“Follow me later”

Hearing these words, not only Fang Qingwei was stunned, but even Manu was full of doubts, because he did not expect Lin Yuan to say such words.

Hearing Lin Yuan say these words, he felt that in the eyes of these rich people, he was really a role that was casually summoned.

And he was also thinking about what kind of experience he would encounter after he was selected by Lin Yuan.

After all, he understood that he was powerless and powerless, and as a slave, he was easily bullied by these people.

“What do you say! This is my slave here,” Fang Qingwei said.

And the reason she was angry was because she had been ignored before, and now her slaves had to be robbed.

This made her completely unable to bear it.

The main reason Lin Yuan chose this Manu was because he felt that this Manu was not simple.

And he could see that this Manu was very loyal, and he just lacked a follower.

Therefore, Lin Yuan decided to take this Manu away.

“I’m sure your father will say yes, or you can ask,” Lin Yuan said.

And Fang Qingwei knew that his father would definitely agree, after all, it was everyone’s idea to have a good relationship with Lin Yuan.

Fang Qingwei still understood this very well, so she looked at Lin Yuan and then walked away angrily.

And Manu looked at his new master, he did not understand why Lin Yuan chose himself, he was obviously just a slave, why he was chosen.

Lin Yuan seemed to see Manu’s doubts and gave him an answer.

“I see you as extraordinary, and I’m sure you won’t betray me”

“I just don’t have a little follower around me, and I’m sure you won’t refuse, right?”

Lin Yuan said and looked at Manu quietly, waiting for him to make a decision.

And Manu felt that he was following everyone the same, so he agreed to Lin Yuan’s request.

While Lin Yuan was preparing this, he found that another cute girl appeared in front of him.

And this girl feels like Fang Qingwei at all.

Moreover, Lin Yuan found that the woman had a resemblance to Fang Qingwei, so he concluded that this girl should also be Fang Tianhou’s daughter.

“Hello Lin Yuanshou, I am Fang Qingxue, it is a pleasure to know you”

“I’ve always heard about your deeds, I’ve always wanted to meet you, and I’ve met you today, and it’s really extraordinary.”

Fang Qingxue said to Lin Yuan very politely.

When Lin Yuan heard Fang Qingxue’s words, he suddenly smiled, because he did not expect that the gap between Fang Tianhou’s two daughters would be so large.

He found that this Fang Qingxue felt very mild, and he was willing to chat with her.

So I decided to stay until the evening and leave.

“Hello, my name is Lin Yuan, many of those deeds are virtual, I am a low-energy child”

Lin Yuan’s joke made Fang Qingxue laugh incessantly.

Then the two of them walked together, and Lin Yuan, who had clear the snow all the way, would answer the question seriously.

“Lin Yuanshou, when you have a chance, you must go to see your heroic posture.”

Lin Yuan laughed, he thought this girl was still very funny.

Not only polite, but also chat,

This made Lin Yuan suddenly feel that the personality difference between his sisters was really big.

“I don’t know what Lady Fang has been busy with lately,” Lin Yuan asked.

“Recently it was to prepare for the royal hunt in a week’s time”

“I heard that the palace will send a lot of people over, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

“By the way, if Lin Yuanshou has time, why don’t you go play together?”

“Just a good place to relax”

Lin Yuan heard about the royal hunt and said that he was not interested.

But he did not directly reject Fang Qingxue, but only told her that he would go when he had time.

Then Fang Tianhou came back and saw that Fang Qingxue and Lin Yuan were walking very close.

Although he wondered why it wasn’t Fang Qingwei, he felt that no one cared.

Then the three of them ate together, and Fang Qingwei did not come out to eat, after all, she was still angry with Lin Yuan.

After Lin Yuan dined, he went to his residence.

After arriving at the Champion Hou Mansion, Lin Yuan asked Manu to prepare his own things first, and then asked him to come to find himself.

And Manu saw that Lin Yuan did not abuse himself, and let himself prepare things first, and he suddenly felt that it was quite good to stay here.

Manu then walked to Lin Yuan’s living room.

“Coming?” I know you’re wondering why I’m bringing you back.”

“I see in your eyes that you have ambitions, and I believe you will want to do a lot of things, but you don’t have the right to do it.”

“In my case, I have only one request, that is, to be loyal to me, not to betray me.”

“As long as you don’t betray me, then your benefits are indispensable, understand?”

Lin Yuan suddenly released his own coercion after speaking, after all, he still had to make this person feel fear in his heart.

After Manu felt the pressure, he instantly felt that it was very simple for Lin Yuan to kill himself.

At this moment, his heart was also completely convinced by Lin Yuan, after all, Lin Yuan was just releasing coercion, and he could not bear it anymore.

And Lin Yuan guessed his own idea very correctly.

I do have ambitions, but ambition is also based on power.

So he understood how good it was to have someone willing to support him now.

“I understand, Champion Hou, I will never disappoint you, please rest assured”

Manu finished speaking and exited the room with a salute, because he had to familiarize himself with the structure of the Champion’s Palace.

After all, if you want to stay here in the future, then you must do the best job. 、

He also didn’t want to disappoint Lin Yuan.

Soon after, he walked into Lin Yuan’s living room with a letter.

“Champion Hou, here is a letter, sent from the palace”

After Lin Yuan got the letter, he said:

“Well, I see, and call me the head of the forest,”

“And then you can call it Pony.”

And Manu was very happy to hear that Lin Yuan had given him a name.

Then thanked Lin Yuan and exited the room.

Lin Yuan’s name is mainly for convenience, after all, this is his real sense of the small follower.

Lin Yuan looked at this letter and finally knew the idea of the palace.

“Royal Hunting, Interesting”

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