Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 119 The True Spirit Of Wuwu, The Three-Party Attack (1, Please Subscribe!)

Although Su Chen's indestructible golden body has not even entered the door yet, after opening up thirty-six acupuncture points in his body, his qi and blood are extremely strong, and his body has a trace of Vajra's indestructibility, so he can easily capture the Vajra bracelet.


"How is this possible?"

The disciples of Tailing Ancient Sect opened their eyes wide, seeing an incredible scene.

That is the King Magical Item. Under a single strike, it can shatter thousands of miles of land, collapse endless mountains, and vaporize Wang Yang.

"Su Chen........."

Even the third prince was taken aback. He only knew that Su Chen's Sword Realm was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

"Hmph, do you think you used some secret treasure to capture the Vajra bracelet."

The young man of Tailing Ancient Sect snorted coldly, and the Magic power surged in his body, summoning the Vajra bracelet.

The Vajra bracelet was shining, and the rune was dazzling, flowing on the bracelet like haze, trying to break free from Su Chen's palm.

But Su Chen's palms were like pliers, holding the Vajra bracelet firmly, no matter how it struggled, it was suppressed by a force.


Runes poured out of Su Chen's palm, like casted from divine gold, exuding a cold metallic luster, they were inserted into the Vajra bracelet, to suppress the spirit of the weapon.

"No, this person's Magic power is too deep, and he actually suppressed the spirit of the Vajra bracelet in turn. We can't let him succeed." The people of Tailing Ancient Sect panicked, they had never seen such a monstrous person.

"We shot together and went straight to him, he was suppressing the Vajra bracelet, and he didn't have much strength against us.

Several people shouted, took out the Magical Item, and killed Su Chen.

"Delusion!" The third prince's dragon spear stabbed forward, the rune was brilliant, and turned into a beam of light, piercing the Shattering Void, attacking and killing it.

"Third brother, let the imperial brother meet you." The eldest prince came, holding a pagoda in his hand, which was no more than three inches high.

"Okay, I haven't competed with my brother for a long time." The third prince walked out with a dragon spear in his hand, and confronted the eldest prince.


At the same time, the disciples of the Tailing Ancient Sect came, and the Magical Item suppressed Su Chen.

"Have you forgotten the sword array?"

With a toss of Su Chen's hand, the sword pellets flew out, spinning in the air, and each time they made a circle, sword pellets flew out one after another.

"Not good, the opponent's sword array is too delicate, handle it carefully."

A few people feel bad, run the Magical Item, resist the sword formation.

"Su Chen, you will surely die today." Lin Xuan walked towards Su Chen lightly, dressed in white.

He didn't think that Su Chen still had the strength to resist him under the premise of suppressing the Vajra bracelet and manipulating the sword array.

"Brother Lin, do you want to make a move?" Su Chen's eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said calmly: "Brother Su, I don't want to do anything to you either, but we are our own masters now, so I can only be sorry. After you die, I will give you a few more sticks of incense."


Lin Xuan took out a book, the volume was crystal clear with a flowing rune luster, he opened the book, words flew out one by one, turned into shapes, and smashed towards Su Chen like hills and hills.

This is the Magic Treasures given to him by Dean Bailu. It is called Confucianism, and it is very powerful. It is a king's weapon.

"Lin Xuan, you're a little more courageous." Su Chen's eyes flashed, and a square sky painting halberd flew out, directly splitting letters like hills, and slashed at Lin Xuan.

"Double Pupils."

Lin Xuan's eyes flashed, and the Confucian book in his hand became brighter and brighter, and more words flew out, crystal clear, as big as a hill, connected together, and turned into a beautiful article.


The heaven and earth were full of righteousness, gathered together a white deer, and rushed towards Su Chen.

"Just enough to activate the magic power and refine Su Chen into a puppet." Lin Xuan thought to himself.

He knows a Devil Dao supernatural power, which can refine living people into puppets, which is very evil.

Lin Xuan's figure was instantly on both sides, one in front, and the Japanese appeared behind Su Chen.

Appearing behind Su Chen, Lin Xuan's eyes were shining with magic, like a great demon born out of the world, who wanted to turn the world into magic soil.

This is the power of the demon heart.

After this period of time, Lin Xuan has figured out his own physique.

He is the devil heart of the holy bone, he can grasp the power of the holy way and the power of the devil heart, and because of the presence of the holy bone, he can't Qi Deviation, so it can be said that Heavenly Dao loves it.

"Su Chen, go with peace of mind!" Lin Xuan sneered.

"Lin Xuan, is this what you are capable of? You let me down." A big purple seal appeared behind Su Chen, the purple light was mighty and majestic, piercing through the heavens and the earth, making the sun and the moon eclipse.


When the Hongmeng Dao seal falls, a rich purple light flies out and turns into a Hongmeng rune. Once the seal falls, it is like the Heavenly Emperor stamping the jade seal, which cannot be changed.

0...seeking flowers...0

With a "bang", Lin Xuan's avatar was shattered by Yin like a dream bubble.

"This is... what Magical Item, it can actually block my Devilish Qi." Lin Xuan was very surprised.

"Lucky Mahamudra!"

"The Knife of Luck!"

With a slight movement of Su Chen's mind, he condensed the knife of luck, cut off Lin Xuan's soaring luck, and then slapped the big handprint of luck to absorb the luck.

Immediately, on the canopy of Su Chen's luck, the field circle became clearer.


While Lin Xuan was surprised, he saw that the rune of the Vajra bracelet in Su Chen's hand was getting darker and darker, and the spirit of the weapon was about to be suppressed.

"We can't let him suppress Qi Ling, otherwise we will not only lose the Vajra bracelet, but even our lives will be in danger." Seeing this, the people of Tailing Ancient Sect gritted their teeth and sacrificed the secret treasure.


A jade bone engraved with runes flew out and disintegrated in the air, bursting out with brilliant light, blocking the sword formation.


Seeing this, several people rushed towards Su Chen.


One person formed seals with both hands, and a gigantic 梼杌 emerged, turned into a true spirit, and came to kill.

The ancient religion of Tailing is named after Tailing, and it has extraordinary insights and methods for manipulating true spirits.

The so-called true spirits are sacrificial spirits, but today is not the ancient times. In ancient times, the sacrificial spirits have disappeared, but there are sacrificial spirits in the ancient Tailing religion. .

As soon as this 梼杌 appeared, there was a strong wind all around, and the earth and rocks were blown up and shattered by the strong winds.

"Suppression!" Su Chen didn't panic, he activated the Magic power and continued to suppress the Vajra bracelet.

But at this moment, a change occurred inside the Vajra bracelet, and a huge divine sense rushed out, turning into a blurry figure in the sky.

"It's... Yuan Elder." The disciple of Tailing Ancient Sect exclaimed.

"Yuan Elder actually left a divine sense in the Vajra bracelet, now this person is dead." Several people were overjoyed.

"Hehe, Su Chen, you are doomed." Lin Xuan sneered in his heart, and urged the Confucian booklets, words flew out one by one, suppressing them.

"Be careful." The third prince saw this scene and wanted to go back to rescue him, but was stopped by the first prince.

At this moment, Lin Xuan, a disciple of the Tailing Ancient Sect, and a spiritual thought of the Elder of the Taigu Ancient Sect, and the three sides attacked, even the strong Feng Weijing would fall. .

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