The elders looked at Lin Yuan and did not dare to say a word.

After all, the Great Luo Realm Perfection Master was not something that these people could oppose, and they knew that only when their own suzerainty came over could they have a chance of winning.

They are counting, counting the days when their suzerainty is out.

They knew that their suzerainty would be out of the customs in two days, so they wouldn’t have to fear Lin Yuan.

After all, they believed that their suzerainty had enough strength to fight against Lin Yuan, and perhaps they could kill them with one blow.

Therefore, their current idea is to wait until their suzerainty is out of the pass, and only if their own suzerainty is out of the pass, then the sin sect will be safe and sound.

“Do you really think the world is invincible?” You are indeed genius enough, but you will certainly pay a heavy price for your rampantism.”

The elders decided to delay as long as possible, only in this way, their own suzerainty came, and they did not have to be too nervous.

But how could Lin Yuan possibly give them time, he rushed directly to the elders.

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

The elders slowly fell down in one fist after another, and they didn’t expect Lin Yuan to move directly.

When they were desperate and ready to die, a voice rekindled their fighting spirits.

“Who! Dare to come to the sin to make trouble! Do you really think that the sin is gone? ”

When the elders heard this voice, they were instantly excited.

Because this was their strongest elder, Elder Murong.

Elder Murong was also a master of the Great Luo Mirror, so they believed that Elder Murong could fight against Lin Yuan.

When Lin Yuan looked at Elder Murong, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, because he understood that this opponent was what he wanted.

“A little fart who has just ascended to the consummation of the Great Luo Realm dares to be so arrogant??”

“You really think no one can fight you, do you?”

“You are indeed genius enough, but you must understand that there are people outside of people, and this world is certainly not only a great consummation of you.”

“And your Great Luo Mirror Consummation is only a threshold for entry in the Immortal Realm.”

“We, the suzerain, have already surpassed the Great Luo Realm, do you dare to be so arrogant?”

Elder Murong’s words made Lin Yuan begin to doubt life, and he thought that the highest in the Immortal Realm was the Great Luo Realm.

But now that I hear that someone is higher than the Great Luo Realm Consummation, what kind of realm is it?

“Nonsense, at least for now, we are all the Great Luo Realm Consummation, and it is useless for you to say more”

Although Lin Yuan was very shocked in his heart, he was ready to make a quick decision, because if their suzerainty came, Lin Yuan was afraid that he would not have enough strength to fight.

Lin Yuan quickly rushed towards Elder Murong, and the Elder also looked at Lin Yuan, and then laid down a mana cover.

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

Wang Dao’s killing fist did have a powerful lethal power, but now facing Elder Murong’s rain shield, he found that he couldn’t even hit it.

“What’s going on?”

Lin Yuan thought so and began to consider countermeasures.

He felt that he should be able to use the strongest killing move, but if he failed to cause damage, then his mana would become a problem.

Therefore, Lin Yuan was considering whether he should take risks, and if Lin Yuan chose to take risks, then his own safety would become a problem.

Moreover, the number of Heavenly Demons in the Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding was no longer enough to replenish his mana.

“Sure enough, young people are still young people, is it just a little bit of power?”

Although Elder Murong was very idle, only he himself understood the suffering in his heart.

He thought that Lin Yuan would not have too strong strength, after all, he also knew that Lin Yuan had just ascended to the consummation of the Great Luo Realm.

Therefore, he concluded that Lin Yuan was not yet fully familiar with the Great Luo Realm Consummation, but he did not expect that Lin Yuan’s punch would have to concentrate all his mana on the mana cover.

He originally thought that Lin Yuan’s punch would at most cause damage to the mana shield

But when Wang Dao’s killing fist touched his mana shield, he found that he thought too much.

The power of that punch was enough to destroy his own mana shield.

Therefore, Elder Murong decided to concentrate his mana on the mana cover.

But if he knew that Lin Yuan could unleash even more powerful powers, then he would definitely be surprised.

After all, Lin Yuan’s just one punch was only the simplest punch, and now he could unleash fifty times the power of the Wang Dao Killing Fist.

“Even if you are the Great Luo Realm is complete, you can’t destroy the Sin Sect.”

“Do you really think those people are being bullied?” We provide them with shelter and let them practice the Fa.”

“Also let them not be troubled by the seven passions and six desires, they should be the ones who are grateful to us”

“Now how can we be bad people?”

However, Lin Yuan laughed when he heard this, because he did not expect that Elder Murong would say such a thing.

After all, what this sentence means is that their sins are sacred and that whatever they say is correct.

As an elder of the Sin Sect, it is also a little embarrassing to say such things.

“Tell me about you, be an elder, how can you still be this virtue?”

“Don’t you sinners need intelligence to be elders?”

Lin Yuan was angering Elder Murong because he believed that as long as Elder Murong walked away to the mana shield, then he could kill him with one blow.

Sure enough, when Elder Murong heard this, he withdrew his mana cover.

After all, the more powerful people are, the easier it is to get angry because of some small things, after all, they feel that they are invincible in the world and can solve everyone.

So as long as one thing doesn’t go the way they want it to be, they feel that the world is wrong.

So Elder Murong stepped out of his mana shield, and this was also a good condition for Lin Yuan.

“All words are secret”

“Shura Mask”

“Sky Eye”

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

Lin Yuan’s most powerful move was born at this moment, and Wang Dao’s killing fist was fifty times more powerful and rushed straight towards Elder Murong.

When Elder Murong discovered Lin Yuan’s mana, his heart was full of shock.

Because he didn’t expect Lin Yuan to have such a powerful strength.

But it was too late, and he could only be tough.

Although he knew he might die, he couldn’t do anything about it, and he didn’t want to miss a chance.

At this moment, Lin Yuan’s fist was bounced back.

Then came a powerful sound.

“Who dares to move my sins?”

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