Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 190 Conquering Ancient And Modern Heroes, The Mark Of The Hunter (2, Please Subscribe!)


The fist intent collided with the divine wheel, and the area exploded directly, and the rune turned into a storm and swept all directions.


Ying Longyi appeared behind Su Chen, and with a slight movement, it turned into a rune storm and rushed towards Zhan Xuan.

Zhan Xuan has made some achievements in the physical body, and has cultivated the immortal golden body to the entry level. The physical body is comparable to divine gold, and the virtual gods can be blown up when they come.

He moved his hands and gestures to trigger the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, and turned into an ancient beast.

The two fought against each other, sweeping all directions, and the battle caused the void to collapse.

"Su Chen, I have to admit that you are the strongest opponent I have encountered on the ancient road of gods and demons, but you are not enough to defeat me, admit defeat!" , Pixiu, Bifang Crane and other ancient fierce beasts came to kill them.

"You are not strong enough to defeat me."

Su Chen's Double Pupils glowed, emitting a gorgeous "five seven three" light, and turned into time-space Yin & Yang fish, fighting against Zhan Xuan's fist.

"The power of time and space is useless, break it for me." Zhan Xuan roared, the pores of his body sprayed with light, and Blood Qi rolled, turning into a beast and breaking the time and space Yin & Yang fish.

It has to be said that Zhan Xuan is indeed powerful, his fist strength is as strong as Yang, and he is unmatched in ferocity. He actually cut off the Yin & Yang fish in time and space, and his strength may still be higher than that of Emperor Xiao.

Su Chen's expression remained the same, he formed seals with both hands, used the seal of Fantian, the seal of Zhenshan and the seal of Renwang to fight against Zhanxuan.

This is the strongest opponent he encountered when he stepped into the upper realm.

The two fought against each other for hundreds of rounds. This area was intertwined with light and energy, and even if the False God entered, he would be strangled.

"Zhan Xuan, I have figured out your strength, you can admit defeat."

The center of Su Chen's brows glowed, and the Primordial Spirit flew out holding the Primordial Dao Seal, turning into an eternal ray of light, like the clanging of a fairy sword, directly piercing through Zhan Xuan's bodyguard Blood Qi.

Zhan Xuan was taken aback, his physical body was just a beginner's level, not a great achievement yet, and had flaws.

The physical body is a great achievement, the body, the law, the gods, and the Tao are one, four in one, the physical body is the Magic power, the Magic power is the soul, and the soul is the Dao, and the flesh and blood include Magic power, the memory of the soul, and the fragments of the Dao .

But his physical body is just an entry point, and his soul has not yet merged with the physical body. Su Chen saw this point and used the Hongmeng Dao Seal, which is designed to attack the soul, to attack his shortcomings.


Zhan Xuan's response speed was very fast, a shield made of divine gold appeared between his eyebrows, but it was only one inch in size, and the flowing rays of light blocked Yuanshen's blow.


Su Chen's primordial spirit returned with the Hongmeng Dao Seal, and cracks appeared on the divine gold shield between Zhan Xuan's brows, approaching the edge of rupture.

"It's a pity, my physical body is not perfect yet, otherwise I would have no shortcomings. You are not my opponent."

Zhan Xuan regretted that his shortcomings had already been discovered, and if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose.

Su Chen stopped, and he didn't want to separate life and death with Zhan Xuan. After all, this is the main road of gods and demons, and they will not be able to distinguish life and death for a while.

Immediately, the two separated and went their separate ways.

Next, Su Chen walked on the main road of gods and demons, and encountered opponents one after another.

There are young and strong men in the body, there are peerless geniuses in Qi refining, there are masters who specialize in refining weapons, and there are also formation masters.

Every opponent is very difficult to deal with, all of them are young geniuses from ancient times, and their pictures are passed down to an era.

Of course, on the main road of gods and demons, he also encountered hunters of gods and demons. Those hunters are even more powerful and come and go without a trace. If he hadn't mastered the power of Double Pupils, it would be difficult to keep them

"Well, this mark is..."

When Su Chen killed another group of demon hunters, he frowned slightly when he found an extra mark on his body.

When his Divine Sense penetrated into the imprint, he felt extremely cold and exuded a strong killing intent. Inside the imprint was a black hole, devouring the Divine Sense.

In a trance, he saw a huge and boundless world, and in front of a huge altar, stood an old man in a black robe. He was holding a cane, and his body exuded the same aura as a hunter of gods and demons.

The aura emanating from him, Su Chen estimated, was stronger than the strength of the seven elders, and it was simply unfathomable.

Behind the old man stood a series of figures, all of them were hunters of gods and demons.


At the next moment, the old man seemed to be aware of it, and his cold eyes looked over, shooting two terrifying eyes, piercing through time and space, as if seeing Su Chen through the ages.

Su Chen quickly cut off the Divine Sense, and said in his heart: "It's such a terrifying gaze, when I look at it, I feel that the primordial spirit is about to explode.

While recovering his Magic power, he thought to himself: "This imprint can see the mysterious world. That old man should be the priest mentioned by the hunter. As for this imprint, it should be a standard. As long as the demon hunter approaches I will know that I have killed many demon hunters..."

After recovering his Magic power, he walked out of the inn, with murderous intent on his face, and said coldly: "God hunters, I am looking forward to your reappearance."

He continued on the road again, walking deep into the main road of gods and demons.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed. Su Chen has experienced several battles. His aura is getting more and more terrifying, and his physical body is getting stronger and stronger. He has opened up 100,000 acupuncture points, and he is not far from the entrance of the physical body.

"Fortunately, I have enough magical medicine, otherwise it would be troublesome to restore the magic power after such a series of battles." Su Chen recovered the magic power again, and said to himself.

He continued to walk, and this main road seemed to have no end. He went through more than two months, but he did not come to the end.

Another month has passed, and he has been on the Ancient Road of Gods and Demons for four months. He has experienced dozens of battles and fought against ancient and modern heroes.

His Realm has also broken through to the Venerable late stage, and its foundation is very solid, with 110,000 acupuncture points in his body.

"Well, there is a stone tablet ahead." Su Chen saw a stone tablet standing in front of the main road. It said that this was the end of the first stage of the main road. As long as you put your name on the stone tablet, you can leave the ancient road of gods and demons.

"Finally I can leave." Su Chen was delighted. After more than four months of fighting, he had already gained 0.8, and now he needed to find some time to digest his own gains.

His fingers glowed, imprinting the own mark on the stone tablet, and then the stone tablet glowed, emitting a ray of light, leading him away.

In the outside world, it has been four months since Su Chen entered the ancient road of gods and demons. Except for breaking the record in the first month and triggering the appearance of the ancient immortal monument, there has been no movement since then.

Now everyone is speculating whether Su Chen fought against ancient and modern heroes and lost the battle.

There are discussions of this kind in various places, and most of them are in Changshengtian.

Especially some disciples who follow the Five Great True Traditions think that Su Chen has fallen, and Taoist can be selected from the Five Great True Traditions.

Of course, there are also people who don’t think so. They firmly believe that Su Chen is still alive and is fighting against ancient and modern heroes to sharpen himself. .

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