Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 353 Supreme Battle (Please Subscribe!)

The third son of Haizu was tall and slender, and his blue armor glowed. It was made of gold from the God of the Deep Sea. This was Supreme armor, extremely terrifying.

He stood there without unnecessary movements, just his aura, which prevented Changshengtian's divine ship from moving forward.

"Yuantian Supreme of Changshengtian, after you became famous, I have already retired. Unfortunately, I was unable to fight against you. It is a great pity. I am very happy to be able to make up for this regret today. Let me see, Yuantian Supreme, you Junior, can you surpass me?" Haizu's third son said calmly.

His eyes are bright, the sun and the moon rise and fall in the eyes, and the scene of the collapse of the Galaxy Cluster emerges.

The Supreme of Changshengtian, named Yuantian, became famous at the end of the ancient times. It is a very famous Supreme. It was once admired and worshiped by hundreds of millions of creatures in the upper world.

After he became Supreme, he lived in seclusion, Insight on the Heaven and Earth Avenue, hoping to prove the Tao.

"The third son of Haizu, aren't you worried about the Sea God Clan?" Yuantian Supreme said, with a soft voice, and the feather-like light fluttering all over his body, making Sacred incomparable.

"Hehe, Yuantian Supreme, I am waiting for this Realm, do you still care about the clan? As long as I become the peak of the extreme, I can re-create a clan and command the world." The third son of Haizu said indifferently, the indifference is frightening .

In his eyes, the Sea God Clan is nothing, it was originally a race created by his father, given him time, he can also create it.

In his eyes, the life and death of the creatures of the Sea God Clan is just a trivial matter.

"Let's fight outside the territory!" Yuantian Supreme said.

"That's exactly what I intend." Haizu's third son glowed all over his body, and the entire Seagod Dao State trembled. Hundreds of millions of souls trembled and prostrated themselves on the ground.

A golden road appeared under his feet, supporting him and flying out of the region.

Yuan Tian Supreme's whole body was radiant and soft, and with a movement of his body, he appeared outside the domain.


At the next moment, a Supreme aura overwhelmingly pressed over from the sky, terrifying beyond compare.

The sky and the earth suddenly went dark, because the light of billions of stars was swallowed by Supreme.

At this moment, even the light of the sun star seemed dim.

The Supreme battle was earth-shattering.

Stars fall from the sky from time to time, and the breath of Supreme sweeps through the three thousand states of the upper realm. Some old antiques and old monsters leave the customs one after another, looking out of the sky.

"Supreme battle, one is Haizu's third son, and the other is Changshengtian's Wutianzun.

"It's scary. Ever since the Middle Ages ended, there hasn't been a Supreme War in the Upper Realm for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Changshengtian deserves to be the Immortal orthodoxy, and it even dispatched Supreme."

"Although the third son of Haizu is powerful, he is still the senior (aiff) of Yuantian Supreme, but he may not be the opponent of the opponent. The Sea God Clan, which has been passed down for several generations, is about to be exterminated."

One after another, ancient divine thoughts broke through the territory of hundreds of millions of miles in the upper realm, discussing with each other.

In Seagod Dao State, the Patriarch of Seagod Clan ordered the army and civilians of Changshengtian.

The third son of Haizu has already held Yuantian Supreme, as long as they kill these people, they will have a chance to escape.


The quasi-supreme of the Sea God Clan made a move, the rune was brilliant, and they pressed down on the god ship.

At the same time, several other Great Saints started to build a large formation, intending to kill the people of Changshengtian in one fell swoop.

"Hehe, Sea God Clan, you guys are too courageous, aren't you ready for us to be immortal?"

The void shattered, a big furry claw protruded, shattered the vacuum, collided with the quasi-Supreme, and then blocked the attacks of several Great Saints.

The people watching the battle were surprised that the real body with big furry paws was a real jerk.

This real dog is gigantic, it can smash the Star with a roar, and devour the sun in one bite, it is a quasi-Supreme.

What is even more surprising is that there is a blurry figure sitting cross-legged on Zhenjiu's body. His whole body is covered by chaotic air, and he has only one pair of eyes, which are sharp and captivating, like two heavenly knives, which can cut the Dao into pieces.

It was a quasi-Supreme, with a faint Supreme aura on her body.

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped, this is a strong man who stepped into the Supreme realm with one foot.

They were shocked by Changshengtian's background, they could use such a powerful background at will, the Sea God Clan was done for now, and there was no way for them to escape.


The people of the Sea God Clan also knew that it was difficult for them to escape, so they started desperately.

The quasi-Supreme and Great Saint began to burn life energy, Blood Qi, forcibly improving their own aura and reaching their peak state.

The war started, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and corpses piled into mountains.

At the same time, the Supreme War is in full swing.

The breath of Supreme swept across the Galaxy Cluster, and countless stars exploded like fireworks, brilliant and dazzling.


The third son of Haizu intercepted a section of Galaxy Cluster, and the densely-covered and complex avenue rune smashed towards Supreme.

Yuan Tian Supreme did not dodge or dodge, he stretched out a palm as white as jade, delicate and shiny, flicked lightly on the Galaxy Cluster, and immediately the runes on the Galaxy Cluster cracked inch by inch, turning into rays of light and exploding.

"Yuantian Supreme, you are worthy of being praised, the Supreme who has the last chance to prove the Tao in the ancient times." The third son of Haizu roared, and the armor glowed.

He waved the Haizu Trident in his hand, and a breath of an enlightened person spread out. Wherever the ripples passed, the Star shattered and the void exploded.

This is the natal Magic Treasures left by Haizu, engraved with the Great Emperor rune, and it is the weapon of the enlightened.


A snow-white long sword appeared in Yuantian Supreme's hand, made of the God of Light, engraved with numerous Dao symbols, as if it condensed three thousand worlds.

The Bright Excalibur waved, the Dao symbol lit up, one after another blurred worlds emerged, followed the Excalibur, and collided with the Haizu Trident.

The weapons of the enlightened people collided, a terrifying rune storm swept across the world, the Galaxy Cluster was destroyed, and each galaxy was broken like paper.

At the same time, waves of rune storms rushed to the upper realm like real dragons.

If these rune storms fall to the upper realm, they will destroy one after another and kill countless souls.


At this time, the upper realm's sky was revived one after another, exuding terrifying aura, blocking waves of rune storms.

This is a large formation arranged by the sages of the upper realm, just to prevent the enlightened ones from fighting and destroying the upper realm.


After fighting for dozens of rounds, with a move of the Divine Sword of Light in Supreme's hand, Yuan Tian cut out a beam of light, cut open the armor of Haizu's third son, and brought out streaks of blood.

"Okay, very good, the blood makes me boil, Yuantian Supreme, under your oppression, I will breakthrough the imprisonment of the blood, and prove the Great Emperor." The third son of Haizu roared, the blood turned into a blood dragon, rush forward.

At the same time, he formed a seal with his left hand, and printed the seal of Haizu to suppress this Galaxy Cluster.

The third son of Haizu is completely insane. If he is not crazy, he will not become a Buddha. He wants to break through the blood, and the only way is to break through the limit.

There is great terror between life and death, so that I have a chance to break through the limit.

"Kill kill kill!"

The third son of Haizu roared loudly, regardless of his own injuries, he tried his best to improve Blood Qi, the blue Blood Qi flooded the Galaxy, and countless Stars exploded one by one under the impact of Blood Qi.

He could feel that there were nine bloodline shackles deep in his body, preventing him from taking the last step. The stronger he was, the stronger the shackles.

"Break it for me!" The third son of Haizu gave a strong shock, and finally smashed a bloodline shackle with the help of the divine light cut by Yuantian Supreme.

The shackles were shattered, and a terrifying energy was conceived in the third son of Haizu, faintly exuding the breath of an enlightened person. .

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