Chapter 349 This alone is enough to block ten thousand!

The party of Suiyu continued on the road, while the wedding banquet of the Shenniu Kingdom was still going on. Only after Suiyu left, Jinghua and Langfeng had almost no interest, and continued to drink and celebrate. And Yilin’s worries are even more conceivable, because he has a stubborn character, and it is really helpless to take him.

“There will be wars every three to five, and the opponent’s strength is getting stronger and stronger. When will it be the first?”

Luyao slowly shook her head. If possible, she really wanted things to be as simple as possible. Seeing all the guests in the arena, a terrible scene suddenly appeared in front of them, as if they were in the Shura Dojo. Most of the people present have died!

“This……no, it’s not! It’s not true, it’s too cruel!!”

For some reason, Lu Yao has a rare ability to predict since she was a child. Often everything that you see in front of you will eventually become reality. Could it be that the beings of The Three Realms cannot escape a catastrophe? This is not the most terrifying, but even more terrifying is that seeing Jinghua also fall!

“do not want!!!”

Just other things are enough to make me feel extremely sad, but I want to take away even Jinghua. How do I accept this? Luyao couldn’t help covering her ears with her hands, and shouted rather gaffefully.

“What’s the matter? Lu Yao is okay? Don’t scare me. What happened? With me, you don’t need to be afraid!”

Jinghua hugged her in her arms, while gently stroking her back, while softly comforting. Luyao opened her lotus arms and hugged Jinghua tightly, as if she was afraid that if she didn’t pay attention, the other party would move away from her.

“I saw a terrible scene, I saw a lot of friends died! And……………………Even you were not spared, I don’t want you to die!”

When she heard this, Jinghua couldn’t help but startled. But wars are often extremely cruel, even if you are the supreme crown prince, how can you be alone? I am not afraid of death, I am afraid that death is worthless. However, as soon as I walked easily, leaving Luyao and Liliu behind, how could it be?

“Don’t worry, no one will die, this is my promise to you!”

After Luyao listened, she was relieved, because her husband was a miracle in itself. Since he can always perform miracles, he should trust him unconditionally. Suddenly, the two sisters were hugged by Jinghua and looked extremely warm.

Seeing this, Feiyan and Lanxiang felt more and more lost in their hearts, wondering whether they should be, and let them go completely. And Yunge had even more feelings, Jinghua had no room left in her heart. Although it is a long time to come, can you really be accepted?

On the other side, Suiyu and his party are still on their way. But the signal for help from the Sword Emperor Pavilion at this time was getting stronger and stronger! The Frost Sword God was also complaining, and there was still a long way to go, and it would take some time before he could reach it.

“That Prince Suiyu………………Can you go one step ahead?”

Feeling that he was dragging his legs, the Frost Sword God couldn’t help but look embarrassed. He knew better that Suiyu was accommodating himself on this road, otherwise he could reach him in the blink of an eye according to the extraordinary speed of the Golden Crow.

“Don’t be so troublesome, get closer to me and take you two to fly together!”

Lingyue and Frost Sword God nodded at the same time, consciously approaching Suiyu. Suiyu arranged a golden mask, wrapped each other in it, and then turned into a light shuttle, flying to the location of the Sword Emperor Pavilion at a speed faster than light. As he landed in midair, each was taken aback.

“Who is it? What a powerful oppressive force! Is it the Sword Emperor Pavilion, the rescue brought back from the outside world?”

The Meizu, the Heavenly Axe family, and the blood Martial King’s court all looked over their heads. I saw Suiyu majestic and majestic, as if the emperor’s domineering! Lingyue on the side was not only beautiful in appearance, but also showed a sense of extraordinary demeanor. And the only thing they knew was the Frost Sword God.

“Neither of them can see Realm, it seems a bit tricky………………Huh? That’s not right! Old Feng, you are not a strong man who arranged the Martial King court to ambush halfway, ready to intercept Frost? Now? What’s going on again?”

Seeing the Frost Sword God unscathed and Feng Yi in the bloody Martial King’s court, he felt inexplicable. Immediately through some induction, I learned that the strong people had died at the same time, and couldn’t help being frightened.

“Well, you old Frost bastard, I really haven’t seen it! My blood Martial King is more than a dozen Xiantian realm powerhouses, but you were killed by you without injury!”

“Hmph! If the god really has that kind of strength, do you need to ask for help? Even though there are countless grievances between you and me, this is the only thing that really didn’t come from the gods.”

Feng Yi couldn’t help but stared at Suiyu in a blink of an eye. He was shocked when he discovered that there seemed to be some breath remaining on his body.

“You don’t need to read it, it was the prince who killed him! If you feel reluctant, why go to accompany him and wait?”

“You, you, you……………… My blood Martial King asked myself, I have never met you, and I have no grudges. Why do you want to destroy the elite in my family? And what is your identity? Why do you want to Intervene in this matter?”

Since it was impossible to see through Suiyu’s Realm, the three hostile forces did not dare to act rashly. Lest the ship capsize in the gutter, it will be too late to regret then! Therefore, before you start, you must first figure out the origin of the other party.

“This prince is the head of the three generations of Golden Crow, and the eldest grandson of the emperor Donghuang Taiyi! He is also the grandson of the sword king pavilion, the grandson of the founder! You waited to besiege the sword emperor pavilion, and bullied the prince uncle, simply tired of living!”

After a greasy word exit, each felt severe tingling in the eardrums, and the stormy sea turned up in his heart. The inheritors of the two super gods, no wonder the strength is unfathomable! It’s just that the dignified Meizu, the Tianaxe family, and even the blood Martial King’s court are definitely not vegetarian.

“The name is really not low, and the tone is not small! Not to mention that it is only you, that is, your two grandparents have arrived. I will still be able to fight! Since your kid wants to get muddy water, I will find a few disciples, Play with you!”

Before the words were over, there were several powerful late stage experts in the Xiantian realm who surrounded them with malicious intent. Clinker Suiyu didn’t even look at it, so he was too lazy to take a look, just said lazily.

“Let’s serve together, just these few dried shrimps are not enough for the appetizer.”

“Unreasonable! How dare to despise me like this!”, “Brothers, let’s go together!”, “Take him down, and ask for credit again!”

The next moment, several black shadows, all swept towards Suiyu, very fast! The ice-cold sword, light and sword shadow, as if turned into a magic hand full of blood, greeted Sui Yu mercilessly.

“Hmph, rubbish is rubbish, no matter how hard you struggle, you can’t change this fact!”

But Jue Suiyu’s whole body suddenly blew a scorching storm, rushing towards several dark shadows. At the same time, it can be clearly felt that not only these forces are the only ones at the moment, at least there are other strong people in ambush in the dark.

Since this guy wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman. So once they get injured or have an accident, they will inevitably stand up first and take their own item to the top. This is also their usual method. But since it’s here, just crush it! The best way to deal with this matter is to make them all feel fear!


In response to those horrible swords and shadows, Sui Yu only stretched out two fingers. Seeing this scene, the Frost Sword God was also shocked!

Each couldn’t help but frown, and no one would have thought that facing this kind of crisis, Sui Yu had no plans to draw his sword. Just use two fingers? What a joke! But The next moment, the terrifying Sword Qi, covered the world. The golden light is pouring down like a scorching sun!

“What?! How……………………How could………………”

The dark shadows that had appeared in front of Suiyu, seeing such a scene, couldn’t help but widen their eyes. Almost in addition to the horror, it is still horror! Who would have thought that at this moment, this kid would burst out with such a terrifying aura.

For some reason, the terrifying Sword Qi made them feel shiver. The key is that Sword Qi is only emitted by two fingers!


Suiyu didn’t give these guys too much time to think, and the two-finger condensed horrible Sword intent had already snapped his head off. Immediately make the world change color, everything is empty! Even though it has not yet been able to exert its full power, at this moment, this move is already enough to move the mountains and rivers.

The strong man hiding in the dark couldn’t help but change his complexion after feeling the murderous aura of this strike.

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