Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 168 Defeated Young Supreme, Got Inheritance (4, Please Subscribe!)

This is not over yet, Double Pupils manipulated the power of time to delay time, and the movements of the young man in white suddenly slowed down, slower than a snail.

"Interesting, Double Pupils did not appear in ancient times, but Double Pupils appeared in later generations. You make me interested."

There was interest in the eyes of the young man in white, his skin became crystal clear, flowing with colorful rays of light, his rune was dazzling, and he condensed a huge divine clock.


When the bell rang, the sound waves rolled like ocean waves, sweeping across the ten directions, directly shattering the power of time and space.

The young man in white charged towards Su Chen with a rage that was unparalleled in the world.

He is worthy of being a young Supreme, with unrivaled combat power, and the blessing of the world's rules in every gesture, and the big bell behind him rang, shaking the world, as if he was about to reopen the world.

This is a terrifying aura, it will never be destroyed after all battles, and it will never die.

The young man in white is like standing at the end of time, invincible in the world, running through the long river of time, the heavens and the universe.

"The young Supreme is really strong in battle." Su Chen saw that the power of the Double Pupils was broken, and he was not depressed. The power of the Double Pupils was just conceived and not yet mature, so it was natural for him to be broken by a young Supreme.

"I wonder if you can take over this supernatural power?" Su Chen's eyes flashed, and a black light shot out.

Great Divine Light of Silence!

This is the Talent supernatural power he was born in the supernatural power realm, and it is currently the most powerful 500 Double Pupils power.

Wherever the Great Nirvana Divine Light passed, the void collapsed, and the mist in the sky disintegrated, revealing the heaven and earth.

"Well, the divine light that contains destructive power, is this the power of Double Pupils?" As strong as the young man in white, this man also looked moved and surprised.

He pushed the big clock behind him, and the bell rang melodiously, washing away the ages, disturbing the time and disturbing the years.

I saw sound waves coming like waves, colliding with the Great Nirvana Divine Light, making a sound like a tsunami.


A black hole appeared at the place where the two collided, and an endless void storm was blown out, sweeping the space.

"Okay, Double Pupils has made me more willing to fight. Can you take my attack?" The white-clothed young man looked like a man, with his white clothes fluttering. Dao flowers emerged from his back, launching the most fierce attack.

Daohua cuts the space, condenses the force field, and suppresses it.

Every dao flower is like an ancient sacred mountain, falling with great force.

It is obviously a very elegant and unrestrained treasure technique, but it shows a very terrifying power.


Su Chen also activated this precious technique, and Dao flowers appeared all over his body, colliding with the Dao flowers of the young man in white.

"It's rare, you have gained insight into the treasure technique I created so quickly." The young man in white was a little surprised, but also a little happy. This was the joy of seeing Yingjie.



The two kept fighting in this space, and their figures moved with lightning speed.

The young man in white has mastered many treasures, and he can use them at will, which is earth-shattering. Every one of them is enough to make the Taoists of the upper realm fight.

Although Su Chen mastered very few powerful treasures, he used the power of Double Pupils, coupled with the real dragon treasure and myriad transformation treasures, to actually block the young man in white, and even suppress him in turn.

Every time he uses his Great Nirvana Divine Light, he needs to consume a lot of Magic Power, but after his Cultivation Base breakthrough, the Magic Power will increase greatly, and after using it once, the Magic Power will be exhausted.

He also has the heart of luck, which can recover quickly after being injured.

At the same time, the power of 40,000 pieces of Guangzhi, the physical strength of the body.

Although the young man in white was powerful in battle, he was nothing more than Supreme's fighting spirit after all, not comparable to the real young Supreme. At the end of the battle, Su Chen figured out his attack and began to counterattack.


Su Chen activated the Great Nirvana Divine Light, extinguishing all things, and at the same time, the real dragon behind him roared, smashing mountains and rivers and shaking the sky.

The young man in white was gradually exhausted and suppressed.


After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Su Chen suddenly pointed out that it was the condensed sword realm.

Kendo Realm turned into a divine sword, lightning fast [punched the eyebrows of the young man in Tian Yi.

"You have won. Someone has finally surpassed me in the same realm. You are eligible to receive my inheritance." The young man in white seemed to heave a sigh of relief, and his brows that were pierced recovered. (aiad)

Su Chen let out a sigh of relief. This battle was the most difficult since his debut, and all means were used.

"I still have a long way to go, so I can't be complacent and proud." Su Chen reminded himself.

"Come with me!" The young man in white waved his hand, a stone step appeared in front of him, and there was a palace at the end of the stone step.

He took Su Chen to the palace.

When Su Chen stepped into the palace, he saw a big bell floating in the air, emitting a faint light.

"This is... Supreme Magical Item?!" Su Chen looked at the big clock and his heart was shaken.

Supreme stands at the peak of human nature, can run through the long river of time, and leave a shadow imprint, the Magical Item created by Supreme is called Supreme Magical Item, how many can there be in ancient times?

Even in the endless upper realm, in some ancient orthodoxy, there may be Supreme Magical Items, but the Supreme Magical Items cannot be owned by individuals, and they must be used to suppress the background.

It can be said that as long as the news that there is a Supreme Magical Item hidden in the Supreme secret realm leaks out, it will make the upper world move and attract saint-level figures to take action.

Su Chen pressed down in shock, and said, "senior, why did you leave the Supreme Magical Item in the inheritance? With the strength of a senior, who in the world can kill you?"

Supreme has great supernatural powers and immeasurable Magic power, and it is difficult to be killed. Even in ancient times, Supreme was the peak of the upper realm, and no one dared to provoke it.

But the white-clothed Supreme actually left the natal Magical Item in the inheritance place, there is only one possibility, he himself fell.

Su Chen thought of the sea of ​​blood outside the ancient god's land, and had a guess in his mind.

The young man in white laughed and said: "People are mortal after all, if they don't become immortals, they will return to Li Honda.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet?" the white-clothed youth asked.

"Su Chen."

"Su Chen, you have accepted my inheritance, and you must be careful when you encounter creatures from other lands in the future." The young man in white said solemnly.

"Exotic creatures?" Su Chen was thoughtful, it seemed that the small God Court was planned and destroyed by foreign creatures.

"Okay, don't think about it too much. Now that your strength has not met the creatures from other lands, are you ready to accept my inheritance?" The young man in white thought about Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded and said, "senior, I'm ready."

"That's the beginning." The young man in white touched the divine clock, and the clock sounded melodiously. A strange fluctuation was introduced into Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and ancient texts were condensed in his sea of ​​consciousness, and finally the ancient culture was made into a book. It records the inheritance of Supreme in white.

"The comprehension I have practiced, the magical powers I have mastered, etc., are all in the book, you can slowly watch, understand, and master."

The young man in white waved his hand again, the divine clock shrunk and entered Su Chen's purple mansion.

"I have set a seal on this divine clock. If you use it in the future, it will not reveal the Supreme breath. Of course, you have to be careful, some people can still recognize it." The young man in white said.

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