Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 339 Ancient Immortal Dao Book (Please Subscribe!)

Shards fly in the square, runes shine.

Everyone was surprised that Su Chen would help Zhan Ming.

You must know that if Zhan Ming breaks into the Chaos Immortal Palace, he will definitely have the upper hand, and it is very likely that he will get the good fortune left by the ancient immortal. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

They looked at Su Chen full of fear, Su Chen dared to do it because he had invincible confidence in his heart, and he didn't think that others could take good fortune from ~ himself.

This is the self-confidence that comes naturally, not hypocrisy.


Zhan Ming waved the God of War halberd, the rune shone into the sky, turned into ancient beasts, and collided with the chaotic sword light, his body glowed, Blood Qi surged, poured into the God of War halberd, smashing chaotic swords one after another Qi,-near Chaos Immortal Palace.

"Zhan Ming should be able to break into the Chaos Immortal Palace." Someone's eyes flickered, secretly said.

"We can't let him break in, otherwise we will lose everything and lose everything."

"I am bound to win the good fortune of the ancient immortal, and no one can interfere."

Young Tianjiao spoke one by one, they didn't wait any longer, and started to work, urging the Magic Treasures, and walked towards the chaos blocking formation, ready to enter the formation.

Su Chen looked at it for a while, and had already estimated the power and limit of the chaos sealing formation, he stepped into the formation.

The chaotic ban formation was in operation, and the chaotic air condensed into chaotic runes, which turned into vast Sword Qi and struck towards them.

Chaos Sword Qi poured down like the Nine Heavens galaxy, shattering the void, killing nothing, and slashing at everyone with a sharp edge that pierced through the ages.


Someone sacrificed Magic Treasures to activate the treasure technique, but the Chaos Sword Qi still couldn't stop it. One piece of Magic Treasures was shattered, and the fragments flew, piercing the cultivator's body, and blood flowed, staining the square red.


Su Chen squeezed the fist mark and punched it. His fist looked like it was made of divine gold, smashing the chaotic Sword Qi and breaking a path.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Su Chen successfully broke through the chaos blocking formation and climbed the stone steps of the Chaos Immortal Palace.

Standing on the stone steps at the entrance of Chaos Immortal Palace, he felt a supreme coercion, as if descending through time and space from the ancient times, making people tremble and worship.

"The Magic Treasures refined by the ancient immortals still have such coercion after endless years. I don't know what kind of elegance the immortal way is. People look forward to it." Su Chen put his hands behind his back, admiring the Chaos Immortal Palace, and did not rush into the palace.

"The ancient fairy is mysterious. In this era, Saint is already a big figure in the upper realm, and Supreme is almost invisible. The fairy is too far away from us." Zhan Ming broke through the chaotic blocking formation, walked to Su Chen, and said with a smile: "Just now Thank you, brother Su, for taking the shot, otherwise I would have wasted a lot of hands and feet.

"Small things, not worth mentioning, those who plot against you, don't need me to say any more!" Su Chen said.

0......seeking flowers......

Zhan Ming said: "No, I have already killed him in the chaotic ban formation, he is just a small person, and he wants to take advantage of it, whimsical.

His words were very calm, without any fluctuation, but some blood stained on his body showed that the so-called little man also made him fight hard.

The cultivators who can enter this place are not easy, they have a lot of trump cards, even though they are powerful, they still need to pay a certain price to kill their opponents in the chaos blocking formation.

"You are not willing to open the door, let me come!"

At this time, Chu Yuan came. He was dressed in blue, and his whole body was full of brilliance. He stretched out his hand and pushed open the gate of Chaos Immortal Palace.

The earth-shattering vision did not appear, and the hall was silent, only a piece of fairy mist flowing, no one's knees.

The Chaos Immortal Palace is very large. They seemed to have come to the palace of the giant god and walked for several miles before reaching the end of the Chaos Immortal Palace.

In front, a simple and natural Taoist platform stands erect, and a piece of animal skin is placed on the Taoist platform.

"That' ancient fairy tale book!" Everyone became excited when they saw the animal skin.

Even if you can't comprehend all of the Daoist scriptures left by the ancient immortals, one or two points of Insight are enough for a lifetime.

This is a great opportunity that no one wants to miss.


Someone made a move immediately, offering the Magical Item to take away the animal skin six. .

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