Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 189 Breaking The Record, Together With The Flesh (1, Please Subscribe!)

The ancient fairy city has existed since ancient times. It is said that it is a city refined by ancient immortals, floating above the Nine Heavens.

At this moment, a huge Taoist bell in the ancient fairy city vibrated, centered on the ancient fairy city, and spread in all directions.

The bell rang, and wherever it passed, I don't know how many big figures, old monsters, and giants in the upper world were awakened.

The Sun God Sect is located in the depths of a huge magma ocean, deep in the palaces, in the forbidden area of ​​the Sun God Sect, a huge and incomparably golden figure emerges.

It was a huge Golden Crow with three legs and six wings. It had a strong body, like it was made of gold.

"The Immortal City Dao bell is ringing, has anyone broken the record?" The huge Golden Crow Dharma figure muttered to himself, deep shock welling up in his eyes.

The Dao Clock in the Ancient Immortal City was also left by the Gu Immortal. As long as an upper realm cultivator breaks the record, the Dao Clock will vibrate and spread throughout the Upper Realm.

The Taoist bell hadn't sounded for millions of years, but it suddenly vibrated today, obviously someone broke a certain record.

"The last time the bell rang was five million years ago. At that time, in the early stage of the ancient times, the Double Pupils appeared and swept the upper world, breaking many records."

In the depths of the Demon Palace, Devilish Qi towered into the sky. A Demon Ancestor appeared and stood in the Demon Kingdom. The magic lines turned into monsters and wandered around. He looked in the direction of the ancient fairy city and recalled what happened in the past.

"One month ago, the seven elders of Changshengtian summoned the ancient road of gods and demons. Could it be that someone broke the record this time and has something to do with the person who stepped into the ancient road of gods and demons?"

In the Longevity Family, within the Immortal Grand Sect, there are giants appearing, Dharma figures Shrouding the Heavens, crowding the sky, the avenue rune is shining, and the visions are dazzling.

Their eyes looked at the ancient fairy city, and there was deep surprise in their eyes.

Usually they practice Closed Door Training, and have insight into the higher and deeper Realm. No matter how powerful Tianjiao appears, they can't make waves in their Dao heart.

But when the bell rang, it meant that a certain record had been broken. This was a shocking thing for eternity, and they had no choice but to go out.

On the same day, all the great aristocratic families and ancient clans sent masters to the ancient fairy city.

At the same time, one after another news spread in the upper realm, causing a huge shock.

In Changshengtian, a mysterious space.

This space flows a kind of cyan air, exuding rich vitality, which is the long-lived Spiritual Qi, which can nourish the body and prolong life, and it is the Spiritual Qi that outside cultivators dream of.

In the depths of this longevity space, the seven huge figures were shocked when they heard the sound of the bell.

"The Dao bell in the ancient fairy city is ringing, could it be..." Bai Yuan said in surprise, his eyes moved slightly.

"It's possible, but we still need to send someone to the Ancient Immortal City to check it out." Another elder said.

In addition to the Dao Clock, there is also an ancient immortal tablet in the ancient immortal city. When a cultivator breaks the record, an induction will be produced on the immortal tablet, and the name of the record breaker will appear.

At this moment, in the ancient immortal city, a huge dharma figure soared into the sky, Shrouding the Heavens covering the sun, surrounded by chaotic air, and the scene of the sun and the moon rising and falling appeared in the eyes.

This is the City Lord of Ancient Immortal City.

"Someone broke the record. It seems that the ancient fairy city will become a place of wind and clouds in the future, and will it be a golden age again?" Supreme.


The ancient city of immortals shook, and a gigantic immortal stele emerged. The immortal stele was one hundred thousand feet high, with letters imprinted on it, and immortal light bloomed.

At this moment, a name appeared on the line of Shenmo Ancient Road: Su Chen!

The two big characters shone with golden light, illuminating thousands of miles around.

"Sure enough, it is the ancient road of gods and demons." A cultivator saw the name, his eyes flickered, and he passed the news to the doctor.

For a while, Su Chen's name was circulated in the upper realm, and entered the eyes of all the giants.

Su Chen didn't know much about the vibrations that occurred outside. As soon as he stepped onto the main road of gods and demons, he felt a terrible pressure, which made the bones of his body crack and it was difficult to move forward.

"This is the main path of gods and demons, it is really difficult." He urged the power of the acupuncture points in his body to release Qi and blood, resist the pressure, and walked forward.

A broad avenue, glittering with golden light, flowing rays of light on both sides of the road, auspicious aura is brilliant.

He walked forward with difficulty, as if he was carrying an ancient mountain on his back.


When he walked several miles away, the ground suddenly shook. He looked back and saw a tall young man walking towards him.

The young man was tall and burly, his skin was bronze, his muscles were raised high, and he was full of explosive power.

He walked on the main road, it seemed very easy.

Su Chen looked over, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. He saw that there was no trace of Magic power in the opponent's body, only complete physical strength.

The power of Qi and blood in the opponent's body is terrifying and boundless, as if it can crush a world.

"This is... a cultivator that specializes in the physical body."

Su Chen's heart moved. There are also some races in the upper realm, who don't cultivate magic power and primordial spirit.

Some people even took the last step to become enlightened and immortal in the flesh.

According to legend, the Immortal Golden Body was created by Peerless Weijiao who walked along with the physical body.

Seeing Su Chen, the other party was slightly surprised, and said: "You actually cultivated the Immortal Golden Body, but it's a pity that you also cultivated Qi and Soul Refining, which made it impossible to get started with the Immortal Golden Body."

Dots of light appeared around him, resonating with the stars in the sky, and this place began to become blurred.

There are a total of 129,600 acupoints, and he has cultivated the Immortal Golden Body to the entry stage, his skin is flowing with golden rays, and his qi and blood are extremely strong.

"Those who can walk on the path of gods and demons are all leaders of an era. Let me see how strong you are?" the burly young man said.

He has no hostility, only a strong fighting spirit, and his blood turns into a field, affecting the space.

"I'm also very interested in Tianjiao who is in the flesh, please enlighten me." Su Chen cupped hands and introduced himself.

"I am from the Zhan Clan, my name is Zhanxuan, please enlighten me." The tall young man cupped his hands.


As soon as he finished speaking, he moved.

The sky and the earth collapsed, and the acupoints in the whole body spurted out blood, gathered on the fist, and sent out a terrible fist light, blasting towards Su Chen.

This punch was so terrifying that it shattered the void, even the Void Shendu dared not strike forward.

His qi and blood are terrifying, undulating like a king's sea, like an eternal furnace, and his combat power is like a wave.

Su Chen has no fear. Wouldn't it be a pleasure to fight against different young talents to prove what he has learned.

What's more, he also cultivates the immortal golden body, so he can learn from the other party's strengths.


He activated the Immortal Fist, the fist turned into a divine wheel and pressed down forward, and the projections of the gods supported the divine wheel to enhance its power. .

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