Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 354 Live Out The Second World (Please Subscribe!)

The third son of Haizu stood in the depths of the starry sky like a chaotic god and demon, exuding a terrifying aura, making the stars in the sky tremble and fall down.

His body is bigger than the Galaxy, and the Star is like a dust, turning around his body.

With the help of Yuantian Supreme's bright sword, cutting off the shackles of one's own blood, this plan is bold. Once the calculation is wrong, it will be severely injured, or even die.

But he did it, and a blood shackle in his body was broken.

There was a loophole in the blood shackles that had trapped him for endless years, the avenue rune in the body of Haizu's third son condensed, and began to automatically cut off the remaining blood shackles.

"The third son of Haizu succeeded, and even used the Supreme to cut off the shackles of the blood in his body."

"It's a good plan, put it to death and live later. The third son of Haizu is worthy of being a genius in the ancient times. If it weren't for the blood shackles, he would have proved the Great Emperor long ago."

"In this day and age, Supremes are rarely seen, and enlightened people are even less visible. If he proves the Tao, Changshengtian will be courteous and don't dare to persecute him too hard."

In the various Dao lines of the upper realm, and in some forbidden places, immortal spirits stick out one by one to watch the battle outside the domain.

Seeing this scene, their hearts were shaken and there were many discussions.

The enlightened person is already a supreme figure close to the immortal, a master who stands at the peak of the upper realm, unless he is a true immortal, who else in the world can rival him?

Although Changshengtian's background is terrifying, it is impossible to go shopping with a Great Emperor figure for the sake of Daozi.

Yuantian Supreme's eyes flashed a hint of surprise, even he didn't expect Haizu's third son to do such a thing.

Holding the Bright Sword in his hand, he stood in the starry sky, staring at the third son of Haizu, and said: "You are very courageous, which surprised me."


The third son of Haizu looked indifferent, with murderous intent, swept the stars, and said: "I also want to thank you for helping me break the shackles of blood, and let me have a chance to glimpse the Realm of the enlightened one. I have already stepped through the threshold of this Realm , at your fingertips.


Yuan Tian Supreme's body exuded hazy light, wisps of feather-like light drifted around, he was incomparably sacred, like a immortal immortal.

"How difficult it is to become enlightened, it seems that you have crossed the threshold of enlightened people, but you are still far from that Realm."

"Haha, Yuantian Supreme, I'm already walking ahead of you, you don't need to disturb my heart, come and fight." The third son of Haizu held the Haizu trident and pointed from a distance, his killing intent was like a raging sea, and he turned into a monster. Sea God rushed forward.

0...seeking flowers...


Yuan Tian Supreme's pupils became sharp all of a sudden, the light around him shrank and turned into a white armor, extremely holy.

He revealed his real body, a very young and handsome face, exuberant Blood Qi, exuding a strong youthful vigor, not at all like an ancient figure who has lived for several ages.

The third son of Haizu's eyes paused slightly, revealing a look of fear.

He sensed a strong life force from the other party, which was not the vitality maintained by a powerful Cultivation Base.

Under his induction, Yuantian Supreme's body seems to be only in his twenties, and the years have never left a trace on his body.

One must know that even he looks young, but his physical body, Yuan Shendu has left traces of time, and once his lifespan is almost exhausted, he will immediately turn into the state of an old man.

But Yuantian Supreme is different, his body exudes the opportunity of life, which is more vigorous than that of young people.

"You have lived your second life." The third son of Haizu seemed to think of something, looking back at the fifth.

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