Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 340 Competing For The Daoist Book (Please Subscribe!)

This is a young man who looks to be in his twenties and fourteen years old. He is wearing a silver armor with a silver rune radiance. The Magical Item he sacrificed is a golden claw, made of divine gold. With a powerful grasping power, he grabs at the animal skin. .


"Boy, you are too brave."

"The Ancient Immortal Dao Book is mine."

A group of people were furious, and they shot at the young man one after another.

This young man was very unlucky, the Magic Treasures were shattered, and he was also beaten to pieces, only one or two escaped by relying on a death talisman.

His complexion was pale and he was very frightened. He had aroused public outrage, so he had no choice but to escape from Chaos Immortal Palace.

Once the first cultivator started, the other "627" didn't hold back any more, and each showed their special abilities, and began to compete for the ancient fairy tale book.

The Daotai is tall and made of gray stone, which is Chaos Stone. Although the inner law has been drawn out and lost its charm, it is very strong, and even the God King Magical Item cannot leave traces on it.


A radiant divine light erupted in the Primal Chaos Immortal Palace, the rune was dazzling, and various treasures were displayed, and the vision was towering, covering this place.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Zhan Ming holds the God of War halberd, and his fighting power is fierce. The divine halberd crushes the void, splits a cultivator, and walks towards the altar.

On the other side, the same is true for Chu Yuan, the descendant of Daoji Supreme. He cast Supreme treasures and swept all directions.

However, there are quite a few cultivators who have entered the Chaos Immortal Palace, and one person is no match for Zhan Ming. A young Supreme like Chu Yuan can make a move together, which is enough to make them retreat and not dare to attack.

Su Chen also made a move. He formed seals with both hands, and printed the Immortal Aquarius Seal, and the cultivators flew out one by one.

This is the most powerful treasure technique obtained from Insight on the Immortal Dao Tree, and it is unparalleled.

As soon as the crystal clear vase of immortality came out, it devoured all kinds of treasures, Magic Treasures, and blocked the attacks of cultivators.


A young Tianjiao attacked Su Chen. He was wearing Magic Treasures refined from void animal skins. He traveled through the void, coming and going without a trace. It was difficult to be captured by divine thoughts, and he began to assassinate Su Chen.

He didn't focus on attacking, but cooperated with other cultivators to take the lead and leave Chen.

Apparently, these people knew about Su Chen's strength, and they secretly joined together to fight against Su Chen.

This group of cultivators are very powerful, some are in charge of interference, some are in charge of offering Magic Treasures, some are performing magic tricks, and some are performing primordial attack, the division of labor is different, the purpose is to hold Su Chen down.


A young man made a move. He was wearing a Star Taoist robe. He was as rich as jade and very handsome.

At this moment, he was holding a divine sword refined from the divine star stone, and with an astonishing killing aura, he slashed at Su Chen.

"Star treasure technique, a person from the ancient Ziwei sect." Su Chen saw the treasure technique performed by the other party, and said.

The Ziwei Ancient Sect is a great sect in the Upper Realm. Although there are no immortals, the founder of the mountain is an enlightened person, known as Ziwei Daojun.

Under the Ziwei Ancient Sect, there are Beidou Hall, Nandou Hall, Xingxiu Hall, Tiangang Hall, etc. They are proficient in Star treasures and have strong combat power.

"Ziwei ancient religion star Beidou, please enlighten me from Su fellow daoist!" The star Beidou Sword Ray is magnificent, like a star opening the sky, brilliant and dazzling, forming a Sword Qi force field, suppressing Su Chen's movements.

Each of his Sword Qi stabs at Su Chen's acupoint of life and death, which is the way of killing swords.

"Master Beidou is dead. Your name is Xing Beidou. It seems that you are the successor of the Beidou Temple of the ancient Ziwei sect. Let me see how powerful you are."

Su Chen flicked it with his fingers, and the sword qi shattered one by one.

He walked around like a stroll in the garden, as if everyone was not besieging him, but showing martial arts in front of him...

"Crack!" "Crack!"

With a simple movement, but with a kind of rhyme, Su Chen shattered the Sword Qi cast by Xing Beidou and walked towards him.


At this time, a Sword Qi suddenly appeared behind Su Chen's head, stabbing at the back of his head, the Sword Qi was sharp, revealing the killing intent.

At the same time, a wave of primordial spirit spread, attacking his primordial spirit, layers of illusions suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, the combination of virtual and real, making people unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

And, one after another, Magic Treasures hit him.

"Interesting, interesting, I can always move some power zones."

Su Chen's body shook, his hands formed seals, and the treasure vase flew out, directly shattering all the Magic Treasures and treasures.

Then his eyes moved, and a ray of light flew out, crushing Sword Qi behind him, and at the same time that ray of light rushed into the void, accompanied by a scream, and blood sprayed Flying Sword one after another.

At the same time, his primordial spirit shone brightly, the illusion in front of his eyes was shattered, and a young man in the crowd was bleeding from his seven orifices, screaming in pain, and he was backlashed by the mysterious technique of the primordial.

"Take my trick."

Su Chen squeezed the dragon chant, the nine-headed real dragon shook its head 1.5 times and swung its tail, rushing out across the void, suppressing every cultivator.

After suppressing this group of cultivators, he continued to move forward and came to the Taoist platform, intending to take away the ancient book of immortality.

"Brother Su, if you want to get the Daoist scriptures, it depends on your strength." Zhan Ming, Chu Yuan, and the young man in purple came to kill him.

Although their strength is weaker than that of Su Chen, the three of them can compete against Su Chen together.

Zhan Ming swung the God of War halberd, the void was distorted and blurred, his fighting power was unparalleled, blocking Su Chen's way.

Chu Yuan was surrounded by Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise and Sacred.

And the young man in purple moved his hands, Zi Xiaoshen Lei flew out. .

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