Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 201 Wandu Gongdaozi, The Power Of Time And Space Yin & Yang Ball (2, Please Subscribe!)

At this moment, Su Chen could be said to be the focus of all people, with incomparably sharp gazes falling on him, and the masters of the gazes were all the arrogance of the upper realm, the Taoist son of the orthodoxy, the heir of the ancient sect, the heir of the longevity family and so on.

As strong as Dugu Xue, he was a little bit overwhelmed, and his body couldn't help shaking.

It's not that he is too weak, but that the owner of the line of sight is too strong.

Su Chen looked calm, glanced around, and said, "Do you want to go together?"

He is very calm, with Double Pupils, he is not afraid of the siege at all.

Tianjiao Zhanming of the Zhan Clan was as vigorous as the sea. He walked towards the stone steps and said, "Besiege, I don't even bother to do it. 17

Even though he said so, he actually had a little fear of Su Chen in his heart. Even his ancestors lost to Su Chen, he didn't think he would be strengthened by his ancestors.

Daozi of the Sun God Sect had a handsome face, but his energy and blood were extremely strong. The golden energy and blood flooded the mountain. He glanced at Su Chen and walked towards the stone steps without saying anything.

Seeing this, no one proposed to besiege Su Chen, and they all walked towards the stone steps, fearing that they would not be able to enter the real dragon's lair if they were too late.

Su Chen chuckled. These people are very smart and proud. If they were pushed into a hurry, they might attack him.

The giant mountain is majestic, like a Tongtian pillar, and the stone steps are magnificent, and each stone step is like a mountain, which requires a cultivator to leap physically.

With a step of Su Chen's footsteps, cracks in the ground cracked and spread in all directions. His body rushed up the first stone step like an arrow, and then rushed towards the second stone step.

Everyone was taken aback. Su Chen made 08's movement so loud that it was like thunder.

You must know that there are runes shining on the stone steps, exuding dragon power, while they leap forward, they also have to resist the suppression of dragon power.


When everyone was climbing the mountain, someone started a big battle.

It turns out that in the cracks of the stone steps, there are miracle medicines growing. The lowest grades are all sixth rank magic medicines, and some are even fifth rank magic medicines, so they can't help but be indifferent.

Su Chen ascended the thirty-sixth stone step, and suddenly a blue light came into view.

A small blue grass grows in the cracks, its rune is brilliant, and its divine light is brilliant. It is a blue god grass, which can nourish the soul and strengthen the primordial spirit. It is a fourth rank magic medicine.

The fourth rank magic medicine is even the heart of the God King, and this blue god grass is still a very rare magic medicine.


Someone couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his big hand to grab the blue god grass.

Those who can climb the thirty-sixth stone step are naturally not weak.

This person was full of light, wearing armor, exuding colorful light. When he made a move, the rune was dazzling, and it turned into a huge palm, grabbing the blue god grass.


With a sound of sword sound, a Sword Ray flew out, cut off the big hand, and blocked this person.

The man snorted coldly, the armor on his body was more radiant, and the colorful lights turned into mist, rushing towards Su Chen.

Wherever it passed, the void was actually corroded.

This is poisonous mist, it is definitely the toxin extracted from the god insects, even the gods will be poisoned when they come.

This person knew Su Chen, knew that he was not as good as the other party in terms of strength, so he could only attack with poison.

After all, no matter how strong Su Chen is, he can't resist the poison that Lian Tian Shendu can kill.

The poisonous mist is incomparably gorgeous and beautiful, just like the most beautiful scene in the world, but it is very vicious. Wherever it passes, disinfectant is sprayed and it is corroded.


The other cultivators who climbed this level of stone steps were like avoiding snakes and scorpions, but someone slowed down a step, was submerged in the poisonous mist, and released divine light all over his body, but still couldn't stop the poisonous mist, let out a scream, and turned into a bone in an instant , drifting with the wind.

Seeing this, the others were even more frightened in their hearts.

Someone recognized this person's identity and exclaimed: "This person is the Daozi of the Wandu Palace, but the legendary Wandu Divine Body, very scary, don't come into contact with the poisonous mist."

The Palace of Ten Thousand Poisons is a powerful force in the Upper Realm, with profound foundations and a cultivator in the way of poison, which is feared by many cultivators.

A kendo realm emerged around Su Chen, turning into a kendo Lotus flower in full bloom, blocking the thunder.

"It's a small trick, but you dare to fight against others." A beam of light shot out from Su Chen's eyes, which was the divine light of great nirvana.


Wherever the divine light of Great Nirvana passed, the void turned into nothingness, and the poisonous mist dissipated in an instant.

"not good."

Wan Du Gong Daozi had a bad heart, he felt the danger of Death, and detected a god-level secret treasure to resist.

The god-level secret treasure disintegrated and turned into monstrous energy that swept across the sky, finally blocking the great light of extinction.

But the energy of the god level was also destroyed by the Great Nirvana Divine Light, and the remaining energy began to dissipate.


Daozi Wandugong saw that even the god-level secret treasure could do nothing to Su Chen, he urged the armor on his body, and jumped towards the higher level.

His physical strength is not stronger than others, but the armor on his body can strengthen his blood, so that he can climb the mountain one step ahead of others.

"Can you get away?"

As soon as Su Chen stepped, the stone steps on this floor shook. He jumped up and caught up with Wandu Gongdaozi, and shot out with a seal.


This piece of heaven and earth seems to be turned upside down, it is the seal of turning the sky!


Daozi of Wanshou Palace was in a hurry, and he didn't have time to urge his treasures to fight. He was hit by Fan Tianyin, and his body flew out, and the armor on his body was sunken.

But it is not so easy for a powerful Daozi to die. The armor on his body glowed and he recovered quickly.

"Su Chen, I remember you. I will make you pay for this shame." Wanshou Gong Daozi took out a jade talisman and crushed it. rushed everywhere.

"Threat me, you are not qualified enough." Su Chen Double Pupils glowed, flew out two beams, merged into one in the air, and turned into time-space Yin & Yang fish.


Wan Du Gong Dao Zi's speed is very fast, but the time-space Yin & Yang Yu's speed is even faster, covering Wan Du Gong Dao Zi.

"Ah...... what did you do to me?" Daozi Wandugong was terrified.

He felt as if he had been divided into three parts, one part of his body was constantly losing strength, his body was shrinking, and degraded to the state of a baby, the other part of his body remained motionless, and the other part of his body was weakening and withering.

In an instant, Wan Du Gong Dao Zi's voice became weaker and weaker.

When everyone saw this scene, they were terrified.

They saw that the Daozi of the Wanshou Palace was sealed in a sphere, and that sphere was divided into three parts, each of which contained a Daozi of the Wandu Palace, and one that had degenerated into a baby state.

Then it turns into an embryo, and finally disappears, and the other gradually decays, dries up, grows old, and finally turns into ashes.

When the first Wandu Gong Daozi and the third Wandu Gong Daozi disappeared, the second Wandu Gong Daozi gradually became dim and finally dissipated.

This is the power of Double Pupils, which pulls people into different time and space, divides their power, and then eliminates them one by one.

When some people saw this scene, the terror in their hearts could not be suppressed, and Dao's heart was a little unstable.

"What a terrifying power of Double Pupils. Although Wandu Gong Daozi is not as powerful as other Daozi, it is impossible to be killed so easily. N

"Is this the power of Double Pupils? No wonder the Double Pupils were invincible in ancient times."

The legend about the Double Pupils emerged in everyone's minds. In the ancient times, the Double Pupils appeared in the upper realm for the first time, sweeping away invincible. When the Double Pupils opened, the enemy exploded directly.

"The power is good." Su Chen tested the power of Double Pupils, and he was very satisfied.

He used the power of Double Pupils to quickly kill Wandu Gongdaozi. After all, the opponent's strength is not weak. If he wants to escape with all his heart, and with the hole cards on his body, even if he can kill him, it will consume a lot Time, the second is to test the power of Double Pupils, you must know that his Double Pupils has evolved, and he has not shown his strength yet.

"Daozi, the blue god grass has been dug out." Dugu Xue chased up and said respectfully.

"Put it away first!" Su Chen said.


Dugu Xue lowered his head and said.

Su Chen continued to climb to the top of the mountain.

In the middle of the journey, other people fought fiercely. In order to compete for the magic medicine, they began to fight each other, and they refused to give in.

Su Chen has met many people, their 913s are very strong, and they all have the strength of a teenager Supreme.

He also took two shots and captured two fourth rank magic medicines.

With the lesson of Wandu Gongdaozi, even if other people fight Su Chen, they will not fight desperately, and they will retreat directly if they lose.

Su Chen had already established his prestige, and those who fought against him knew how to deal with him, so he didn't pursue him anymore.


A more intense battle broke out on a stone step. Daozi from the Sun God Sect, Mozi from the Dazizai Demon Palace, Zhan Ming and others all participated.

Because on that stone step, a third rank magic medicine was found.

If the fourth rank magic medicine can make the god, the God King, feel excited, then the third rank magic medicine can make the quasi-sage's heart move.

Although everyone is a Taoist, it is impossible for them to refine the magic medicine in the Tao sect for nothing, so they were very excited when they discovered the third rank magic medicine.

Su Chen was also a little moved, and he also jumped into it.


As soon as he made a move, he used Fantian Yin, Zhenshan Yin and Renwang Yin repeatedly, smashing Daozi out one by one.

Of course, these Taoists were not vegetarians, so they immediately killed them and fought against Su Chen.


Su Chen activated the Wanhua treasure technique, and a huge fairy furnace emerged. With a slight shock, the void was blurred, and a group of people were thrown away.

Then he jumped in front of the third rank magic medicine and dug it out.

This is a small tree, shaped like a dragon, with fruits bearing a faint fragrance.

third rank miracle medicine: Dragon Spirit Fruit!

Su Chen put it in the storage bag and went to a higher place.

The third rank magic medicine has been taken away, and they have no interest in confrontation, so they can only go forward to find other magic medicines.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the quality of the magic medicine is getting better and better. When the fifth rank magic medicine and the fourth rank magic medicine blockbusters appeared, everyone almost went crazy, and they started to take the magic medicine continuously.

This is not a fourth rank, fifth rank miracle medicine, but dozens of miracle medicines.

Su Chen also kept making moves to snatch the magic medicine he was looking for.

Whenever the magic medicine falls into his hands, those Taoists will no longer fight for it, and instead seize other magic medicines. .

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