After Lin Yuan found that he had broken through, his heart was still shocked.

He himself did not expect to be able to break through, and now he was a master of the Great Luo Realm.

Although he didn’t know what the Heavenly Sect Lord’s realm was, he would still be very happy in his heart when he thought that he was already a master of the Great Luo Realm.

“I didn’t expect this, I can break through, so now go to the sin to settle the account.”

“Although the village has nothing to do with me, I still want to see what your inventory is.”

Lin Yuan thought so much about walking out of the cave, he felt that his current look at the outside world was different.

Lin Yuan felt that he could see the life and death of the world, and he felt that his whole body was very comfortable.

“I didn’t expect that the Great Luo Realm Consummation would have such benefits, and I finally knew how these immortals felt.”

Lin Yuan thought so and began to walk towards the Sin Sect, because now was the time to go to the Sin Sect to settle the account.


“What a man!”

The disciple of the Sin Sect saw the man who suddenly appeared at the door of his sect and shouted.

The man standing in front of the Sin Sect was Lin Yuan, and he also came to the Sin Sect in the shortest possible time.

Because there is not much time left for him now.

He had to really tie every bit of time, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to catch up with the Elder Tournament after that.

And now Lin Yuan also had an idea, that is, not to let the Sin Sect participate in the Elder Tournament.

After all, after today, the sin will disappear from the Immortal Realm.

But what Lin Yuan didn’t know was that it was because of his hasty action that he almost caused himself to disappear into the Immortal Realm.

Of course, this is all an afterthought.

“I came to find your suzerain,” Lin Yuan said as he looked at the guards.

But the guards looked at Lin Yuan like a fool.

Because he felt that suddenly running over and saying that he wanted to find the suzerain, this was really not something that a normal person could do.

“Our suzerainty is not there, you go back”

Lin Yuan looked at the only True Immortal Realm’s first heavy guard, and he smiled.

He felt that the absence of the suzerainty was also a good opportunity.

After all, Lin Yuan also knew that a sect leader would never be weak, and now that the sect leader was not there, it was the best time to kill the disciples of the Sin Sect now.

“If you are not there, you don’t have to live.”

Before the guard could react, Lin Yuan rushed directly to the guard.


Before the guard could finish speaking, he fell straight down.

“Really, a true fairyland is still so arrogant”

With that, he walked toward the depths of the sinful sect.

Many people have found out that someone has broken into the crime.

But none of them could stop Lin Yuan, after all, Lin Yuan was now the Grand Luo Realm Consummation, and even the elders would have a hard time blocking Lin Yuan.

“Report!!! There was an intruder who hoped that the elders would come forward to stop it, and we have killed many disciples.”

A disciple ran in a panic to the place where the elder was.

When the elders heard what the disciple said, they were directly furious.

Because they feel that no matter how they say it, they are also a sect, how can they be bullied like this.

Then these people rushed directly to Lin Yuan.

But when they broke in, one of the elders discovered Lin Yuan’s identity.

Because this elder was at the scene of the Immortal Tournament at that time, he had seen Lin Yuan’s true face and knew Lin Yuan’s strength.

“This Lin Yuan is a disciple of the Heavenly Sect, he is the Golden Immortal Realm Consummation, please be careful.”

When these people knew that Lin Yuan was the Golden Immortal Realm Consummation, they were still shocked. 、

Because being so young to be able to become the Golden Wonderland Perfection is a genius.

So, the elder who thought the Golden Immortal Realm was complete came out.

Because he was cultivating the Blood Law, his strength was much stronger than that of the ordinary Golden Immortal Realm Consummation.

Therefore, he decided to help fight against Lin Yuan himself.

After all, he felt that Lin Yuan was so young and had very little experience, so he could kill Lin Yuan through experience.

Then he walked towards Lin Yuan.

“You, a disciple of the Heavenly Sect, are so arrogant! Is this because Tianzong wants to go to war with us? ”

The elder said as he walked in the direction of Lin Yuan.

After Lin Yuan heard the voice, he also noticed that this Golden Immortal Realm was complete.

If Lin Yuan hadn’t yet ascended to the consummation of the Great Luo Realm, he would definitely find it difficult.

However, Lin Yuan was now the Great Luo Realm Consummation, and in the face of the Golden Immortal Realm Consummation, he still had full confidence that he could kill it.

“This matter has nothing to do with the Heavenly Sect, it is what you have done that makes me very angry, this is my own meaning.”

“As a sect, you dare to smash and rob something, destroy a village, and drag men to be coolies.”

“Do you think it’s appropriate for you to do this?”

When the elders heard Lin Yuan’s words, they all laughed out loud, because they thought Lin Yuan was really funny.

“What is this, just because we are Zongmen, isn’t it right for them to contribute to us?”

“You still say you’re out there for them?” Just you? Do you really think that the world is invincible as far as you are a Golden Wonderland consummation? ”

“You do have talent, but you can only stay in the Golden Wonderland because you will be killed by me today.”

“But you don’t have to worry, I will definitely take your corpse to find the Heavenly Sect to settle the account, and I will ask them how they cultivated such a mentally retarded disciple.”

The arrogant face of the Elder of the Sin Sect made Lin Yuan very angry.

Because he felt that the sinners were too arrogant, and the sinners also felt that they were right to do so.

Therefore, Lin Yuan didn’t bother to talk nonsense and directly rushed towards the Elder of the Sin Sect.

When the Elder of the Sin Sect saw Lin Yuan rushing over, he smiled slightly, and then opened his mana shield.

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

Familiar fists, familiar mana fluctuations, familiar crushing.

With just one punch, the Elder of the Sin Sect lay directly on the ground.

The faces of the elders showed an unbelievable expression.

“What’s going on! Isn’t it Golden Wonderland? How is the Great Luo Realm! ”

“It is impossible, it will only take a few days to reach the Great Luo Realm!”

“Even the supreme genius is not so terrible!”

The elders looked at Lin Yuan with fear on their faces.

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, was very satisfied with the consequences he had caused, he looked at the elders and said.

“Who doesn’t measure up to who wants to die”

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