Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 200 True Dragon Inheritance Land, Taigu Jianmu (1, Please Subscribe!)

When everyone saw this scene, they felt sad in their hearts, a god was killed just like that.

"Hmph, the old man warned you that if there is a next time, not only will you fall, but the Sect behind you will also be destroyed." A big man snorted, shaking everyone's blood.

Immediately, some lucky gods retreated secretly.

Su Chen withdrew his gaze, and led Dugu Xue and the other three towards the Taikoo Dragon's nest.

Zhan Ming shouted behind him: "Changsheng Daozi, the ancestor has been staring at you, and wants to fight you again."

Su Chen stopped in his tracks and said, "I welcome you very much."

As soon as the words fell, he stepped into the ancient dragon's nest.

This is the vast sky, the mountains are high and ancient, and the mountains stretch, like a real dragon.

"Daozi, where should we go?" Qian Xiyue asked.

Su Chen activated the body of the real dragon and sensed it carefully. He immediately felt a vague connection with "Twenty Three", which seemed to resonate with his body.

"Go in that direction." Su Chen pointed and flew in one direction.

The three of Duguxue didn't doubt that he was there, they followed Su Chen and flew into the distance.

The other cultivators found Su Chen and hurriedly dodged, this is a young Supreme, they couldn't afford to offend him.

Taikoo Dragon's Nest is completely a Minor World, which retains the heaven and earth environment of the primordial prehistoric era, the avenue is active, and the Spiritual Qi is strong, which is very suitable for practice.

Su Chen has the body of a real dragon, and he is like a fish in water in Minor World. The body of a real dragon is continuously absorbing wisps of dragon energy to strengthen his physical body.


At this time, earth-shattering fluctuations emanated from the distance.

Su Chen looked over and saw a mountain trembling. After careful inspection, he found that the mountain turned out to be a centipede.

It turned out that the centipede hibernated and practiced for too long, and the earth and rocks accumulated and turned into mountains.

Someone found a divine bead at the beginning of the mountain, emitting a faint light, and wanted to take it off, but the centipede was alarmed.

This is a silver centipede, the whole body is extremely shiny, with a silver rune emerging, and a divine bead on its forehead, which is transformed by its divine fire.

The cultivator wanted to take out the divine bead, which angered the silver centipede.

The strength of this centipede has reached the real god Realm, and the god fire has turned into reality.


The cultivator didn't even react, and was swallowed by the centipede.

Life's creatures in the Taikoo Dragon's Nest are all contaminated with dragon aura. Their physical bodies are tyrannical and their strength is strong. They are not weak at all to the true gods from the ancient orthodoxy.

So this centipede is very powerful, once it gets angry, it will shake the world.


After the silver centipede was awakened, it was very angry. After devouring the cultivator, it found Su Chen and killed it.

"Bold, a mere true god dares to disturb Daozi."

Dugu Xue was furious, he went forward and sacrificed a secret treasure.

It was a jade bone that disintegrated in the air, releasing true god-level energy fluctuations, and collided with the silver centipede.

Although cultivators beyond the False God Realm are not allowed to enter, disciplines carry some god-level Magical Items, and secret treasures are still allowed.

Dugu Xue's background is also extraordinary, and he has a lot of Magic Treasures to save his life. Now he used one, and directly beat the silver centipede dizzy.

This is the advantage of being a disciple of a powerful force. There are too many ways to save life, which cannot be compared with Rogue Cultivators.

Although the silver centipede was very angry, he also knew that the people in front of him were not something he could provoke, so he fled away.

A true god escaped, and they really couldn't catch up.

After this episode, several people flew to the depths of the ancient dragon's nest again.

Some of the magical medicines in the ancient dragon's nest all have dragon attributes.

On the way, Dugu Xue and others obtained a lot of magic medicine.

Of course, in order to collect the magic medicine, many god-level beasts were alarmed and a great battle was launched.

The strength of one of the ferocious beasts reached the Realm of the gods, and it was extremely tyrannical. Su Chen directly crushed a talisman before killing it.

"Let's go." Su Chen received a magic medicine, which is a sixth rank magic medicine. It looks like a real dragon, very peculiar, and contains strong dragon energy.

The farther you fly to the depths of the ancient dragon's lair, the stronger the beast's strength will be. When it gets closer to the real dragon's inheritance place, the beast's strength will already be comparable to that of a God King.

Of course, those ferocious beasts are sleeping and practicing, if they don't take the initiative to provoke them, they won't make a move.

However, there are also some skilled and daring cultivators who, for the sake of the magic medicine protected by the beast king, took risks and stole the magic medicine.

Most of the people were discovered, and they were hunted down by God King-level ferocious beasts, which was very miserable.

Su Chen split the void with a halberd, and led the three of them to hide in, avoiding the attack of a beast king.

Three hundred miles away, the void opened, and the four of Su Chen walked out.

"These people are really not afraid of death, they dared to steal the beast king's magic medicine, and we were also involved..." Dugu Xue said angrily with a very ugly expression.

The beast king slapped him just now, and he didn't come at them, but was chasing and killing another group of cultivators, and they were implicated.


As soon as Dugu Xue finished speaking, a huge palm fell thousands of miles away, picking up a series of bloody flowers, and the group of cultivators were caught up by the beast king and slapped to death.

Su Chen didn't pay attention any more, and flew into the distance. After flying about 30,000 miles, a huge nest appeared in front of him.

It was a majestic giant mountain, standing tall in the clouds. On the top of the giant mountain, there was a dark lair, bottomless and billowing with dragon energy.

"Daozi, look at the wood used to build the nest, it seems to be building wood." Dugu 1 said in shock.

Jianmu is a sacred tree, which is also known as the world's treasure tree and hibiscus sacred tree.

It is rumored that Jianmu is the bridge connecting the mortal world and the god world, and it was cut off by a peerless madman in ancient times, which separated the mortal world from the god world, and Deva was separated forever.

Jianmu disappeared in the upper realm, and the branches left behind were also taken by the Immortal Taoism and the Longevity Family to refine weapons, etc. Unexpectedly, the entrance of the Dragon Nest was actually made of Jianmu.

"It's actually Jianmu?!" There was also a surprised voice in the distance.

Those who can come to the entrance of the dragon's nest are all first-class masters in the younger generation of the Upper Realm, and they are famous in the ten states of the Upper Realm, or even the arrogance of dozens of states.

Not surprisingly, Daozi of the Sun God Sect, descendants of the Ji clan, descendants of the Jiang clan, Zhan Ming of the Zhan clan, and others all came to the entrance of the 0.0 Dragon Nest.

They are only interested in the true dragon treasures and treasures recorded in the ancient dragon's lair, and they don't care about the rest.

"Come on, let's climb the mountain." Su Chen said.

When approaching the giant mountain, one can feel a terrible coercion. There is actually an air-forbidden force, which prevents people from flying close to the dragon's nest. They can only climb the mountain from the huge stone steps at the foot of the mountain.

A huge stone step extends to the top of the mountain, apparently built by the ancient real dragon.

One after another, the young Tianjiao came to the foot of the mountain, ready to climb the mountain.

Their gazes collided with each other, and their fighting spirit was boiling, wishing they could make a move as soon as they appeared, and decide the winner.

Su Chen came, and some people's eyes fell on him, very jealous.

"Daozi, their eyes seem to have the same tendency to go out." Dugu Xue whispered, the sharp eyes scared even him.

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