Chapter 348 Uncle Asks You For Help

“Huh? What’s going on? It’s so dark! I can’t see anything…”

Jun Peng drank dizzy, almost incomprehensible. He wanted to return to his seat, but he couldn’t tell the east, the west, the north, and the middle. He didn’t even realize that there was an object on his head. Ever since, it was naturally a ding-ding-dong-dong.

Upon seeing this, Taurus quickly held him personally and tried to remove the wine jar for him. However, it was too tight, as if it were welded to death, and it didn’t move. For a while, I don’t know what to do. At this moment, a fierce palm wind suddenly struck, and he subconsciously hid aside.

After a crisp sound, the wine jar on Junpeng’s head was shattered. It turned out that Jin Ling couldn’t stand it, so he directly assisted. Fortunately, Jun Peng had already cultivated the golden body of the Buddha, otherwise he would suffer a headshot if he slapped him. Only after this shock, the head became more dizzy.

“What’s wrong? The world is full of stars. I drank too much. Where did I fly?”

Hearing this nonsense, each couldn’t help but laugh, but Jin Ling shook his head helplessly. At this moment, a notice seemed to come from Nine Heavens, and three divine lights descended from the sky one after another, making everyone almost bow to the ground.

“The Supreme Crown Prince of The Three Realms, here comes the Prince Jinghua! Here comes the Prince Concubine Luyao! The Heavenly Concubine Liliu is here…”

“Your Majesty! I finally brought you here! My subordinate Jinniu, and my concubine Zhaoyu, I would like to give you a great gift here!”

Taurus was full of excitement, ran to Jinghua quickly, and fell on one knee, pretending to be seen. Zhaoyu also knelt down slowly with the support of Feiyan and Lanxiang, and bowed to each other.

“Hey! Brother Jinniu, why do you have to do this between you and me? Besides, today is your wedding celebration, please hurry up and don’t let me wait!”

The moment he quickly raised the Taurus, it seemed extremely joyful. And when the eyes touched Feiyan and Lanxiang, the scenes from the past suddenly appeared in front of them. Especially knowing that the two princesses admired themselves for a while, so they spoke.

“Two princesses, don’t come here unharmed?”

The moment I saw Jinghua again, Feiyan and Lanxiang also felt a thousand feelings. I remember that Jinghua was also called Jin Yu at the time, but now she has transformed into a supreme existence. The two concubines around me are even more beautiful than words! There was a faint feeling of loss in my heart, and I also responded.

“We’re okay, Lord, don’t come here unharmed?”

Or seeing that they were frustrated, Jinghua felt embarrassed for a while, so she used the word okay as a prevarication. Compared with the same period, Siya, the sister of Lingyuan, appeared to be much more magnanimous. After marrying Bai Sheng, he quickly gave birth to two sons. After some jokes, Jinghua was a little uncomfortable.

“Now that the overall situation is undecided, I have no intention of this. It is not too late to discuss this matter until The Three Realms is completely peaceful.”

In order to alleviate the atmosphere, Taurus took the initiative to toast Jinghua, and then Yu Yu, together with Yuelin and Lingyue, also rushed to congratulate. However, the seat has not yet been hot, and an uninvited guest rushes into the line of sight.

“This is the exclusive costume of the Sword Emperor Pavilion! Dare to ask if you are…”

Sui Yu remembered all the characteristics of Jianhuang Pavilion clearly. After all, most of my childhood was spent there, so I was very impressed.

“Since Prince Suiyu is familiar with the road, there is no need to detour around the poor road. The poor road is the frost of the five sword gods of the Sword Emperor Pavilion! On the pavilion master’s order, come here to ask you to bring your soldiers to help. This is the pavilion master’s token! Master’s grandson is the pavilion master’s nephew, please help me out of the sword emperor pavilion!”

“What? Those who don’t have eyes and dare to touch the prince’s uncle! What kind of bastard thing it is, you and I will elaborate!”

The Frost Sword God was overjoyed when he saw this, knowing that it was mostly hopeful. So respectfully, he offered the token of the Flame Sword God, and carefully retelled the entire experience with Sui Yu. After Suiyu listened, his eyes shot out a bit of cold light.

“In recent years, grandpa has passed the Sword Emperor Pavilion to his uncle, but he is not a cat or dog, and he is also eligible for wanton harassment! Not to mention, this prince will accompany you for a while, and I must smooth them out!”

“Dage, I am waiting to help you!”

Upon seeing this, Jinghua and Langfeng stepped forward to ask for a fight, and the Frost Sword God was even more pleased when they saw this. When the three Golden Crows go together, it is all right to kill each other! Unexpectedly, what Suiyu said next made him very surprised.

“No, it’s just dealing with a bunch of rubbish, you don’t need to use both of you. Just wait for a while, I’ll be back when I go!”

After that, he left Yilin behind and handed over to Luyao and Liliu to take care of her. With Lingyue, he turned into divine light and rushed straight into the sky. The Frost Sword God couldn’t help shook his head, only to catch up afterwards. Thinking that Suiyu is Master’s grandson, perhaps he is really capable of resolving the crisis in the Sword Emperor Pavilion, but that is not necessarily.

At this moment, millions of miles away from the Sword Emperor Pavilion, three figures flew in the air. The face of the Frost Sword God was full of sadness. Because he clearly sensed that the entire Sword Emperor Pavilion was enveloped by formation up and down.

This is the taboo formation of the Sword Emperor Pavilion. From this it is not difficult to see that it must be the most critical moment! Otherwise, the formation will never be triggered.

“Unexpectedly, Frost Sword God, you can actually escape! Seeing this, it seems like you are going back? But even if you add you, what can it do? Hey, it seems something is wrong, the two around you Who are these young people? Is it the rescuer you invited?”

At this moment, beside the Frost Sword God, a gloomy voice suddenly heard. The Frost Sword God looked up and found that there were at least ten Xiantian experts! A number of figures flashed out, all from the Martial King’s court of blood. All these strong men looked bad and stared at a group of three people.

The Frost Sword God immediately pressed his sword in his hand, and it seemed that he wanted to be good now, there was no possibility at all, there was only one battle! But I don’t want Suiyu to suddenly burst out a cold word at this time, not so much a word, but more like a threat.

“Where are the flies? Don’t go away, die!”

With a shout, it was like Nine Heavens’ thunderous anger, and it shook the ten Xiantian realm experts, one after another. The Frost Sword God was even more shocked. Obviously, he didn’t expect Sui Yu to roar at will, with such power, he deserves to be Master’s grandson!

“Smelly boy, dare to provoke me to blood Martial King, you’re absolutely terrible! Brothers, kill them first!”

The leader gave an order, and those strong in Xiantian realm, their figures flickered, instantly surrounding each other in the center. However, The next moment, an unexpected thing, happened again!

But he was shocked to see Suiyu’s pupils turned into two golden sword marks. Afterwards, hundreds of golden Sword Rays burst out from the ground in a burst of lightning. Directly penetrate the Tianling Gai of a group of strong men, and destroy them all into blood mist.

“Master’s own Sword intent…………………so strong! This power, compared to Master, I am afraid it will not be much inferior!”

Seeing Sui Yufu’s move, he will kill the Martial King, and the powerhouses are ambushing here. The Frost Sword God refreshed his cognition again, I am afraid that his own power would be enough to reverse the whole situation.

As for Lingyue next to Suiyu, her identity is unknown. But if you know that Lingyue is the granddaughter of Hedao True Monarch, she will probably be shocked again! However, since it is accompanied by the same, it must not be a leisurely generation.

“Return to the pavilion master, Prince Suiyu has already invited him, and his strength is indeed outstanding! In just a short moment, he killed the Martial King, ten powerful Xiantian realms! And the moves used are exactly the same as the master! ”

While continuing to move forward, the Frost Sword God used a unique secret method to get in touch with the Flame Sword God. Because this is a secret technique, even Suiyu can’t hear it.

“What? Only invite him? Didn’t you tell him the truth? Killing ten Xiantian realms is nothing, the opponent also has the guard of the Taiyuan realm! He can also kill the Taiyuan realm, but his ability is limited after all This kid has the same temper as when he was young!”

Originally, I was full of joy and thought that Suiyu would bring the brother of the Golden Crow Protoss, but in the end he was only alone. What is it called? After calming down for a while, he continued to ask.

“He didn’t come alone? He was walking with you, but what else?”

“Uh…… There is another woman, but she has never seen her shot, let alone Cultivation Base and Realm. But since she was invited to help punches, she must not be waiting!”

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