Chapter 347

Tianhan Mountain Absolute Frost Ridge, the fierce battle of countless strong people. And the Shrine of Absolute Frost, that indelible history, completely turned into dust. Smoke and dust billowed up, and Tianhan Mountain no longer exists! No one knows what happened to Tianhan Mountain in that battle.

There are rumors that two mysterious women on the Super Martial Plane are fighting against five demon gods in the Demon Temple and a holy demon. All the upper and lower parts of the Demon Temple were killed, and the mysterious woman disappeared without a trace. The break and disappearance of Tianhan Mountain was caused by the mysterious woman’s too strong strength.

There are also rumors that this day Hanshan is because of a person who can’t see Realm, and the old man Yujian judged it. In his anger, the elder Yujian used all his swords to fly, which caused the Tianhan Mountain to be destroyed. Countless rumors flow, making Tianhan Mountain destined to become a mystery on the Super Martial Plane!

“Hmm…It seems a bit too much, ruining the old site of your Absolute Frost Shrine, the two girls won’t blame the old, right?”

The Sword Emperor asked his beard, and there seemed to be a little apologetic in his extremely cold and arrogant eyes. It’s just a last resort, and it’s really a last resort! Otherwise, I really don’t know how to fight the entire magic temple.

“Senior’s words are serious! How dare my sisters dare you to make trouble? If it weren’t for the senior’s help, it’s not just that my sister’s life is hard to survive, and the Absolute Cold Shrine should be completely destroyed! Furthermore, only the green hills must be left, the Absolute Cold Shrine Why not worry about revival?”

The Xue sisters are respectful, but these words are true. If you really can’t bear this homeland, find Jing Hualuo to cast spells, you can restore it to the original state. Therefore, I did not feel very disappointed about the current situation.

“Very good! Worthy of being the lord of the Absolute Frost Palace! The old will not let you wait. Because you both use ice skills, then these two time-space ice swords will be given to you. The Law of Chaos Below, unless it is stronger than you two, there is nothing indestructible!”

After speaking, he squeezed his hands into a sword tactic, and drove the two cold rays into the sea of ​​knowledge of the Xue sisters. Suddenly, two extremely powerful forces flooded the sisters. In the end it turned into the emblem of the ice sword, which was printed on the eyebrows of the sisters.

“Thanks to the senior for giving the sword! But the Juniors still have a question. The ten thousand swords you have just used are flying together, and the power seems to be far beyond the Taiyuan realm! Even the deeper chaos realm, it is estimated that it will be difficult to resist! Dare to ask what senior is? Realm?”

The Xue sisters suppressed the excitement in their hearts and couldn’t help but ask the Sword Emperor. After all, it is far better to get super-powerful guidance than self-examination. There are often many unclear places, and it will suddenly become clear after being touched by the powerful.

“At the level of decay, there is no Realm at all, or in other words, it has already jumped out of these restrictions.”

“But your strength is obvious, far superior to these, the highest Realm! Is your Realm an existence that transcends everything?! It’s the legendary…”

Speaking of this, two words suddenly appeared in Xue Bing’s mind: Super God! Literally, it is not difficult to understand that the God who transcends the limit can truly reach and exist as vast as the universe.

“The little girl’s savvy is very good, yes, she is a super god! The Ten Great God of War of the ancient times, as well as some extraterritorial powers, almost all exist in this category. However, it is extremely difficult to reach this level. .”

The Sword Emperor smiled and smiled, showing that he had a lot of affection for this junior. I heard the two sisters ask why they didn’t pass the lifelong Secret Technique to Sui Yu without any reservations. The Sword Emperor shook his head and said slowly.

“It’s not that the old man intends to hide it privately, but with his current Realm, he can’t display it at all. Unless he can, like Taiyi and Xihe, reach the Realm of the sun super god. Otherwise, teach him now, but it is Is hurting him!”

The matter of Tianhan Mountain has come to an end for the time being. After repeated mental depletion, Jinghua finally succeeded, refining Xiantian Nebula Pill. The valuable experience accumulated in this has made him infinitely useful. The so-called creation must have a heart of reverence! The more high-rank forging, the more it needs to be.

“The day of the Taurus wedding is approaching, and the nation of Shenniu is full of lanterns and festivities. If we are finished, we shall report as soon as possible!”

Under the pull of Liliu, everyone went straight to the kingdom of Shenniu. Jinghua also shook his head and smiled when he learned that Princess Zhaoyu was pregnant first. The Three Realms has not settled yet, and it is not time for the offspring to reproduce at this time. But this is their freedom, and it’s nothing wrong.

Knowing that Taurus was holding a big wedding, the leaders of the other three countries sent blessings and congratulations one after another. For example, the fairy wine and spirit fruit for the banquet are contracted by the Fire Ape Country, while all kinds of snow-covered mountain treasures are provided by the Grey Lion Country.

On the side of the Crane Country, the gifts are all kinds of Spiritual herbs, made of spiritual medicine fairy meals. There are also a hundred bottles of spirit pills as a gift for congratulations. All of this was naturally prepared by Langfeng, Yunshi, and Yunge.

“Thanks for being here, you must eat and drink today! If there is anything wrong, it is the fault of the golden bull!”

At this time, the Taurus was dressed in red, and his face was full of celebration. He immediately made a toast with the guests from all walks of life. He was not weak in alcohol, and he seemed to be fine with a thousand cups. The crown princess was dazzling, and she was extremely pleased with the company of Feiyan and Lanxiang.

From time to time, she stroked her lower abdomen with her hand, her eyes full of motherly tenderness. But at this moment, I heard a lot of discussion outside.

“Look, what’s in the sky?”, “Golden Spiritual Qi cloud, auspicious existence!”, “Huh? Wait, there seems to be a word!”

I saw the golden clouds constantly changing shapes, sometimes in the form of dragons and phoenixes, and sometimes turned into giant cows in the sky. Until later, a word of blessing was formed: Congratulations to the Golden Bull brothers, happy wedding! In the end, it became an endless blessing, which was scattered throughout the Shenniu Country to benefit the subjects of one party.

“Haha, this prince’s Xiangrui Fuyun, isn’t it good?”

Without a word, Jun Peng suddenly fell from the sky with a triumphant expression on his face. Those who came with him were Luo Yong, Suo Jue, and Jin Ling. Jun Peng waved his hand again, and the small mountain-like gifts suddenly filled the entire hall.

“Brother Junpeng, you are here when you come. What is it for such a generous gift? Please come to the table, and I will definitely drink a thousand cups with you today!”

“Hey, not much, not much. This is a gift from the Kunpeng and Peacocks together! As for a thousand glasses of wine, it must be drunk! Just waiting for you, I have already completely emptied my stomach, you Good hospitality!”

Amidst the laughter, they all took their seats one after another, and the princess Zhaoyu also greeted them accordingly. As they are of the same status, Zhaoyu and Suosuo quickly got in touch with each other. When she saw Jin Ling on the side, she also asked.

“This Big sis must also belong to the Kunpeng clan? It is indeed extraordinary! I wonder if you and Prince Junpeng have ever…”

“Oh, I haven’t promised yet. He squeezes all day long. I’m not very happy. Ask him to change, but he hasn’t improved.”

Jin Ling went straight back and forth, with the slightest face, and he didn’t reserve it for Junpeng. Upon hearing this, all the female relatives hid their mouths and laughed, and Jun Peng was choked by a mouthful of immortal brew, which seemed so embarrassing.

“Brother, you can’t be like this, you look at me, you are about to become a father! If you have more courage, how can you tell her to show her? Now that you have drunk a lot of wine, just go forward! Brothers will support it. You in the end!”


Hell, no matter what he encounters on the battlefield, Jun Peng can disregard everything. But when he met Jin Ling, he was so scared! I wanted to confess several times, but those thousands of words were stuck in the middle of my throat. It can be said that I can’t vomit, and I can’t swallow.

“Don’t say not to give you a chance, drink up this jar of wine, and then explain everything you want to say in your heart. If it still doesn’t work, I can’t help you.”

After Jin Ling said, she patted her right hand. A gentle palm wind quickly delivered a celestial brew into Jun Peng’s hands impartially. Jun Peng took a look, then lifted the wine jar to the top, and drank directly with his mouth open. This jar of wine, less to say, weighs a thousand catties, but Jun Peng is holding it in his hand at this time, if he lifts the weight lightly.

“Good, good! Brother really is massive!”

Jinniu, Sun Yang and Lingyuan clapped and applauded one after another, but just then, an accident happened. Unexpectedly, Jun Peng made a mistake, and actually put the wine jar around his neck, so that everyone did not know whether to laugh or cry.

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