“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for getting a drop of imperial blood”

Looking at the reward obtained, Lin Yuan suddenly smiled and blossomed, although there was only one reward, but a drop of imperial blood, but it was something that could really enhance his strength.

Lin Yuan still remembered that the protagonist of this book defeated the strongest existence through this drop of imperial blood.

“Wow! It really didn’t take any effort at all, just need such a thing”

Lin Yuan thought about reading again, and he hoped that this time he would also get something useful.

“Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for reading the day, now start handing out rewards”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine-Colored Elixir”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Supreme Bone”

Seeing this time and two more rewards, Lin Yuan excitedly called out directly.

Because it is the greatest luck to be able to win two awards in the platinum works. 、

And the two times added up to a total of three rewards, and now Lin Yuan only wanted to improve his strength.

And now that the system is helping itself, how can you dare to be sloppy.

Therefore, Lin Yuan withdrew directly from the system space, and then prepared to cultivate to digest the rewards obtained by the system.

Lin Yuan slowly ate the Nine Colored Immortal Elixir, and then he felt that his body was hot, and the colossal particles in his body were trembling wildly.

Then new Colossus particles awakened.

A thousand, two thousand, three thousand…

Looking at his awakened Colossus particles, Lin Yuan’s whole body was trembling, and he obviously felt that his body had signs before a breakthrough.

Thinking about these Lin Yuan’s decision to use the Supreme Bone, the speed of the Colossal Particles in his body awakened faster and faster.

And he clearly felt that his Eucharist Dao fetus was merging.


With a miserable cry, Lin Yuan’s whole body was opened.

“It’s almost the last step,”

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan used the last reward obtained from the Platinum Book, a drop of Emperor Blood.

Then his body turned red and he began to wash the marrow and cut the bones.

Lin Yuan obviously felt that the mana in his body was becoming more pure, and his strength was also increasing rapidly.

And the colossal particles in the body were also in the hundred thousands, stopping.

As Lin Yuan wondered, his body began to quickly turn completely black.

Subsequently, all the pores of the body were removing stains from Lin Yuan’s body.

Looking at the black liquid flowing out, Lin Yuan felt sick to his stomach, because he himself did not expect that there would be so many stains in his body.

And a drop of imperial blood swept away his body. ,

After his body had eliminated the black liquid, his body began to ache again.

Moreover, he could feel that the mana in his body was expanding violently, and Lin Yuan felt that his body could not withstand such a huge amount of mana.


With the sound of an explosion, the mana in his body exploded violently.

After the explosion ended, Lin Yuan found that his body had become very light, and he could clearly feel that the mana in his body had become even thicker.


When Lin Yuan was just about to get up, he found that the giant image particles in his body were still rapidly awakening.

150,000, 200,000, 250,000 ,……

Finally, when the 310,000 colossal particles of the whole body were awakened, the awakening stopped.

And Lin Yuan found that his body had also reached the fourth major consummation.

He was surprised to find that his bones had turned into supreme bones, and the blood was the blood of the Holy Spirit.

And his supremacy and his madness even more.

Lin Yuan could clearly feel how terrifying the energy contained in his Supreme Dao Sutra was.

“Didn’t expect the Platinum Book Reward to be so horrible”

And Lin Yuan also understood that he had now reached the Fa Realm.

However, because he was inside the cave, he did not see the vision above his head, but Li Chunqiu, who was far away in the sky, saw it clearly.

“Such a powerful vision, who else but the head of the forest can do it?”

“Seeing that Lin Yuanshou is not dead, although it is impossible to find his location, but since he is not dead, then you can be at ease.”

“I just didn’t expect that the head of the Lin Yuan had actually broken through to the Fa Xiang Realm, then you are already the strongest, the head of the Lin Yuan.”

After Li Chunqiu finished talking to himself, he turned his head and walked towards the academy, because he had to go back and talk to the elders, and there was no need to look for Lin Yuan anymore.

But he didn’t want to tell the Holy Emperor, because this kind of vision was also Li Chunqiu’s speculation, whether it was true or not, who knows.

Therefore, he decided to just talk to the elders in his academy, and if this was not Lin Yuan’s vision of a breakthrough, then it could only show that he was wrong.

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan was feeling how powerful his whole body was.

Then he found that his strength was extremely terrifying.

Now he felt that after he confronted Lin Xuanji, he also had the ability to save his own life.

However, these were all conclusions reached in Lin Yuan’s conceited thoughts.

If according to the formal situation, although Lin Yuan could not kill Lin Xuanji now, it was still possible to seriously injure Lin Xuanji.

After all, his supreme bone, the blood of the Holy Spirit flowing, and his hair was three thousand magic hairs, and now even his hair could become an attack method.

It’s just that he himself can’t even imagine how powerful mana and strength he has now.

Therefore, he felt that he could escape from Lin Xuanji’s hands.

However, if he really had to fight hard, Lin Xuanji wouldn’t be much better.

Seeing that his strength had improved, Lin Yuan decided to return to Beijing.

After all, I still have to find out who is framing me.

And there are only a few months left before his mother’s death day.

Therefore, he had to go back to Beijing and then take out his mother’s spirit card, only then would he be relieved.

After all, as a champion now, his mother’s spirit card must also be respected.

Then he walked to the exit of the cave.

However, the moment he opened the formation and walked outside, a bolt of lightning struck him straight in the air.


Thinking like this, Lin Yuan directly resisted the lightning robbery.

Then two, three, four…

When the last lightning bolt fell, Lin Yuan only moved slightly, but he was still unharmed.

If anyone saw such a strong force, they would be shocked.

Not only did it resist the lightning strikes, but it was also unscathed.

Comparisons are odious. ,

However, this thunderstorm also surprised Lin Yuan.

“Heavenly Magic Gate: Heaven and Earth Oven, Kind of Interesting”

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