Wang Ding above Lin Yuan’s head began to show his powerful suction force.

The Heavenly Demon King found that his forehead mana was rapidly being sucked into Wang Ding.

However, when he was ready to resist, he found that he could not resist.

The Heavenly Demon King didn’t know if it was because Lin Yuan had hurt himself, or if it was because his realm wasn’t high enough.

He could only let Wang Ding suck himself in,

This caused the Heavenly Demon King to begin to feel a great sense of fear in his heart.

“You people, are you going to watch me killed?” Come and help! ”

The Heavenly Demon King began to be afraid, because he had never imagined that he would be killed now.

Lin Yuan still looked at the Heavenly Demon King expressionlessly, after all, he believed that other Heavenly Demons did not dare to resist him.

Sure enough, when the other Heavenly Demons saw that their Heavenly Demon King was being sucked into the Heavenly Demon King, they could only watch the Heavenly Demon King quietly.

After all, they knew that if they resisted, they would definitely be sucked in, and they were waiting, waiting for Lin Yuan to let go of his chance.

They prayed in their hearts, hoping that Lin Yuan just wanted the Heavenly Demon King, so that they could escape the disaster safely.

“I really didn’t expect that the Great Luo Jing Heavenly Demon in my hall would be subdued by humans, and I was not willing to do it!”

The Heavenly Demon King roared and began to release the mana of his whole body, and at this moment, the Heavenly Demon King exploded with great strength at the cost of his own life.

Looking at the Heavenly Demon King, who had already gotten rid of Wang Ding’s comfort, Lin Yuan began to be a little surprised in his heart.

After all, the current Heavenly Demon King was just like a decoration, and he had no ability to resist.

But now he was actually free from Wang Ding’s shackles.

“You betrayers, since you are not willing to help me, then go to the death!”

The Heavenly Demon King roared, and then began to operate the exercises.

The other demons present began to slowly suck in him.

One, two…

Looking at the disappearing Heavenly Demons, Lin Yuan panicked in his heart, after all, what Lin Yuan needed was those many Heavenly Demons.

And those heavenly demons saw that their king wanted to absorb themselves, and they did not even resist,

After all, they knew that this was the only way to solve Lin Yuan.

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

“All words are secret”

Compared to the previous twenty times the King Dao Killing Fist rushed towards the Heavenly Demon King.

After the Heavenly Demon King felt the powerful mana and oppression, he quickly stopped absorbing the Heavenly Demon.

Then he quickly posed to prepare to confront Lin Yuan.

At this time, Lin Yuan also found that the wings of the Heavenly Demon King had actually grown back.

And this also shows that this Heavenly Demon King can now begin to release his true strength.

This made Lin Yuan scream in his heart, and then he was ready to suck all the Heavenly Demons present into Wang Ding.


Lin Yuan and the Heavenly Demon King’s fists were firmly stacked together, and then the Heavenly Demon King flew backwards with great speed.

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, stood firmly where he was, ready to absorb all the Heavenly Demons present.

“Five Prisons Town Sin King Ding”

The Wang Ding above Lin Yuan’s head was rapidly absorbing the Heavenly Demons present.

The Heavenly Demons saw that the Wang Ding above Lin Yuan’s head was exuding mana, and they wanted to get rid of it, but there was nothing they could do.

So in an instant, all the Heavenly Demons present except the Heavenly Demon King were sucked in by Lin Yuan.

At this time, the Green Immortal finally understood Lin Yuan’s idea, that is, to absorb these heavenly demons. 、

It was also at this time that I knew why Lin Yuan had said before that he needed a Heavenly Demon.

“Am I wrong to blame him?” Could it be that these were things he had planned? ”

The Green Immortal began to waver, after all, she still had feelings for Lin Yuan

She also didn’t want to miss Lin Yuan, so at this time, he felt that he needed an explanation from Lin Yuan.

“I hope you can give me an explanation after this battle is over”

After the Green Immortal finished speaking, he quickly ran to Lin Yuan’s side.

When Lin Yuan saw the Qing Immortal running over, he was still very panicked in his heart, after all, he had deceived the Qing Immortal.

But the Green Immortal didn’t say too much, she just quickly ran the Gong Fa and began to restore Lin Yuan’s mana.

Lin Yuan felt the mana flowing into his body, he just felt that his whole body was very comfortable, and then he found that his mana had been fully restored.

“Thank you,”

Lin Yuan said a word, but the Qing Immortal just looked at him, and then turned his head and walked away.

“Hope you can give me a reasonable explanation”

This was what Lin Yuan heard, but Lin Yuan also understood that this was the Qing Immortal giving himself a step.

Lin Yuan saw that the Green Immortal was not angry much, so he decided to explain it to the Green Immortal after solving the Heavenly Demon King again.

At this time, the Heavenly Demon King was also slowly occupying it, and then he saw the Heavenly Demon Legion that had no trace, and his heart was instantly enveloped by fear.

“What’s going on, is it you?”

“What the hell have you done! What have you done to My people! ”

The Heavenly Demon King began to roar, after all, the Heavenly Demon Dynasty in his heart was over at this moment.

When he first thought that he could become the strongest being, he didn’t think that Lin Yuan would block himself.

Moreover, Lin Yuan had cut off the Heavenly Demon King’s retreat. 、

Looking at all this in front of him, the Heavenly Demon King was desperate, and he decided to die with Lin Yuan.

“Lin Yuan! I believe so much in you! You’re going to betray me!” ”

“You’re such a bold man.”

“What the hell are you going to do!” Why are you torturing me so much! What the hell did I do! ”

“I remember I haven’t seen you either, and I don’t have any hatred for you, so why do you do things so desperately?”

“Why kill all my people?”

The Heavenly Demon King’s whole body was trembling, after all, Lin Yuan made him feel endless despair.

And Lin Yuan just smiled and looked at the Heavenly Demon King.

“You think too much, I didn’t kill your people, I just took them into the king’s midst.”

“And the reason why you are torturing you is because you hurt someone who is important to me”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, the Qing Immortal’s face turned red, and then the crystal clear tears began to slowly flow out of the Qing Immortal’s wonderful eyes.

“Since you want to kill me!” Then die with me! ”

The Heavenly Demon King completely stormed away at this moment, and then rushed towards Lin Yuan.

“Kill you!”

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