Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 148 Supreme Secret Realm, Subdue Double Pupils? (2, Please Subscribe!)

Old Ling looked at the young master in front of him. His young master has been a god since he was a child. He has his own ideas in everything he does, and he doesn't like other people to criticize him. But now this matter is of great importance, and it is related to the future of the young master. have to say.

The young man looked calm and said: "Old Ling, you are too careful. I am not the only one who knows about the Supreme secret realm. Some orthodoxy in the upper realm have also got the news. I am afraid they have sent people down now."

"Although the Xuan Ming Realm is not very big, it is not small after all. With Lao Ling's Cultivation Base, it may take several months to investigate all of them. It is better to leave it to Changsheng Sacred Land."

Old Ling nodded and said: "The young master can understand clearly, this old servant is worrying too much."

At the same time, when Su Chen returned to Eastern Wasteland, he received a summons.

"Young Master from the Upper Realm, Disciple of the Longevity Heaven." Su Chen looked at the content of the message, his head moved slightly.

He has Jade God and Soul Elder by his side, and he is not ignorant of the upper realm.

The upper realm is the place where the planes of the heavens meet, and it is vast and boundless. The land of a state is probably much wider than the Xuanming Realm.

Changshengtian is the Immortal orthodoxy of the upper realm, which has a long history and can be traced back to the era of Kaitian, while the Changsheng Sacred Land of the lower realm can only be regarded as a branch of Changshengtian.

"The disciple of Changshengtian actually came from the lower realm, what is the purpose?"

Su Chen fell into deep thought. The environment and resources in the upper realm are 747 times richer than those in the lower realm. A grass and a tree in the upper realm are all spiritual herbs in the lower realm. The spiritual tree is the elixir that everyone dreams of.

To make the disciples of Changshengtian come to the lower realm at any cost, there must be something in the Xuanming Realm that makes them excited.

You must know that different world planes are blocked by world barriers and God's will, especially if the creatures of the upper world want to enter the lower plane, they need to pay a huge price. The higher the Cultivation Base, the greater the price to pay.

Generally speaking, if there is no treasure that moves the souls of the upper realm, the creatures of the upper realm will not even look at the lower realm.

"Sister, is there any difference in Xuanming Realm?" Su Chen asked Jade God.

Jade God heard the words, pondered for a while, and said: "Xuanming Realm is not much different from other worlds, but there was a Double Pupils in the ancient times, a madman in the ancient times, because there was a Sun Supreme in the ancient times. "

The difference between Xuanming Realm and other worlds is that a peerless figure will appear in every era.

The ancient Supreme, the ancient madmen, and the ancient Double Pupils, only in the middle ages did there not appear any tyrannical characters.

Su Chen recalled the classics in his mind, and thought: "In ancient times, the Double Pupils established a small god's court, and now the small magical powers have been destroyed. There should be nothing worthy of the attention of the big figures in the upper world. It is rumored that the ancient madman has always been alone. What inheritance is left behind, only Taikoo Supreme, and it is rumored that in order to repay this world, Taikoo Supreme once opened up a secret realm for those who are destined."

"Could it be that the disciples of Changshengtian from the upper realm came here for the Supreme secret realm."

"However, the Supreme secret realm is just a legend. Hundreds of millions of years have passed since ancient times, and the Supreme secret realm has never appeared before."

"Since he dared to come down to the realm, he must have some news and clues."

"It seems that we need to go back to Sacred Land first, and then test the disciples of the Longevity Heaven from the upper realm."

There was a gleam in Su Chen's eyes.

He sat cross-legged in the chariot and headed towards Changsheng Sacred Land.

Three days later, the chariot appeared outside Changsheng Sacred Land, and Su Chen returned to Sacred Land to meet Changsheng Shengli.

"Su Chen, the status of the disciple of Changshengtian in the upper realm is extremely noble. You have to be careful not to make mistakes." The Lord of Longevity warned.

Even if he is the Lord of the Sacred Land in the lower realm, in the eyes of the creatures in the upper realm, he is just a small person, who can be destroyed with a single palm.

Moreover, the Cultivation Base of the young adults in the Upper Realm has reached the Venerable state.

This kind of heaven's favored son, whose Cultivation Base has reached the Venerable Realm, can completely become invincible in the same realm, and the Lord of Longevity may not be able to defeat the opponent without using divine weapons.

Su Chen nodded and returned to Yuntian Great Hall.

At this moment, the people in the Longevity Sacred Land are very empty, and most of the Elders and disciples are sent out to find the special features of Eastern Wasteland.

On a spiritual peak surrounded by spiritual Qi, a young adult from the upper realm stood with his hands behind his back, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This time the Lower Realm has achieved a good harvest. In the Sacred Land of Longevity, there unexpectedly appeared a disciple with the blood of True Phoenix, and another with the ancient Double Pupils.

He sighed in his heart, if he hadn't been born in a wealthy family in the upper realm and was a disciple of Changshengtian, he would really be ashamed of himself in front of these two people.

Needless to say, True Phoenix bloodlines are very rare in the Upper Realm.

And the ancient Double Pupils are even more terrifying. In the ancient times, the Double Pupils appeared in the upper realm, and they were invincible. The Double Pupils opened their eyes, created the world, and even Saints fell.

Later, the Double Pupils was invincible, pushed across the upper realm, stepped into the Supreme Realm, and disappeared from sight.

It can be said that there are no fewer legends about Double Pupils in the upper realm than in the lower realm, and even more knowledge and research.

"The young master wants to subdue these two people." Ling Lao guessed his young master's thoughts.

"That's right, whether it's the True Phoenix bloodline or the ancient Double Pupils, they are very rare. If they can be subdued and used for me, it will be very helpful for me to compete for the position of Son of Heavenly Dao in the future." The young man said.

He is a true disciple of Changshengtian, but it is only one of the five great true disciples, not a Taoist of Changshengtian.

The Daozi of Changshengtian is the son of Dao, carrying the Dao of Changshengtian, the future God.

In addition to him, there are four other people fighting for the position of Daozi. Each of them is a Supreme-level figure with terrifying strength and methods. With his own back and strength, he can't suppress them.

But if he subdues these two people from the lower realm and trains them well, it will be of great help to help him deal with the other four.

"Young master, please forgive me for talking too much, the True Phoenix bloodline is better, and there are a few people in the upper world who can be subdued, but the Double Pupils must be extremely arrogant. "Don't dare to fall behind others." Ling Lao

Young Master Own is good at everything, but sometimes she is too confident, and she can even be described as conceited.

"Old Ling, others can't subdue him, but I can. I'm looking forward to seeing the Double Pupils surrender in front of me." The young man smiled and said.

Seeing that his young master had a firm mind, Ling Lao didn't have much to say.

They are just Double Pupils, they haven't grown up yet, if they dare to resist the young master, he will kill him even at the risk of being punished by the young master.

Time flies by, but Su Chen has been to Changsheng Sacred Land for five days.

He did not go to meet the young adults in the upper realm, but practiced in Yuntian Great Hall to open up acupuncture points.

In five days, he opened another 1,200 acupoints, plus the previously opened acupoints, he has opened 4,200 acupoints.

At this moment, the acupoints all over his body are glowing, like star light spots, shining brightly and dazzingly.

"My lord, someone has sent an invitation card." Suddenly, the voice of the servant girl outside the hall came. .

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