Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 146 Jade God Shot, Killing Lin Xuan (5, Please Subscribe!)

Master Zhou's face was old, but he was full of energy. His whole body was shrouded in awe-inspiring righteousness, and glittering words appeared behind him, exuding a huge coercion.

The previous dean of Tianwei Academy lived for more than 5,000 years, and his Magic power is extremely profound, infinitely close to the False God Realm.

His strength is not weak, such as the emperor of Zhou Dynasty, the leader of Tailing and other heroes.

Empress Da Zhou stood side by side with the national teacher, exuding a huge coercion, and came straight to Su Chen.

At this time, the three major sword masters stepped forward, their Sword intent soaring into the sky, colliding with the opponent's aura.


The void collapsed, and the mountains below cracked open one after another, turning into a grand canyon.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

The faces of the three great sword masters turned pale, and they retreated dozens of miles before stabilizing their figures.

The Cultivation Base of the Great Zhou Empress and the National Teacher has reached the Venerable Great Perfection, and their strength is above the three major sword masters.

If it is against one person, the Three Great Sword Masters can still do it, but if the two join forces, the Three Heavenly Sword Masters can only be defeated.

"Su Chen, the shame you gave me last time, I will repay you twice." Empress Da Zhou's face was as cold as ice, with infinite murderous intentions.

"Grand 08, the Cultivation Base of these two is too strong, we will escort you away first." The Three Great Sword Masters hurriedly said.

"Let's go, can you go away?" Da Zhou Guoshi urged the Confucian sage's handwriting, and saw the gorgeous light flying out, turning into a huge hood, covering everyone in it.

He is also a Confucianism cultivator, who can motivate Confucian saints to write in handwriting.

"Empress Da Zhou, are you really going to fight against me?" Su Chen asked very calmly.

"Hehe, Su Chen, now, don't pretend to be calm." Lin Xuan walked over, dressed in white clothes like snow, very chic, but his eyes destroyed Transcendent's temperament.

His eyes are full of magic light, desire, exuding wisps of Devilish Qi.

"You seem to have forgotten us." Zi Lingyue said.

Behind her, an old man appeared, exuding an aura like the abyss and the sea, making it unpredictable.

"Well, a disciple of the Spirit Race." Empress Da Zhou frowned.

Zi Lingyue was born in the Spirit Clan and is the daughter of the leader of the Spirit Clan.

The Spirit Race is an ancient race of the Netherworld, with a profound and mysterious heritage.

"And me." An old woman appeared beside Fairy Yunling, old-fashioned, but exuding a Venerable aura.

"The six Venerables are indeed very powerful, enough to push a big sect horizontally, but I have a divine weapon in my hand, can you compete against it?" Da Zhou Guoshi sneered, not caring at all.

His Cultivation Base is close to the False God, plus the Confucian sage handwriting, unless the gods come, otherwise, even if the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty comes in person, he will end up with hatred.


A token appeared above the head of Empress Da Zhou, exuding a blazing brilliance, and runes jumped out of the token, like divine gold, blooming with brilliance.

This is the Divine Token of the Great Spirit Ancient Sect, and it is also a divine weapon. She borrowed it from the Ancient Great Spirit Sect and has not returned it yet.

The two peerless Venerables both have artifacts, and the peerless heroes will all fall when they come.

For a moment, everyone felt desperate, and the expressions of the three Venerables, Shadow Elder, Ziling and Fairy Yunling's protectors all changed.

"Do it, blast away the enchantment created by Confucian and Taoist handwriting, and then rush out." The three swordsmen said, they were ready to burn their natal Sword intent.

"it is good."

A few people looked at each other, knowing that they had to do their best, otherwise they would definitely die this time.

"Stand back, all of you, and let me come."

Suddenly, Su Chen waved his hand and said.

Everyone was surprised and looked at Su Chen.

"Young master."

Surprised by Shadow Elder et al.

Su Chen stepped forward and said, "Sister, please take action."

What he said made everyone puzzled, and Empress Da Zhou sneered: "Su Chen, you can't change your destiny even if you play tricks.

"Are you going to hurt my Little Brother?" A cold voice came, causing the temperature in the barrier to drop, and snowflakes even fell.

In an instant, within a radius of thousands of miles, heavy snow fell, like the arrival of severe winter.

Change the sky with one word!

Empress Da Zhou and the national teacher's complexion changed, and they were extremely shocked.

Such power, I am afraid that only the gods have it.

A woman with a hazy figure shrouded in endless brilliance appeared, standing quietly in front of Su Chen, her eyes were flat, and her body exuded a coldness.

"Is this... a god?"

"how is this possible?"

The empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the national teacher changed their colors at the same time, and there was a god hidden beside Su Chen.

That is a god, high above, looking down on all living beings, sitting and watching the river dry up, the mountain collapse, the mentality is aloof, how could it be possible to recognize Su Chen as Little Brother.

"I knew you had other means." Not far away, Fairy Yunling's eyes sparkled, secretly said.

"Since when did Sister Yushen recognize Su Chen as Little Brother? Su Chen really knows how to date relatives." Zi Lingyue muttered.

The three great sword masters were startled when they saw the Jade God appearing, and thought to themselves: "No wonder Su Chen can break the Jade God's seal, so I already recognized Su Chen as my sister, this is a great chance."

With the protection of a god, Su Chen can walk sideways in Xuanming Realm.

No wonder Su Chen dared to behave like that at the Dao Discussion Conference [There is no fear in his heart.

senior, we follow..."

"It's because you want to kill my little brother, so I can't keep you." Jade God stretched out a finger that was as white as jade, and tapped it lightly.


The rules of heaven and earth gathered together and flew out as a divine pillar.

At this moment, that finger filled the eyes of the two of them like a pillar of heaven and earth, they felt suffocated, their thinking stopped functioning, and even the divine weapon could not be activated.


A blood hole appeared between the eyebrows of Empress Da Zhou and the national teacher, and blood flowed.

Fear, regret, horror and unwillingness were written on their faces, their eyes lost their luster, and they died.

The three great sword masters and others were extremely shocked. This is the strength of the gods. Killing Venerable is as easy as killing an ant.

113 "Brother Chen, I'll leave it to you." Jade God's figure disappeared.

At this time, the Tailing God Order and Confucian Saint's handwriting glowed and wanted to fly away.

"Three Great Sword Masters, to suppress the Tailing God's Order, Lingxi, please join with the Elder of White Deer Academy to communicate with Confucian Saints' handwriting." Su Chen said.

After he gave the order, several people took action immediately, and began to suppress the artifact, and communicated in Confucian and sage handwriting.

Su Chen looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Lin Xuan, you can die now."

Lin Xuan's face was full of fear at this moment, and he no longer felt complacent as before, and said: "Su Chen, spare my life, I have an important secret to tell you."

"Oh, you want to say that you were born out of possession and know many supernatural powers. Let me let you go. You can teach me the supernatural power Cultivation Technique." Su Chen said.

"You...know my identity?" Lin Xuan was terrified when the biggest secret in his heart was revealed.


He activated the magic power of the previous life, and his body suddenly turned into several shadows, flying in all directions.


It's a pity that this magic skill couldn't hide from Su Chen's Double Pupils. A ray of light shot out from Su Chen's Double Pupils, which fixed one of the shadows, and Lin Xuan's figure emerged.

"Su Chen, I..."


Su Chen didn't even give him a chance to speak, and he slashed out, causing Lin Xuan's head to fly up, with a frightened look on his face. .

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