“Dean! Dean! The first of the forest is back! ”

Li Chunqiu, who was currently cultivating, was suddenly called up by the disciple’s call, and he was suddenly surprised in his heart. ,

Because Lin Yuan was fine, it meant that the vision that appeared before was very likely to be because of Lin Yuan.

Thinking of this, Li Chunqiu went to the palace, because Lin Yuan was called by the Holy Emperor when he returned.

“Pray to the Holy Emperor, I have returned safely and let you worry”

Lin Yuan looked at the Holy Emperor and said, because on his way back he met the officers and soldiers who had come out to look for him. ,

Seeing that the Holy Emperor was so looking for and worried about himself, Lin Yuan himself still had a place in the Holy Emperor’s heart, so the first thing he came back to find the Holy Emperor was.

“Just come back safely, well, go find Li Chunqiu, he should also be worried about you.”

The Holy Emperor smiled and said that he was still quite happy in his heart.

After all, Lin Yuan had helped himself do so many things, and if he suddenly disappeared, he would definitely be disappointed.

And the whole city looked at Lin Yuan’s safe return, and their faces were full of shock.

Because they also heard that the head of the Lin Yuan had been robbed, they also thought that Lin Yuan was dead.

Therefore, when they saw Lin Yuan return safely, the whole city residents were still quite surprised.

And the most surprising person was the Second Lady of Wuhou Fu.

“What’s going on! How Lin Yuan came back! Lin Xun! ”

The Second Lady looked at the Wuhou Mansion with anger on her face.

However, no one dared to come out and speak, because they understood that the second lady was angry.

If they say the wrong thing, they know that their fate will be miserable.

The whole audience was quiet, looking at these people, the second lady rose a wave of uneasiness in her heart.

After all, he had found Lin Jun’s uncle to hunt him down, and if he was exposed, he was very dangerous. ,

But after a wave of worry, he still wanted to open it, because he knew that Lin Xuanji would definitely protect himself.

Moreover, staying in Wuhou Mansion himself, how dare Lin Yuan come to find himself.

So he commanded everyone not to spread the news that he had sent people to hunt him down.

Then she walked in the direction of Lin Jun, because she knew that Lin Jun must be very angry now. 、

After all, a Fa Xiang Realm consummation could not kill Lin Yuan, so he should look for other ways.

However, what she didn’t know was that Lin Yuan was already in the perfect state of the Fa, and if she knew, she would definitely be angry.

“Coming back?” Li Chunqiu said softly with a full face.

Moreover, Li Chunqiu found that Lin Yuan had actually reached the consummation of the Fa Realm, so the previous vision must have been created by Lin Yuan.

Thinking of these Li Chunqiu was full of smiles, because it was really right for him to choose Lin Yuan as the head of the hospital.

He could kill the Fa Xiang Realm Perfection Master in the Jindan Realm.

Now that the Fa Phase Realm is complete, then it is not possible to kill Lin Xuanji.

Thinking of these Li Chunqiu, he led Lin Yuan to the Mandate of Heaven Academy.

The students of the Destiny Academy saw that their forest head had returned, and everyone came out to greet them.

“Welcome back to the head of the forest!”

“Scared the hell out of me! I thought I’d never see you again! “、

“I didn’t expect that the head of the Lin Yuan had actually reached the Fa Xiang Realm and was complete!”

“Congratulations to the head of the forest!” “Congratulations to the head of the forest!”

When the academy disciples saw their Lin Yuanshou return, they all closed their mouths.

After all, Lin Yuan was now the representative of his Heavenly Destiny Academy.

Moreover, Lin Yuanshou had such a strong person in the academy, so it was the best situation for them.

Lin Yuan looked at the students who came out to greet him, and he also smiled slightly.

Then he walked to his residence.

“By the way, I seem to be able to redeem the Spirit Stone.”

Thinking of these Lin Yuan, he changed his destination and walked towards the Hall of Merit.

The meritorious elder saw Lin Yuan coming over and smiled.

He also knew that Lin Yuan had been robbed some time ago, and he had thought that Lin Yuan would definitely not be able to come back.

After all, he had heard that it was the master of the Fa Xiang Realm who hunted down and killed Lin Yuan.

These elders all understood what realm the Fa Xiang Realm was perfecting you, so they thought that Lin Yuan would definitely not be able to come back.

So now that he saw Lin Yuan come back, he was still quite surprised, but he still smiled and looked at Lin Yuan.

“Elder Meritorious Virtue, I have some treasures that I want to redeem, can you help me exchange them for Spirit Stones?”

Lin Yuan took out the treasure he had snatched from those people in the secret realm.

And thousands of people’s storage rings are here, so this number can also be imagined how scary.

Thinking about this, Lin Yuan took out all the storage rings.

And the meritorious elder saw the storage rings on the table full of helplessness.

After all, he didn’t expect Lin Yuan to have so many things to redeem.

“This, the head of the forest courtyard, this amount is indeed a bit much, wait for me to count it”

“Can you put it here with me first, and then come back to me when you have time?”

The merit elders really had a headache when they looked at this, because there were too many of them.

Lin Yuan looked at Elder Gong De, and he decided to take it later.

After all, he had just ascended to the realm not long ago, although now he could redeem the Great God Level Book.

But after all, for my current self, time is not urgent.

So he put these things here and left.

On the way back, every student who saw him greeted him with a smile.

Because they knew Lin Yuan’s legendary experience, and their own head was such a powerful existence.

Therefore, every student still likes Lin Yuan.

After all, Lin Yuan is also a figure that he took out to show off,

When confronting other forces, you can also say that the head of your own court is Lin Yuan.

Therefore, Lin Yuan’s reputation in the academy was still very good.

Lin Yuan looked at the academy, and he decided to go out for a walk, after all, he still had to find out who had killed him.

It’s also bad that you’ve been in this state of not knowing anything. ,

If you don’t even know who wants to kill you, that’s really too much.

Then he walked down the street, and he finally got the answer he wanted.

“Did you hear that the head of the Lin Yuan was always because of the Second Lady of Wuhou Mansion some time ago?”

“I didn’t expect that even a family would dare to kill, and these two ladies were too much.”

“Shhh ~ don’t let anyone else hear it, if the people of Wuhou Mansion know, we’ll be doomed.”

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