, Lin Yuan looked at his healed body and mana, and he decided to shift his position.

After all, he had been staying here all along, and it was easy to be discovered by the companions of the black-robed man.

Lin Yuan needed a quiet place to read and improve his strength.

He couldn’t be disturbed now, because he was afraid that there would be masters nearby.

“Who is attacking me, and if I can’t find this person’s identity, then how can I guard against it in the future?”

Lin Yuan thought about these questions and embarked on a journey to find the cave, after all, it was safest to arrange the formation at the cave gate and then cultivate.


“What the hell is going on! Why hadn’t Lin Xun come back yet, and had he killed that beast? ”

The Second Lady said angrily to her subordinates in the Wuhou Mansion.

However, no one dared to speak up, because they didn’t know why Lin Xun hadn’t returned.

Logically, a master of his perfect Fa Realm could kill Lin Yuan’s existence in a second, but now not only Lin Yuan had no news, but even Lin Xun had no movement.

“Greetings to the Second Lady! I heard that Lin Yuan was kidnapped on the way back and has not returned until now.”

“Not only did the Heavenly Destiny Academy dispatch students to search for it, but even the Holy Emperor sent soldiers to find Lin Yuan’s whereabouts.”

Hearing this news, the Second Lady smiled, because at least it showed that Lin Yuan had disappeared.

And on the way back, then others will not suspect their heads.

There is no news so far, so it can only explain one situation, that is, Lin Yuan is dead.

“Hahaha, good you Lin Yuan, let you be so arrogant!”

The second lady walked happily to the master bedroom, and even did not care about Lin Xun’s life and death.

And when Lin Jun heard this news, he was also very happy.

It turned out that it was his uncle who came forward to help him.

Then no matter how powerful Lin Yuan was, he couldn’t beat his uncle who was perfect in the Fa Xiang Realm.

“Finally you can sleep well, good you Lin Yuan, your position will be mine in the future”


“It seems that this place can be cultivated, there are no creatures nearby, and it is also very hidden”

Lin Yuan looked at the cave and said.

In order to find the cave, he finally found a cave in the nearby forest, and this cave is surrounded by trees.

Therefore, it was the best place for him to cultivate.

Lin Yuan walked towards the cave, and after setting up the formation at the entrance, he went to the depths of the cave and sat down.

Then I entered the system space to read this month’s books.

“I hope to give a platinum ah”

Lin Yuan was now in dire need of a platinum-level book.

Because only in this way can you improve your realm faster.

Lin Yuan looked at the borrowing opportunity that he had refreshed, and he borrowed it with great anticipation.


Lin Yuan held the card, and the red light in the card shot directly into the bookshelf.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a book on loan with a platinum level”

Platinum! Lin Yuan’s face was full of excitement, because the chance of borrowing to get a platinum-level book was too small.

“I can finally improve my realm”

Lin Yuan walked to the bookshelf with such thoughts, ready to see what books he had gotten into.

“Noisy Days”

Introduction: A wastewood cultivator, because of an accident to obtain the True Transmission of the Supreme Strong, then embarked on the road to implement justice, but the road is long, and the number of people who stopped him is innumerable.

Level: Platinum.

Word count: 3.6 million.

Status: Finished.

“It’s kind of interesting, let’s see what rewards we get.”

Lin Yuan thought about it and turned the first page, and then read it.

The more Lin Yuan read it, the more fascinated he became, because this book mainly tells a story about what justice is and revolves around it.

And the fight scene is very exciting, and the plot is also wonderful.

Therefore, Lin Yuan did not stop reading directly.

Finally, he slowly looked up and finished reading this novel about what justice was.

“I didn’t expect this book to be written so strongly, worthy of platinum level.”

“Let’s see what we can get, and hopefully give it something useful.”

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reading the day, now start handing out rewards”

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for getting a drop of imperial blood”

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