Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 191 Su Chen Returns, God Of Longevity (3, Please Subscribe!)

"I haven't come out of the ancient road of gods and demons for more than four months, it seems that Su Chen fell on the ancient road of gods and demons.

"It is a pity that a generation of Tianjiao has fallen like this."

"Top geniuses always have an extraordinary self-confidence. In this world, mountains are higher than mountains. Su Chen is too conceited. It is not surprising that he fell on the ancient road of gods and demons."

All the giants in the upper world were discussing. Seeing that Su Chen hadn't come out from the ancient road of gods and demons for four months, they breathed a sigh of relief. After all, a Double Pupils is already very scary, and the other party broke the arrogance of the upper world. The records on the ancient road of gods and demons made them even more afraid.

If Su Chen hadn't fallen, he would have been an invincible Supreme, sweeping the upper realms, making it impossible for other talents to come close.

Within Longevity Day, the seven elders looked a little anxious. They were very happy that Su Chen had broken the record, but they hadn't come out of the Ancient Road of Gods and Demons for four months, so they were a little anxious.

You must know that Su Chen is a Double Pupils, and he broke the record. He is definitely the top genius in the upper world. If such a genius falls on the ancient road of gods and demons, it will be a major blow to Changshengtian, and they will not be able to bear it.

In a Great Hall, Ye Xiao had a relaxed look on his face. He drank and poured himself, very leisurely.

Su Chen was almost judged to perish in the ancient road of gods and demons. In 2008, he lost a great enemy, and the position of Daozi was vacant, so he still had a chance.

"Is the ancient road of gods and demons so easy to break through? So what if you break the record? Hehe!" Ye Xiao sneered, his expression indifferent.


At this moment, a bell rang, and the clear and crisp sound spread throughout the upper realm, alarming countless old monsters.

"this is....."

Terrible auras erupted everywhere in the holy land in the upper realm, causing the sun and the moon to hang upside down, the color of the universe changed, and the chaotic air flowed.

The ancient existences opened their eyes and looked towards the ancient fairy city.

"Another record has been broken?"

"Who is this person?"

"Could it be another golden age?"

One after another divine thoughts pierced the sky, crossed the earth, brought wind and thunder, and alarmed all living beings.

Not long after, a piece of news spread from the Ancient Immortal City.

"Su Chen is still alive and has broken the record of the ancient road of gods and demons."

This news swept the upper realm like a storm, and everyone who heard the news was stunned, stunned, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

They had previously conclusively judged that Su Chen had fallen, and warned their own disciples with the deeds of Su Chen's fall, but they were slapped in the face in the blink of an eye. Su Chen not only did not fall, but also broke the record.

They have some doubts, is the record on the ancient road of gods and demons so easy to break?

On Changshengtian, the seven elders got the news immediately.

"Haha, Su Chen is not dead, and broke the record again."

"The Daozi must belong to him."

The seven elders opened their mouths, confirming Su Chen in their hearts.

If such a genius cannot become a Daoist, then who in Changshengtian is qualified to be a Daoist.

Inside the Great Hall, Ye Xiao's expression froze when he got the news. He held the wine glass with one hand and stopped in mid-air, as if frozen in time.

"This...impossible, after entering the ancient road of gods and demons for more than four months, can you still survive and break the record?"

After a while, Ye Xiao crushed the wine glass, his handsome face was a little ferocious.

He knew that he was not destined to be a Daoist, and the moment Su Chen walked out of the ancient road of gods and demons was the moment when the seven elders told the Head Teacher to make him a Daoist.

"I worshiped Changsheng Tian since I was a child, and I wanted to seek the position of Daozi. After more than 20 years of planning, I was destroyed by Su Chen who came from the lower realm.

Kill him directly. "Ye Xiao looked indifferent, with a cold killing intent exuding from his body.

But he knew that he had no chance, even if the killing intent was too strong, the elders of Changshengtian would not give him a chance.

At this moment, not only Ye Xiao felt lost, but the other four true biography also looked silent and didn't say a word.


While people in the Upper Realm were discussing excitedly, a long river appeared, and below that long river, an ancient road loomed.

In the Daozi Hall, a time ray emerged, and when the ray dispersed, Su Chen's figure emerged.

"I'm back." Su Chen smiled.

He passed the test, and then as long as the Head Teacher nods, he can become a Daozi.

Becoming a Daozi means that he has gained a firm foothold in the upper realm, and is qualified to build his own foundation and compete with the arrogance of the upper realm.

"Su Chen, welcome back." The seven elders appeared, this time not a projection, but a real body.

The retired elders in the Daozi Hall were shocked. Su Chen returned from the ancient road of gods and demons, and unexpectedly let the seven elders who have not been out of the Closed Door Training for hundreds of thousands of years go out and greet them with their real bodies.

From a certain point of view, the seven elders have identified Su Chen as Taoist.

"I have met the seven elders." Su Chen bowed and saluted.

After four months of tempering, he exudes a cold Blood Qi, with a killing aura, which makes people frightened. I don't know how many battles Su Chen has experienced in the ancient road of gods and demons.

"No need to be polite, you just returned, hurry back to rest and adjust your Dao heart." Elder Bai waved his hand, a holy light scattered, nourishing Su Chen's tired spirit.

With more than four life and death battles, anyone will feel mentally exhausted.

Su Chen nodded, turned and left Daozidian.

"Su Chen is back, it's time for us to report to Head Teacher." The seven elders said.

They left the Daozi Hall, came to the depths of a space, walked to a Great Hall wrapped in chaos, bowed and said: "Head Teacher, I have something to report."

A quarter of an hour later, a terrifying aura emanated from the temple, and the Sun Moon Star appeared around the temple, as if an ancient god woke up and opened its eyes.

"What is it?"

A dull, ancient voice sounded.

"Head Teacher, it's for..." Bai Elder said, telling Su Chen how he passed the Taoist test.

"Double Pupils, through the Tower of Longevity, broke the record of the ancient road of gods and demons twice, this person can indeed become a Taoist."

The gate of the temple opened, and a middle-aged man wearing an ancient Taoist robe walked out.

He is tall and tall, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his shoulders are very broad, as if he can support the sky.

This person is the God of Longevity, a famous giant in the upper world.

"Participate in Head Teacher." The seven elders bowed and saluted.

"Don't be too polite."

There was a ray of light between the eyebrows of the God of Longevity, as if he was receiving some message. After a while, he said: "Yes, Su Chen was born in the lower realm of Xuanming Realm since childhood, and has been practicing in the Changsheng Sacred Land of Xuanming Realm. His family background is clean, so he can be established as a Daozi. You can handle the matter, invite the famous orthodoxy in the upper world, and invite them to come to watch the ceremony."

"Of order." The seven elders nodded.

They turned and left, preparing for the Taoist feast.

"Su Chen, Double Pupils, it seems that Changshengtian will be prosperous in this life, but time is running out, and they... are coming." Longevity God muttered to himself, with a hint of worry in his expression.

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