“It’s time to find Fang Tianhou,” Lin Yuan said.

Then he walked towards Fang Tianhou’s residence.

After Fang Tianhou returned, he also heard the news circulating in Beijing.

For example, Lin Yuan wanted to kill the entire Qin clan, and there was also the Qin clan who sent people to hunt down and kill Lin Yuan.

Although Fang Tianhou had a good relationship with Lin Yuan, he also knew that he could not intervene in this battle.

With this thought, Lin Yuan rushed to his residence.

“Welcome, Lin Yuanshou, how have you been lately,” Fang Tianhou said with a smile after seeing Lin Yuan.

And Lin Yuan was also smiling and chatting with him, because he understood that Fang Tianhou had no ill will toward him, so he didn’t want to make enemies for no reason.

“I couldn’t come to you directly, I’m sorry,” Lin Yuan said.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Fang Tianhou only laughed, after all, he knew what had happened recently, and he also understood that Lin Yuan had a lot of things to deal with.

Then the two of them went to the place where they were eating, after all, the two people had not seen each other for a long time, so they were like a good reminiscence.

At this time, Lin Yuan saw that there was a sweet-looking woman in front of him looking at him, and Lin Yuan did not have the existence of this girl in his impression, so he looked at Fang Tianhou.

“Lin Yuanshou, this is my daughter Fang Qingwei”

“Fang Qingwei, this is the famous Lin Yuan, the champion Hou, Lin Yuan, who blocks a million enemy soldiers with the strength of one person.”

Hearing Fang Tianhou’s explanation, Fang Qingwei’s eyes directly emitted light.

Because Fang Qingwei had always admired Lin Yuan, because she had heard too many legends, what was the strongest head of the academy, the strongest Jin Dan period, the strongest champion Hou or something.

Therefore, when she saw the real person, she was still very excited.

“Wow, you are Lin Yuan, you are so handsome,” Fang Qingwei said shyly.

After Lin Yuan heard it, he was full of black lines, because he didn’t expect anyone to tell him that he was handsome.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan could only smile in response, after all, he was not interested in Qingwei. ,

When Fang Qingwei saw that Lin Yuan did not want to pay attention to himself, an inexplicable resentment suddenly began to rise in his heart.

After all, girls will definitely be angry when they see the boy they like ignoring them.

But how could Lin Yuan think of this, he only believed in his first instinct.

“Well, let’s eat first, and then let Qingwei take you around,” Fang Tianhou said and made a gesture.

And Lin Yuan also nodded slightly, because he felt that it didn’t matter if he strolled around, anyway, he had nothing to do.

Then the three of them dined, and at the table, Fang Qingwei did not say a word, she felt that Lin Yuan was deliberately ignoring herself.

“Hmm, want to get away with it? Good you Lin Yuan.”

Fang Qingwei’s thoughts, how could others think of it, is the so-called, women’s hearts, seabed needles.

If Lin Yuan knew Fang Qingwei’s thoughts, then he would definitely laugh to death.

After all, he was just not interested in her, but now he wanted to get away with it.

“Chief Lin Yuan, what are your plans for the future?” asked Fang Tianhou.

When Lin Yuan heard this question, he was also stunned.

Because his current goals are many, such as changing the spirit card and killing the entire Qin clan.

Seriously, he doesn’t understand what his goal is now.

After all, now his own realm and strength are not strong enough.

Otherwise, it would definitely kill the entire family of Wuhou Fu.

But his current strength used to undoubtedly be sent to death.

“Now you can only improve your own realm.”

Fang Tianhou did not expect Lin Yuan to answer in this way.

Because he felt that Lin Yuan’s strength was strong enough, after all, he had also heard others say that Lin Yuan was now in the Fa Realm.

A Jin Dan Realm can kill the Fa Xiang Realm, and now the Fa Xiang Realm is still not satisfied.

At this time, Fang Tianhou felt that he finally knew the reason why Lin Yuan was so powerful.

That is, it will not stop,

He found that Lin Yuan would continue to improve his strength.

“Worthy of being the head of the Lin Yuan, he will not satisfy his own strength at all,” Fang Tianhou said with a smile.

Then the meal ended and the three of them went outside.

“Just let Qingwei take you around, I just have something to deal with, you are not allowed to go, eat together at night”

Fang Tianhou smiled and said because he found that his daughter liked Lin Yuan.

Therefore, he felt that as long as they went well, then he let Qingwei marry Lin Yuan, then his status would also become higher.

Everyone was greedy for money and strength, after all, Fang Tianhou understood what Lin Yuan wanted now.

Therefore, he felt that if his daughter could marry Lin Yuan, then he would have endless glory and wealth.

“Okay, I don’t have anything to do today anyway,” Lin Yuan said.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s answer, Fang Tianhou also walked out happily.

After all, he still believed in his daughter’s qualifications.

He silently encouraged his daughter in his heart, and then went to his own business.

The two people who remained stood awkwardly in the same place at first.

Lin Yuan felt that as a boy, he should not be so embarrassed, so he decided to break the deadlock first.

“You should look good here, take me around”

After Fang Qingwei heard Lin Yuan’s voice, he suddenly laughed wildly inside. 、

Because he thought that Lin Yuan must not be able to bear it anymore and wanted to be alone with himself.

Thinking of this, Fang Qingwei began his own crazy fantasy journey again.

Then the two walked slowly.

“Lin Yuanshou, how strong are you?” asked Fang Qingwei.

“Not strong”

Lin Yuan’s answer almost made Fang Qingwei vomit blood, which was really too straight.

But this was no wonder, after all, Lin Yuan was not interested in Qingwei either.

But how could a girl possibly agree to be treated like this?

So I started sulking alone.

And Lin Yuan also found that Fang Qingwei was angry.

But I didn’t bother to explain, saying that I wasn’t interested in girls. ,

So he decided that quiet, silence is golden,

And Fang Qingwei, a big miss, found that he couldn’t breathe, so he saw Manu not far away.

“What’s wrong with you! How did you feed my horse so slowly! Fang Qingwei angrily drew his whip and began to beat Manu. 、

And Manu saw that it was the big lady who came over, and could only be humbly beaten.

After all, as an inferior person, he has no right to be angry, nor does he dare to be angry.

Lin Yuan looked at the beaten Manu and suddenly said:

“Follow me later”

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