Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 149 The Ambition Of The Ancient Mad Dragon, The Arrival Of The Creatures From The Upper Real

Gu Kuanglong is very excited these days. The young adult from the upper realm came to the Son of Longevity. As long as he finds the place that the young adult needs, he can ascend to the sky in one step, be valued by the young adult, and become the Holy Son of Sacred Land at that time, not just a young adult talk thing.

"My lord is going to hold a banquet today, and I have invited the true disciples in Sacred Land." Gu Kuanglong also received the invitation.

His eyes moved slightly, and he said: "This is an opportunity, but Su Chen has already returned, with his talent and strength, if he is valued by adults, it will be against me."

On a spiritual peak in the Sacred Land of Longevity, stands a gorgeous palace named ~ Black Tortoise Palace.

The Black Tortoise Hall is the Great Hall of Changsheng Sacred Land to welcome distinguished guests. It is very luxurious and magnificent, and even the tiles are glazed in color, forming a halo under the sunlight

The place where the young masters of the upper realm entertained the true disciples was in the Black Tortoise Hall.

Su Chen walked over and stepped onto the Black Tortoise Hall.

In the hall, the young adult from the upper realm sat on the main seat, his eyes were indifferent, his body exuded a noble temperament, as if he was in charge of great power, his aura was like an abyss like the sea, and the Magic power in his body was as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, unfathomable.

Su Chen looked away from the young man, and was slightly surprised when he saw the old man beside him.

This is a god, and in his perception, the old man is full of divine glow, and the halo behind him is very bright.

"A false god." Su Chen withdrew his gaze and stepped into the hall.

"I've seen a fellow daoist." Su Chen cupped his hands.

As soon as he said this, the hall suddenly became silent, and the expressions of several true disciples were stunned, and they were extremely shocked.

Su Chen actually called the young adult from the upper realm a fellow daoist, that's too bold.

Gu Kuanglong finally found an opportunity, jumped out and said: "Bold, Su Chen, if you still don't kneel down to plead guilty, how can you call him a fellow daoist, you are not worthy.

The young adult in the Upper Realm looked indifferent at the moment, showing nothing, making it impossible to see his thoughts.

Su Chen glanced at Gu Kuanglong, and said: "People who cultivate the Tao are all exploring the road of the Dao, and they have the same purpose. Why not call me a fellow daoist, but you, Gu Kuanglong, bowed your knees and lost the face of a Taoist , wouldn't it make the fellow daoist in the upper realm think that we immortal Sacred Land people have no backbone.

"You..." Gu Kuanglong was startled, and hurriedly wanted to refute.

"I invite you here today for one thing only."

The youth stopped Gu Kuanglong from continuing to speak.

"Please fellow daoist explain." Su Chen said.

The young man glanced at Su Chen unexpectedly. Even in the Upper Realm, some cultivators would be terrified when they learned of their own identity, but this person in front of him was calm and calm.

"Hehe, you are worthy of being a Double Pupils. You are full of confidence. This is the only way to win over."

The young man smiled faintly, and continued: "A Supreme appeared in the ancient times of Xuanming Realm, and left behind a Supreme secret realm. I came to the lower realm this time for the Supreme secret realm."

"The Sacred Land of Changsheng is a branch of Changshengtian. This time the Supreme secret realm is opened, and I will take you in. As long as you perform well in the Supreme secret realm, I can ask the Elder of Changshengtian to take you into the upper realm."

As soon as the young man said this, everyone in the hall shook.

Upper Realm is a very distant term for them.

As we all know, only by igniting the divine fire and surviving the divine calamity can one ascend to the upper realm.

Although their Talents belong to the top class in the Xuanming Realm, it is extremely difficult to become a god.

Now that they have the opportunity to enter the upper realm, how can they not be excited.

"I'm willing to go through fire and water for my lord, and I'll do whatever it takes." Gu Kuanglong's true disciple hurriedly said.

Su Chen looked calm, sitting behind the jade case, thinking in his heart.

After the banquet, everyone dispersed.

The young adult from the upper realm sat in the hall, obviously thinking.

"Young master, Su Chen is too arrogant, I think he needs to be taught a lesson," Ling Lao said.

Ever since Su Chen entered the Great Hall, when the cupped hands called himself a fellow daoist, he was dissatisfied.

What kind of person is my young master, the proud son of heaven, a mere creature from the lower world, dare to call the young master a fellow daoist, it is humiliating the young master, how can he not be angry.

But the attitude of Gu Kuanglong and the others made him very satisfied. This is the attitude that the creatures of the lower world should have.

The young man looked calm, and said: "Double Pupils, naturally you must have a certain amount of pride, otherwise what's the point of subduing him, don't teach him a lesson for now, after entering the Supreme secret realm, he will naturally know the gap between Daoists and others .”

"Yes." Elder Ling bowed his head.


At this moment, in Yuntian Great Hall, Feng Yunxiu came forward and said, "Junior Brother Su, what do you think of the young adults from the upper realm?"

Feng Yunxiu is dressed in white, with cloud patterns drawn on the cuffs. She has a graceful figure, black silk like waterfalls, exquisite features, and skin like creamy fat.

I haven't seen her for a while, but her temperament is even more outstanding, and the Cultivation Base has also stepped into the Fenghou Realm. There is a terrifying power in her body, which seems to be awakening.

"True Phoenix blood."

Su Chen withdrew his gaze and said: "The visitor from the upper realm is indeed extraordinary. He said that he would take us into the Supreme secret realm, but he just found a group of subordinates who would work for him at critical moments "to step into some dangerous areas."

"I think the same way. The people from the upper realm are detached and refined on the surface, but deep down they are very arrogant. They look down on us creatures from the lower realm." Feng Yunxiu said.

"Not to mention the people in the upper world, congratulations to Sister Feng for awakening the True Phoenix bloodline, and her strength and potential have improved to a higher level." Su Chen laughed.

Feng Yunxiu was extremely bright, and said with a smile: "I would also like to thank you, junior brother, for bringing me the Nirvana grass, so that my bloodline Nirvana can be regenerated. Junior brother, you went to the Dao Discussion Conference. When you went, you were no more than the Realm of the spiritual fetus. Stepping into the Marquis Realm is equally gratifying."

The two talked in the hall, and Su Chen told about his experience in the Dao Discussion Conference, which made Feng Yunxiu laugh again and again.

"Junior Brother Su, you are too domineering and ostentatious in doing that, so don't do it in the future." Feng Yunxiu said worriedly.

When Su Chen talked with Feng Yunxiu, various visions occurred in Eastern Wasteland, and even the entire Xuanming Realm.

The sun, moon, Sacred Land and star Sacred Land announced their unity and restored the name of Ten Thousand Stars Sacred Land.

On Tianyao Mountain in the southern border, clouds and mist surged, and a huge divine bird descended from the sky, and several figures stood on the divine bird's back.

In Zhongzhou, over the Tailing Ancient Sect, clouds were churning, visions emerged one after another, a door opened wide, and several figures descended.

Beiming, Xiyu and others also had visions.

For a moment, people in the Xuanming Realm fluttered, wondering what happened.

"Young master, I have found the entrance to the Supreme secret realm." In Changsheng Sacred Land, Ling Lao came to report.

The young man was slightly surprised, and asked, "So fast?"

Ling Laodao: "In fact, it is not found by people who live in the Sacred Land, but when the Supreme secret realm automatically appears."

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