“Stupid humans! Who let you disturb us?”

The Great Luo Realm Heavenly Demon rushed out with great momentum, because he knew that at this time, he would win over Lin Yuan in momentum.

After all, the Heavenly Demon couldn’t understand Lin Yuan’s true strength, so he could only show his status through this method.

And the fear in the heart of the Heavenly Devil is getting stronger and stronger, and he wants to control it, but this sense of fear from the heart is uncontrolled.

“You are a human being, and you dare to break into my chassis, who gave you the courage, don’t you know that I am the Heavenly Demon King?”

And Lin Yuan heard the words of the Heavenly Demon King, without any expression.

Instead, he looked at these Heavenly Demons with a hungry face, because Lin Yuan only wanted to take these things to his own king now.

Lin Yuan felt that he liked the number of these heavenly Europeans and the United States, after all, this number of heavenly demons could be used for a long time.

And the Heavenly Demon among his own kings was now a burden to himself, and Lin Yuan thought of a way at this moment.

That is, let the heavenly demons in Wang Ding come out to confuse these heavenly demons, and he can naturally suffer these heavenly demons.

And the Heavenly Demon in his own Wang Ding would stay in the Immortal Realm, which could be described as killing two birds with one stone.

“That’s it”

Lin Yuan began to work on these things, after all, he didn’t have much time,

The Green Fairy was in fear again, and the longer it took to spare, the more likely it was that the Green Fairy would be injured.

Therefore, Lin Yuan felt that this kind of thing must be decided quickly.

“Heavenly Demon King, I know you have a lot of fame in this film, but I just want to come to you because I need you.”

Lin Yuan began the first step of his plan, that is, to capture the king first.

When the Heavenly Demon King heard that Lin Yuan had come for himself, he immediately began to wonder in his heart.

After all, he knew that he had no intersection with humans, but now a human came to him.

“What are you looking for me to do, I feel that I should not know you, if you have anything to tell me quickly”

The Heavenly Demon King felt that since there was no way to guess, it was better to obediently see what Lin Yuan meant.

“Heavenly Demon King, do you know that you have your own compatriots in the lower world?”

Lin Yuan saw that he had aroused the interest of the Heavenly Demon King, and he said it more and more vigorously.

“These compatriots of yours are all here to bring them to cultivate together, and I come from the lower world.”

“So when I ascended, all of your compatriots followed me up, and then I heard from you, and I came to you.”

“I just want to hand over your compatriots to you so that I can safely continue my own cultivation path.”

Lin Yuan’s face was full of sincerity, and even the Qing Immortal beside him began to look at Lin Yuan in fear, because he did not expect that Lin Yuan still had this side.

She began to regret it now, because he felt that Lin Yuan had been deceiving himself all along.

The reason Lin Yuan didn’t tell Qing Xian Zi was that she always had fear in her heart and it was easy to show her stuffing.

Therefore, Li Banyuan did not want to take risks, so he could only deceive the Qing Immortals together.

And Lin Yuan was also right, after all, Qing Xian Zi was indeed very afraid, if he let him deceive people now, she would definitely reveal the stuffing.

When the Heavenly Demon King heard Lin Yuan’s words, he didn’t believe it very much, but then he looked at the Green Immortal and saw the disappointed expression in the Qing Immortal’s eyes, and the Heavenly Demon King began to be moved.

Because he began to feel that Lin Yuan was just deceiving the Green Fairy to find himself.

“Since you have brought my people, why can’t I feel them?”

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, and then summoned Wang Ding.

The Heavenly Demon King looked at Wang Ding above Lin Yuan’s head and felt his own Heavenly Demon breath in an instant.

Although he felt that the realm was too low, these were indeed his own briefings.

“I didn’t expect that you didn’t deceive me, but there were really humans who would help the demon beasts.”

“Hahahahaha, I didn’t expect my Heavenly Demon King to have this day!”

The Heavenly Demon King began to laugh wildly, and the Green Immortal felt the Heavenly Demon Breath in Wang Ding and was completely desperate. 、

Because at this moment, she believed that Lin Yuan was here to help the Heavenly Demon.

“I didn’t expect that I would treat you like this, and you would deceive me, you are really not human!”

“You are a demon in human skin!” I hate you! ”

The Green Fairy began to cry, because at this moment her heart was desperate.

Lin Yuan looked at the crying Qing Immortal, wanting to comfort him, but he was afraid of missing this wonderful opportunity, so he still resisted.

However, he did not answer the question of the Green Fairy, because at this time, it was still the main thing to grasp the Heavenly Demon, as long as he caught the Heavenly Demon, then he could explain it to the Green Immortal.

But Lin Yuan still put the girl’s mind too simple, and it was difficult for the girl to forgive the boy who cheated on him.

Especially in front of the Qing Immortal’s enemies, the Qing Fairy wanted to forgive Lin Yuan, and the possibility was almost zero.

“I can release them, but you have to promise me one condition, that is, don’t hurt the girls around me, and you can’t kill me.”

When the Heavenly Demon King heard Lin Yuan’s request, he decided to agree to Lin Yuan.

After all, he felt the breath of countless Heavenly Demons in Wang Ding.

And these Heavenly Demons will just become the decisive factor in reviving the Heavenly Demon Dynasty.

Therefore, the Heavenly Devil felt that nothing was more important than reviving his own dynasty.

“I promise you, I won’t hurt you two, and if you want, you can come and be my military master.”

“Because I think your IQ will just become the supreme leader of my dynasty!”

“Since you helped me, I won’t let you go, I just became the master of the Great Luo Realm in order to revive my dynasty.”

“Do you know how much I’ve paid for this?”

“Since you are willing to help me now, then I will certainly not treat you badly, you become my military master, and my descendants will worship you as a god!”

“So, you can release my compatriots?”

The Heavenly Demon King’s face was full of excitement, and he didn’t notice Lin Yuan’s evil smile at all.

“Yes, I can put it out”

“And you, go and create a new world in my king’s throne.”

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