In fact, the Heavenly Devil had not found himself facing death until now.

Now he was still thinking about what he should do after becoming the Heavenly Demon King.

His mind was full of the happy life after becoming a king, and he believed that he could challenge those people in heaven with these demons.

He felt that these Heavenly Demons brought by Lin Yuan were enough, after all, in the Immortal Realm with such a strong mana, these Heavenly Demons could definitely become a group of powerful fighting forces.

“Lin Yuan, I, thank you, after that will be our dynasty”

After hearing the Heavenly Demon King’s speech, all the Heavenly Demons present began to cheer.

After all, if you have your own dynasty, many of your own things will be convenient in the future.

All the Heavenly Demons were thinking about their own dynasties, not noticing at all that the greatest danger was approaching them.

Seeing that these Heavenly Demons were living in his imagination, Lin Yuan smiled and slowly released those small Heavenly Demons.

“Hahahahaha! My dynasty! ”

The Heavenly Demon King looked at these huge numbers of Heavenly Demons and directly closed his mouth with a smile.

His mind was now full of how to raise these Heavenly Demon Realms up.

“All the Heavenly Demons obey orders, I am the Heavenly Demon King, and I will be the supreme leader of our Heavenly Demon Dynasty.”

The Heavenly Demon King watched those small Heavenly Demons begin to show their status, after all, the fact that he was the Heavenly Demon King could never be resisted.

And those Heavenly Demons who had come out of the Wang Ding began to look at the so-called Heavenly Demon King in front of them.

“This is our Heavenly Demon King, but it’s just that, none of Lin Yuan is strong.”

“Yes, Lin Yuan is the strongest, what is this Heavenly Demon King, I want to go back to Wang Ding.”

These Heavenly Demons don’t give a little face, all of them are saying that Lin Yuan is the most powerful amount,

These words were heard by the Heavenly Demon King, and then he looked at Lin Yuan angrily.

“Lin Yuan, do you want to fight, these days the devil doesn’t recognize me?”

The Heavenly Demon King had never imagined that his own compatriots would support a human being instead of himself.

This made the Heavenly Demon King begin to doubt life, after all, the words spoken by these Heavenly Demons were indeed a little hurtful.

And Lin Yuan still stayed quietly in the same place.

Subsequently, all the Heavenly Demons in Wang Ding appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon King.

Looking at these infinite Heavenly Demons, the anger in the Heavenly Demon King’s heart began to slowly decrease.

At this moment, seeing these Heavenly Demons, the Heavenly Demon King did not have any guard against Lin Yuan.

When Lin Yuan saw the state of the Heavenly Demon King, he knew that his time had come.

, and then prepare to make your own plan.

When these things happened, the Green Fairy had always stood where she was.

Because now she was scared and wanted to escape, but her legs kept calling.

Therefore, the Green Immortal could only stand where he was, after all, if he escaped, he was afraid that the Heavenly Demon King would hurt him.

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

Lin Yuan suddenly disappeared into the same place, and then appeared behind the Heavenly Demon King.


It was only a punch, but since the Heavenly Demon King did not notice Lin Yuan, this punch could be said to have exerted his greatest lethality.


Lin Yuan quickly summoned his Excalibur and then slashed at the Heavenly Demon King.

However, since the Heavenly Demon King loved Lin Yuan’s punch, he did not react at all at this moment.

So now he could only let Lin Yuan kill.

And Lin Yuan also knew that he couldn’t kill the Heavenly Demon King, so it was just one.

A sword qi quickly rushed towards the Heavenly Demon King, and then cut off the Heavenly Demon King’s wings alive.

“Aaa What are you doing! Do you want to rebel! ”

The Heavenly Demon King had thought until this time that Lin Yuan just wanted his own Heavenly Demon King Chao. 、

But what he didn’t expect was that Lin Yuan was not interested in these, he was only interested in the Heavenly Demon.

When the other Heavenly Demons saw this scene, they didn’t dare to move, after all, their strongest fighting power was now being tortured and killed.

They knew that if they resisted, Lin Yuan could kill them in an instant.

“I didn’t expect that Lin Yuan’s idea was this, it was really abominable.”

“The Heavenly Demon King that we have cultivated so hard is nothing at this moment.”

“Human beings are really not credible, so what do we do now?”

“What else can we do, we can only pray that Lin Yuan can spare us, after all, we are an ant-like existence in front of him.”

“What you’re saying is, I think if we try to escape, we’ll be killed,”

“The most painful thing is the Heavenly Demon King, how many compatriots we have wasted to grow up”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect to be subdued with just one punch”

The demons present began to feel fear in their hearts.

They thought that Lin Yuan was originally a friendly army, but now seeing that Lin Yuan wanted to kill the Heavenly Demon King, the hopes in the hearts of these people were shattered. 、

But they also have no way to resist.

After all, his own Heavenly Demon King was still in his hands.

“Lin Yuan! I have promised to give you the military master, why do you want to betray me! ”

The Heavenly Demon King began to be afraid, because now he had no fighting power. 、

After all, the source of all the Heavenly Demon’s mana was his own wings, but now that his wings had been cut off by Lin Yuan, he had no way to resist.

“You think I’m interested in your dynasty, don’t be silly, I’m interested in you.”

After Lin Yuan forgave me for pressing, he looked at the Green Fairy.

And the Green Fairy did not react to what was happening at all.

After all, Lin Yuan was still with their gang before, but now that he was about to kill the Heavenly Demon King, this made the Green Immortal not know what to do in an instant.

“Green Fairy, what do you want to do to the Heavenly Demon King, he is the murderer of your family.”

Lin Yuan understood that the Green Fairy was afraid, but he still wanted the Green Fairy to decide.

After all, if the hatred in the Green Fairy’s heart was not resolved, the Green Fairy would not progress.

This was also the reason why the Green Fairy had talent but could not improve the realm.

“I don’t know, you can watch it yourself”

The Green Fairy could only write this sentence at this moment, because her mind was not clear now.

After Lin Yuan got the answer, he showed a strange smile and then looked at the Heavenly Demon King.

“Do as I please, so I’ll do it?”

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