Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 120 If No One Knows, It’S Not Counted As Killing, Queen Of The Great Zhou (2, Please Subscri

Su Chen was calm and calm, and saw that his Double Pupils shot out two beams of light, like two fairy swords, directly splitting the divine sense of the Elder of the ancient Tailing sect, beheading him.

" is this possible?" The disciples of the Tailing Ancient Sect were shocked.

The Elders of the Tailing Ancient Sect all have the Cultivation Base of the Marquis Realm, and the Cultivation Base of the Yuan Elder has even reached the Great Perfection of the King Conferred Realm. The strength of a divine sense is comparable to that of the Marquis Realm, but it was killed by two eyes .

"Double Pupils really lived up to their reputation." Lin Xuan's heart was shocked, and the Magic power surged in his body, pouring into the Confucian book, strengthening the power, and completely suppressing Su Chen.

The ability of Double Pupils has not been fully developed and is so powerful. If Su Chen develops more abilities of Double Pupils, how can he kill the opponent.


The true spirit of Wuwu roared, the roar shook the world, and countless mountains were shattered.


After beheading the divine thoughts "Three Four Zeros", Su Chen completely suppressed the Vajra bracelet. He freed his hand and cast the real dragon treasure technique. The gorgeous rune gushed out from his palm, turning into a real dragon, lifelike, roaring out, a He rushed over, tore open the true spirit of Wuwu, and suppressed the disciples of the ancient Tailing sect.

"Lin Xuan, you are a disciple of White Deer Academy, this time I will forgive you."

The kendo realm slowly spread out, like a three-color Lotus flower, the characters on the sky disintegrated inch by inch, Lin Xuan retreated dozens of miles, and his complexion turned pale.

Su Chen's looking down and ignoring eyes made him furious, but he didn't show it. He knew that he was not Su Chen's opponent, so he could only bear it.

"Okay, Su Chen, I will definitely kill you." Lin Xuan went back to the distance without looking back.

Su Chen didn't care about this at all. Now there is only one leek, and it can't be cut off directly, it still needs to be raised.

"People from the ancient Tailing sect." Su Chen's eyes fell on the few people who were vomiting blood in the distance.

"We are still members of the Ancient Tailing Sect, you can't kill us." Several people took out the tokens of the Ancient Tailing Sect and shouted hastily.

Su Chen glanced at them, turned and left.


Several people breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't you hand over the Vajra bracelet yet? Otherwise, our Elder of the Tailing Ancient Sect..."


With a point of Su Chen's finger, a Sword Ray flew out, piercing through the eyebrows of the speaker, accompanied by


Su Chen glanced over and said, "Do you want to die too?"

Several people froze and trembled, a female disciple couldn't help screaming, pointed at Su Chen, and said sharply: "How dare you kill Junior Brother Li, you are finished, no one can save you

Su Chen shook his head slightly, these disciples of the ancient Tailing Sect were really pampered, and they didn't know how to live or die.


With a wave of his sleeve, sand and rocks flew in the battlefield, and the strong wind howled. The few people didn't even have the strength to backhand, and they were blown by the strong wind and exploded in the air like scarecrows.

The Tailing Ancient Sect can't threaten him yet.

On the other side, the eldest prince fought against the third prince, and the battle between the two was very fierce.

The mother of the first prince is the Empress of Great Zhou, and she is also the Holy Maiden of the previous generation of Tailing Ancient Sect, who gave the first prince many Magic Treasures. No matter how powerful the third prince is, he cannot suppress the first prince in a short time.

And the followers of the eldest prince would step up to interfere from time to time.


Su Chen took out the Vajra bracelet and threw it vigorously. The Vajra bracelet fell like an Immortal World, directly exploding into the void and collapsing. The eldest prince was hit by the sudden Magic Treasures. If the armor on his body did not glow at the critical moment, this strike was enough to make his body crumble.

"Who dares to sneak attack me?" The eldest prince said angrily.

Su Chen retrieved the Vajra bracelet, walked over, and said, "Prince, do you have any last words?"

"Is it you? Where's the disciple of Tailing Ancient Sect?"

The eldest prince frowned slightly when he saw Su Chen.



The eldest prince couldn't believe that Su Chen dared to kill someone from the ancient Tailing sect.

"How dare you kill someone from the ancient sect of Tailing, Zhongzhou will not tolerate you from now on." The eldest prince sneered.

His mother is the Holy Maiden of the Tailing Ancient Sect, so he knows how powerful the Tailing Ancient Sect is, its background is terrifying, and the Zhou Dynasty is far away, otherwise he would not dare to seize the Dynasty.

Dare to kill the disciples of the ancient Tailing sect, even if they are just ordinary disciples, Su Chen has no place in Zhongzhou, not to mention that those people are the core disciples of the ancient Tailing sect, and the Elder of the ancient Tailing sect stands behind them.

"Is the ancient Tailing sect scary?" Su Chen chuckled, not to mention that he has four Venerables beside him, and there is a god Cannian, even if there is only one Venerable, the ancient Tailing sect would not dare to capture him easily, otherwise It was the war between the two Sacred Lands.

The Tailing Ancient Sect couldn't bear it.

What's more, he still participated in the Dao Discussion Conference in the name of Changsheng Sacred Land to represent the face of Changsheng Sacred Land......

For him, it is for Changsheng Sacred Land.

Even if it is the Tailing Ancient Sect, it has to be weighed and weighed, whether it is worth it for a few core disciples.

"Prince, is there something wrong with your head? As long as I kill you all, no one will know that I killed the disciples of Tailing Ancient Sect, and no one will know that it will not be counted as killing soon." Su Chen smiled and said .

The eldest prince's eyes were a little frightened, Su Chen even dared to kill the disciples of the Tailing Ancient Sect, he didn't think Su Chen would dare to attack him.

"Go up!"

The eldest prince ordered his subordinates to stop Su Chen, while trying to escape by himself.

He doesn't want to fight anymore.

"Prince, can you get away?" Su Chen flicked his fingers, and the sword pill flew out, turning into a sword array, trapping the prince.

One after another Sword Ray is gorgeous, as thick as a mountain, and cuts out directly, causing the void to tremble and crack one after another.


In an instant, sword marks appeared all over the First Prince's body, dripping with blood.


Thousands of swords clanked and struck down with incomparable sharpness.

"Mother, save me." The eldest prince was terrified, and hurriedly crushed a piece of jade pendant.

At this moment, the space seemed to freeze, and all the Sword Qi stopped when they were three feet away from the First Prince.

In front of the eldest prince, stood a graceful woman in a court attire, with a luxurious and luxurious temperament. She wore a phoenix crown, her eyes were high at 0.2, and there was a trace of sharpness between her brows.

This woman is the Empress of Great Zhou, the biological mother of the First Prince.

"Presumptuous!" The phoenix eyes of Empress Da Zhou opened, extremely majestic, emitting a powerful force that shattered Sword Qi.

This is a divine thought of Empress Da Zhou.

Apparently, the Great Zhou Dynasty was worried that the eldest prince would be in danger, so they split out a divine sense to parasitize in the jade pendant. When the first prince was in danger, if he crushed the jade pendant, she would appear directly.

"What a powerful divine sense, comparable to the Great Perfection of the Marquis Realm." Su Chen thought.

The Divine Sense of the Empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty is much stronger than the Divine Sense in the Vajra Bracelet. The Divine Sense in the Vajra Bracelet is only comparable to the Marquis Realm, while the Divine Sense of the Great Zhou Dynasty is comparable to the Marquis Realm Dzogchen.

"Mother, this person is going to kill me, please kill them." The eldest prince pointed at Su Chen with venomous eyes. .

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