Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 169: The Supreme Secret Realm Ends, And The Mysterious Situation Rises (1, Please Subscribe!

Su Chen practiced in the palace for three days before imprinting his own Divine Sense on the divine clock.

"The clock is coming." With a thought in Su Chen's mind, the divine clock flew out, turned into a three-inch size, and fell into his hands. Magic power poured in, and the bell sounded melodiously, as if it came from the ancient times, making the Divine Sense sober

The Divine Bell can be used not only for killing enemies, but also for self-cultivation.

"The name of this bell is Xuanming." White-clothed Supreme said.

"Xuanming Shenzhong, Xuanmingjie's name is actually because of senior." Su Chen was slightly surprised.

Supreme in white smiled and said: "The name is not important, you should practice and understand."

When Su Chen obtained the inheritance of Supreme, in other dimensions, Ye Xiao, Yang Yi and others were breaking through.

They are all young talents in the upper world, with outstanding talents, otherwise they would not be accepted as true disciples by the Immortal orthodoxy.

The most powerful among them has reached the ninth level, facing the Supreme of the same realm.

It's a pity that they didn't even block the first move and were defeated.

In the temple, young talents from the upper realm were constantly being eliminated.

"Oh, it's too difficult. The combat power of Supreme in the same realm is too terrifying. I feel that I don't even have the courage to make a move in the face of the sky." A young genius from the upper realm shook his head with an extremely frustrated expression.

"You still want to pass through the ninth level, you can see Supreme's shot, but I only made it to the seventh level." Someone shook his head.


Ye Xiao's figure appeared with an extremely ugly expression.

He failed, facing the young Supreme, he only made three moves and was defeated.

After Ye Xiao appeared, Yang Yi and the others were also eliminated, with a bad look on their faces.

Although they had gained a lot in the lower realm this time, they still didn't get what they wanted.

Su Chen was also sent out, showing a dejected look.

The inheritance of Supreme is too important. If he is too obvious and is suspected by others, I am afraid that the big figures in the upper world will take action.

Be low-key when you should be low-key.

"Brother Ye, with your Talent, it must have been inherited."

Su Chen stepped forward and sighed: "Oh, I was in a miserable situation. I exhausted my energy and energy, and I only made it to the seventh level."

He was very depressed and uncomfortable.

When Ye Xiao heard Su Chen's words, he thought he was mocking him, but when he saw Su Chen's expression, he felt a little better.

"Brother Su, you don't need to be depressed. I only passed the eighth level and failed the ninth level." Ye Xue said.

As time passed, all the cultivators who entered the test space came out, all of them looking bad.

Everyone glanced at each other, thinking in their hearts, whether anyone got the inheritance.

"Su Chen's strength should not be passed on. Yang Yi, Xing Daokong, Lin Yun and others may not be able to pass the ninth level. It seems that returning to the upper realm requires testing them." Ye Xiao thought.

Although he was very confident in his own strength, he didn't blindly think that he surpassed everyone.

The strength of Yang Yi, Xing Daokong and others is comparable to his.

At the same time, Yang Yi, Xing Daokong and others thought the same way.

Su Chen took back the first page of the book and walked outside.

Since it has been inherited by Supreme, it is meaningless to stay here.

The other cultivators also went out, preparing to leave the Supreme secret realm.

Passing through the chaotic mist and walking down the World Treasure Tree, everyone glanced at the World Treasure Tree with nostalgia. Unfortunately, the power of this Treasure Tree is too strong, even if Saint came, they could not collect it.

Leaving the Primordial Divine Mountain, everyone first searched in the Primordial Divine Land and obtained a lot of divine medicines before preparing to leave the Primordial Divine Land.

The golden boat from the other side came, and everyone left in the golden boat.

After reaching the other side, when Su Chen was about to leave, a mighty divine power came over him, making people jump in fear.

Everyone didn't know what happened, so they hurriedly avoided.

Su Chen seemed to be in the midst of a storm at this moment, his eyes swept over.

I saw a young man in black coming, and an old servant stood behind him, who was his protector from the lower realm.

Su Chen frowned slightly, obviously the other party's heart was far worse than that of Yang Yi and the others, he held grudges very much, and asked the guardians to attack him.

"You're going too far." Ye Xiao was still planning to subdue Su Chen, so it was naturally impossible to watch Su Chen get killed.

His old servant stepped out, exuding divine power, and blocked the opponent.

"Ye Xiao, do you want to make an enemy of the Great Freedom Palace for mere creatures from the lower world?" the young man in black asked coldly, with a very ugly expression on his face.

The Dazizai Demon Palace is a very famous orthodoxy in the upper realm, and it is not weak against the Changshengtian, Sun God Sect and other forces.

"You still can't represent the Great Free Demon Palace." Ye Xiao said lightly.

In terms of status, he is from the Ye family and he is the true disciple of Changshengtian, so how could he be afraid of the true disciple of Dazizai Demon Palace.

0...seeking flowers...

"Okay, very good, I remember you." The young man in black glanced at Su Chen and Ye Xiao bitterly, and left with the old servant.

"Thank you, Brother Ye." Su Chen cupped his hands.

"You're welcome." Ye Xiao said.

After everyone left the Supreme secret realm, Su Chen, Ye Xiao and others returned to the Sacred Land of Longevity.

"Brother Su, I want to return to the Upper Realm. As for the quota to guide you into the Upper Realm, I will apply to the Elder. Please wait patiently." Ye Xiao took out the Three Realms boat, took himself and Elder Ling, and left Xuanming boundary.

When he urges the ship of The Three Realms, the immortal Elder in the upper world will sense it, and the Elder of the immortal will activate the divine power to lead the ship of The Three Realms back.

In fact, Ye Xiao could take Su Chen back to the upper realm directly, but this is too simple, Su Chen may not be grateful to Dade and surrender to him.


He could tell that Su Chen was a hidden dragon, and he was in the abyss now, but if he was given a chance, he would definitely be able to soar into the sky, and he would not be able to suppress the other party by then.

Su Chen saw Ye Xiao's intention and cupped hands to Ye Xiao without saying anything.

After Ye Xiao left, Su Chen read the Insight Taoist scriptures in Sacred Land, read the inheritance of Xuanming Supreme, and gained a lot, and his Cultivation Base also stepped into the middle stage of the king without a sound. .

During these days of his Closed Door Training, great changes have taken place in the Xuanming Realm.

First of all, the major forces, the fall of the masters of some forces caused considerable turmoil, and some forces gained huge gains in the Supreme secret realm, which caused dissatisfaction among other orthodoxy and caused great wars


At this time, a ray of purple light descended outside the Sacred Land of Longevity, and shouted: "Sacred Son of the Purple Mansion Sacred Land, please see the Lord of Longevity, please save the Sacred Land of the Zifu Mansion.

This voice was full of grief and anger, rolling over Changsheng Sacred Land, disturbing many Elders and disciples in Changsheng Sacred Land.

"What happened to the Holy Master of the Purple Mansion?" The Holy Lord of Longevity appeared, looking at the bruised Son of the Purple Mansion, and asked.

"Senior, my father was severely injured in the Supreme secret realm. The Sacred Land Elder lineage of the Purple Mansion united with other orthodoxy to seek the position of the Holy Lord. I escaped in a hurry. I ask the Longevity Holy Lord to read the relationship between the two and make a move." Help." Zifu Sacred Land knelt on his knees and kowtowed.

The Lord of Longevity hastily helped the Son of the Zifu, and said: "The fellow daoist of the Zifu is my good friend, how could I not take action, don't worry, I will send someone to the Sacred Land of the Zifu.".

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