Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 170 Entering The Purple Mansion, Cutting Venerable (2, Please Subscribe!)

Zifu Sacred Land, bustling no longer.

Originally, there should be many spiritual mountains and spiritual springs everywhere, but now it is full of flames and devastation.

In the deepest part of the Sacred Land of the Purple Mansion, within a magnificent Great Hall, a group of Elders from the Sacred Land of the Purple Mansion activated the magic circle to resist the attacks from outside.

Outside the Great Hall, there was a group of people standing, full of energy and blood, with their eyes opening and closing, golden lightning flashed across the sky, very compelling.

In fact, there was one person, very old, holding a cane, with white hair flying all over his head, and his aura was very powerful.

He is the Great Elder of Sacred Land in Purple Mansion, and the power in Sacred Land of Purple Mansion is only under that of Saint.

"Big Elder, why did you betray the Purple Mansion Sacred Land, aren't you afraid of being punished by God?" In front of the palace gate, an Elder angrily scolded the Big Elder with a sad and indignant expression.

This is the person in front of him, colluding with outsiders, intending to subvert the Purple Mansion Sacred Land.

"Hehe, where did the betrayal start?"

"Four Two Three" Elder of the Purple Mansion sneered, and said: "After I am in charge of the Sacred Land of the Purple Mansion, I will revise the history books. You are the traitors. Future generations will only remember that I led the disciples of the Purple Mansion to fight the enemy bravely and finally defeated Enemy, traitor at hand."

"Fellow daoist, it's better to break through the formation quickly and kill the Lord of the Purple Mansion, otherwise it will be a bit bad if the Son of the Purple Mansion comes to rescue the soldiers." Behind the big Elder, stood a majestic middle-aged man, Qi Yu Extraordinary, with golden eyes.

He is wearing a golden armor, flowing with glow, and his blood is like a volcano, making people feel hot and unbearable.

He is the one who cooperates with the Elder of the Purple Mansion.

Dozens of cultivators in armor stood behind him, expressionless, exuding terrifying killing intent.

"It is indeed necessary to speed up the action. The Lord of the Purple Mansion has a good relationship with the Lord of Longevity. If the Son of the Purple Mansion borrows someone from the Sacred Land of Longevity, it will be difficult for us." The Elder of the Purple Mansion immediately ordered the others to ignore their injuries. Attack the big formation.

Inside the Great Hall, Qin Xianxian looked worried, looking at the middle-aged man lying on the bed, his expression extremely worried.

"I don't know if the big brother escaped from the pursuit successfully, and asked Changsheng Sacred Land for help." Qin Xianxian prayed in his heart.

"Ahem, immortal." The Lord of Zifu suddenly woke up and called out.

"Father, you are awake."

Qin Xianxian looked pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to help the Holy Master of the Zifu.

The Holy Lord of the Purple Mansion was pale and his breath was weak. He looked at Qin Xianxian and said: "Xianxian, with the power of the big formation, it won't be able to hold back for a long time. You should use the void-breaking talisman to leave quickly, and don't go back to the Sacred Land of the Purple Mansion. .”

"Father" Qin Xianxian's eyes were full of tears, and he was very reluctant to leave, unwilling to leave with the Lord of the Zifu.

"Nine Elders, if the Great Elders break the battle, you take the immortals and leave, and you must protect the safety of the immortals." The Lord of the Zifu ordered.

"Yes." In the hall, an old man with an old face said.

"Father, don't worry, the big brother has escaped from the Purple Mansion Sacred Land and went to the Changsheng Sacred Land to ask for help, and will be back soon." Qin Xianxian comforted.

"I'm afraid it's too late. With the Elder's strength and their reckless attack, it only takes a quarter of an hour to break through the formation." The Lord of the Purple Mansion said.


Booming sounds came from outside the hall, the precious light was dazzling, the Magical Item was huge, Shrouding the Heavens covered the sun.

"Hahaha, the big formation won't last long, break it for me." The big Elder laughed loudly, offered Magic Treasures, and smashed open a corner of the big formation.

All of a sudden, the Great War staggered, overwhelmed, and began to collapse.

"Holy Master, it's fine if you just abdicate honestly, you're still breathing, I can only say that you don't know how to praise." The Elder walked into the Great Hall, looked at the pale-faced Holy Master of the Purple Mansion, and said with a sneer .

"Hehe, Big Elder, do you think I really suffered a serious injury in the Supreme secret realm? Everything was just to lure the snake out of the hole.

All of a sudden, the Zifu Shengzi's whole body burst into rays of light, his energy and blood were extremely strong, just like the undulations of the sea, his complexion returned to normal, not as pale as before.


Seeing such a turn of events, the elder Elder was so frightened that he retreated several feet, with a terrified expression.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, don't be fooled by him. Forcibly condense the power of energy and blood. You can hide it from them, but you can't hide it from me." The middle-aged Jin Yong said lightly.

"Are you... the Venerable of the Ancient Divine Mountain in Zhongzhou?!" A look of despair flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Zifu.

He didn't expect that the Great Elder would actually collude with the people of the Ancient God Mountain, and even let the Lord of the Ancient God Mountain lineage come in person.

You must know that the ancient sacred mountain is divided into five veins, and the Cultivation Base of each vein master is comparable to the master of the Sacred Land.

"Jinjiao Venerable, I have seen the Holy Master of the Purple Mansion, but I didn't expect the Holy Master of the Purple Mansion to know me." Jinjia middle-aged man said.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill him first." The big Elder couldn't wait, and was about to come out.

"Big Elder thinks about our fellowship, let the immortals go." The Lord of the Purple Mansion said.

"Is it possible?" The elder Elder sneered and said, "If there are any Elders in the palace who surrender, I can spare one of them, and your sons and daughters must die."

"Big breath."

Suddenly, a faint voice came from outside.

"who is it?"

The big Elder and Jin Jiao Venerable were startled, and looked outside the hall.

I saw a white-clothed boy stepping in, and said calmly: "I am here today, who can you kill?"


The big Elder paused slightly, and said: "It's you, Su Chen from Changsheng Sacred Land, how dare you come to Purple Mansion Sacred Land alone?"

Except for Su Chen's breath, he didn't sense anyone else.

"Su Chen of Changsheng Sacred Land, it is you who defeated the son of God, and it took no effort to find nowhere through the iron shoes." Jin Jiao Venerable also sneered.

Su Chen ignored the two of them, walked up to Qin Xianxian, and said, "Xianxian, I'm late, and I've frightened you."

Qin Xianxian burst into tears, and said, "Su Chen, who told you to come here, do you know it's dangerous here?"

She was both surprised and delighted, with a complex look on her face.

"It's just a bunch of jumping clowns, nothing to be afraid of.

Su Chen took out a quasi-divine pill, handed it to the Lord of the Zifu, and said, "senior, you take this pill to heal your wounds, and I will take care of the rest."

"it is good."

Although the Lord of the Zifu didn't know where Su Chen's self-confidence came from, he believed in Su Chen very much. After taking the quasi-sacred pill on 2.7, he sat cross-legged to recover from his injuries.

"Speak wild words." The big Elder sneered, and stabbed at Su Chen with a cane.

He is a master of the Venerable environment. Although this strike didn't use all its strength, its power was terrifying, and the whole Great Hall was shaking its dick.



Su Chen turned around, flicked his fingers, and flicked on the crutch, only to hear the crutch sound cracking, and it was broken inch by inch.

"How is it possible?" The elder Elder looked in disbelief.


A snow-white knife light appeared in the Great Hall, the knife light hung high like a bright moon, sprinkled with frosty moonlight, and reflected the Great Hall transparently and brightly.


An old head fell, spraying blood.

The Great Elder of the Zifu, has fallen!.

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