Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 145 Calculation, Great Zhou Guoshi (4, Please Subscribe!)

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, the hazy figure in the picture, the Magic power is too strong, it can suppress Dean Bailu with a single palm, it is simply terrifying, and it is definitely the top master in the Xuanming world.

"There are some orthodox traditions in Zhongzhou that possess artifacts, such as the Tailing Ancient Sect, the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Ancient Divine Mountain. Of course, it is also possible that Tianwei Academy and other orthodoxy have united to seize the Confucian saint's handwriting." Zi Lingyue analyzed. .

Zhongzhou is very large, and some orthodox traditions are left by ancient gods, such as the Great Zhou Dynasty, the ancient sacred mountains, etc.

Tianwei Academy once produced a god, but no artifact was left behind.

However, Tianwei Academy can cooperate with other orthodoxy to intercept and kill Bailu Academy and take back the scriptures of Confucian saints.

"Currently, Tianwei Academy is the most suspect. Confucian saints' handwriting needs a cultivator with awe-inspiring righteousness to activate it, and other orthodoxy is useless." It is impossible to re-cultivate servants

"June 1st," Su Chen said.

Fairy Yunling said: "The suspicion of the Great Zhou Dynasty is not small. The current state teacher of the Great Zhou Dynasty is the previous generation of dean of Tianwei Academy. The Magic power is extremely profound. With the power of the current state teacher, as long as the Great Zhou Dynasty is persuaded , Borrowing the artifact, there is a high chance of capturing the Confucian sage's handwriting, and in the future Tianwei Academy will form an alliance with the Great Zhou Dynasty to jointly fight against the ancient Tailing religion."

There are three possible lineages of Tailing Ancient Sect, Great Zhou Dynasty, and Tianwei Academy.

Zi Lingyue said: "I have mastered a secret method that can track breath, Su Chen, please gather a ray of righteousness."

Hearing this, Su Chen grasped it with his palm, and wisps of righteousness gathered and fell into Zi Lingyue's hands.

The purple mark between Zi Lingyue's eyebrows glowed, shining in the righteousness, and the righteousness seemed to come alive immediately, and she swam back.

"Catch up." Su Chen said.

A group of people followed Zheng Qi and flew in one direction. When flying tens of thousands of miles, there were waves of Magic power fluctuations in the distance, and some people were fighting in a continuous mountain range.

In the depths of the barren mountain, a group of cultivators wearing black armor are besieging and killing the disciples and Elder of the White Deer Academy.

"Who are you guys? It's not enough to seize the scriptures of Confucian saints, do you want to drive us all to extinction?" An Elder said angrily.

The black-armored cultivator didn't say a word, he directly activated the magic circle, turned into a big hand, and slapped the Elder till he coughed up blood.

"Gu Elder, you activate the void talisman and take your disciples away." An Elder said to a very beautiful woman.

It was Gu Lingxi.

Gu Lingxi said: "Wang Elder, you..."

Wang Elder sighed, and said: "There is no other way now, let's blow up the Cultivation Base and hold back these black-armored people."

The cultivators of these Heijia men are all in the Marquis Realm, and they seem to have been cultivated by secret methods. They don't have any vitality, they are indifferent and terrible, and they only know how to kill.

Gu Lingxi looked sad, glanced at the Elders, and was about to flee with his disciples.

She is not a little girl, and she won't say that if you don't leave, I won't leave either. If the delay continues, they will all die.

How many people can escape now count as how many people.

"Lin Xuan, you follow behind Gu Elder." Wang Elder said to a boy in white clothes.

A cold light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes, and he said: "Okay, then please Wang Elder... let's go!

Suddenly, magic light gushed out of Lin Xuan's palm, and he slapped Wang Elder's back with a slap, sending him flying horizontally.

"Lin Xuan, you..." Wang Elder's breath became weak, and he looked at Lin Xuan in disbelief.

Lin Xuan stood with his hands behind his back and sneered, "An accident?"

"White Deer Academy's action path is so hidden, and there are Confucian and sage handwriting to cover up the secrets, it is difficult to deduce it. If I hadn't passed the news to them, how could they set up a formation on the Tianhe Plain to ambush you."

"Hehe, now that the scriptures of Confucian saints have been taken away, and my mission has been completed, you can go with peace of mind.

"Lin Xuan, why, why did you betray White Deer Academy?" Gu Lingxi questioned.

"Hehe, do you need to know the reason?" Lin Xuan sneered and said, "You can do it, solve it as soon as possible, and I have to rush back to the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"I thought it was you, Lin Xuan, who betrayed White Deer Academy. Suddenly, a plain voice sounded over the mountains.

Lin Xuan was startled, he will never forget this voice for the rest of his life.

"Su Chen!"

Lin Xuan turned and looked towards the sky.

The sky was full of light, and the three figures approached hand in hand, and the person in the middle was the one he dreamed of killing... Su Chen!

Su Chen wore a moon white robe, looked at Lin Xuan indifferently, and said, "You betrayed the White Deer Academy, where did your Confucianism go?"

"Hehe, Su Chen, you came just in time, I will annihilate you together." Lin Xuan's murderous intention revealed......

Su Chen chuckled, and said: "Demon Sword Master, Demon Sword Master, Demon Sword Master [you take action!"

The void produced fluctuations, and three people surrounded by Sword intent walked out.


Sword Rays swiped one after another, and the Hei family members were split open one by one.

The strength of these Hei family members is very strong, comparable to Fenghou state, but they still can't stop the three great sword masters.

"Well, it turned out to be half human and half corpse. Could it be that the Great Zhou Dynasty colluded with the corpse demon Venerable and adopted the method of refining corpses." Su Chen saw the bronze-colored corpses of those black-armored men exuding wisps of corpse aura. bad smell.

But there is still vitality in their bodies, they are half human and half dead, as long as they continue to sacrifice and refine, they will be transformed into real living dead, possessing spiritual wisdom, but with copper skin and iron bones.

"Wrong, it's not that the Great Zhou Dynasty colluded with the corpse demon Venerable, but that this palace cooperated with the corpse demon Venerable. Su Chen, I also want to thank you for getting rid of the corpse demon Venerable for me, otherwise if it leaks out, This palace will also be cast aside by the Zhongzhou cultivator." A piercing voice sounded.

Out of the void, a graceful and luxurious figure wearing palace attire walked out. It was the Empress of Great Zhou.

Seeing Empress Da Zhou, Su Chen frowned slightly, and said, "It's actually you."

Su Chen, I know through Lin Xuan that you have a close relationship with Gu Lingxi of White Deer Academy, so I sent someone to spread the news of the attack on White Deer Academy in the city of God, otherwise why do you think anyone would know the news of the attack on White Deer Academy.

"All that this 4.6 officer did was to lure you to come here, and as expected, you rushed here without even thinking about it.

Empress Da Zhou looked at Su Chen as if she was holding a wisdom pearl.

Su Chen said: "It's a good plan, but do you have the strength to keep us?"

"Hehe, I really can't keep you all alone, but what about the Great Zhou Guoshi?" The Great Zhou Empress sneered.

The Grand Master of the Great Zhou, whose position in the Great Zhou is second only to the emperor and empress, has a high position and power, and is still more powerful than the three princes, so he is actually the Queen of Zhou.

"I want to kill you, and the Master of Great Zhou wants the handwriting of Confucian saints. In my capacity, it is not difficult to borrow the artifact from the ancient Tailing sect." Queen Da Zhou said.

"Empress, why bother talking nonsense with him, just kill him directly." An old figure appeared above the sky, exuding a majestic righteousness, and in his hand, the Confucian sage handwriting radiated a blazing light. .

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