Chapter 127

Lingwu Treasury, the super arsenal created by the first fairy gate Spirit Sword Sect in Zhongzhou with a thousand years of experience.

The treasures in the meantime can make the Saint Ruins Realm fascinating.

Tianjizong has won the top position of the immortal door trial this time, and you can enter the Lingwu treasury and take away three treasures.

Not to mention three, even if it is just one, many famous mountains in Zhongzhou will be rushed.

This reason is definitely weighty.

The Xianmen competition in the first arena is over, but the other arena are still fighting.

Of the fifty-three Seven-Rank Sects participating in the Xianmen assessment, three Sects will be disbanded.

At present, Tianjizong has determined that it can sit at the top of the list, and there is no Sect to shake it.

The Nanshan Sect, ranked second, also left the two Sects behind.

The attribution of the third Sect is still uncertain.

Baoguang Temple and Jinli Mountain on the second ring are still only two heads behind.

And the No. 3 arena is nearing its end. The Chimei Villa, which used to only hover around ten, is now locked on the third throne in the Xianmen assessment.

If there is still no gap between Baoguang Temple and Jinli Mountain, then the third fairy gate, I’m afraid it will fall on the head of Chimei Mountain Villa.

After a brief investigation, Lu Chen withdrew his mind.

On the stands in the distance, there are different opinions at this time.

For all Sects, Tianjizong won the top spot in the Xianmen assessment.

“This newly promoted Seventh-Rank Immortal Clan, send someone to investigate the details, and can’t let go of any clues.” Several Sect Leaders all ordered like this.

What is surprisingly consistent is that both the leading disciple and Elder will ask: “Sect Leader, we are going to…”

“Sect is developing so fast, it is impossible to rely on it behind it. Perhaps the sword owner has already guessed something. We must remember not to act rashly before obtaining complete information.”

These Sects don’t know that the current Spirit Sword Sect is actually kept in the dark.

Sword Master Luo Feng wanted to go personally several times to inquire about Lu Chen’s details.

A newly promoted Seventh-Rank Immortal Clan can reach the sixth rank Immortal Clan in such a short period of time. In the past, only Sect with extremely deep background could do this.

Even Nanshan Sect has developed for hundreds of years before it has its current scale.

At the same time, the news that Tianjizong was about to obtain the leader of the Immortal Gate Grand Competition was like the fire of a prairie fire, spreading on the land of Zhongzhou.

As sunset approached, the final result of the Xianmen assessment was confirmed.

It was still Luo Feng, the Sword Master of the Spirit Sword Sect, who personally announced the final result of this immortal gate assessment.

“This immortal gate assessment is the most surprising one since my Spirit Sword Sect was held several times.”

“Next, I will announce the leader of the Xianmen assessment, and the Xianmen who won the leader of the Xianmen assessment is the Tianjizong!”

Among the many immortal gates who had known the result a long time ago, there was still a sigh of relief.

Later, Luo Feng announced the second and third immortal gates, followed by Nanshanzong and Chimei Mountain Villa.

The disciples of Tianjizong didn’t bother to listen to the future results.

The player chat channel has long been swiped by countless messages, and when you look carefully, it is full of praise.

“Our Spirit Sword Sect can be ranked first, thanks to Grandpa Immortal’s sitting behind the scenes.”

“Not only that, but Goddess Shen and Sect Leader Big sis, as well as the efforts behind Ye Elder.”

“In my opinion, Sect Leader Big sis has done the most.”

“Fart, you didn’t see the last Elder battle. Did Ye Elder turn the situation around for us?”

“Yes, and in the last Sect Leader battle, Sect Leader Big sis did not participate.”

“Whether it’s Ye Elder or Sect Leader Big sis, I don’t think they have paid as much as Goddess Shen.”

“What you said is too much. Goddess Shen has been sleeping for several days, and you are calculating with your own conscience. Goddess Shen has participated in several competitions in total.”

While the disciples were arguing, the Elders were in harmony.

Lu Chen did not choose to praise a few Elders, but with a very serious look, directly explained the current situation.

“Our immortal gate won the first prize, so we don’t need to be attached to other immortal gates in the future. This is a short-term advantage, but it also has great disadvantages.” Lu Chen explained.

Lu Qianrou has been called by Lu Chen, and she naturally knows what Lu Chen really wants to express.

Ye Lianxing twisted his enchanting steps, and said, “Too God, what do you mean by Elder?”

Lu Chen sorted out his thoughts and said: “We are on the edge of Zhongzhou, and the Spiritual Qi is thin. Other Sects may not be so good, but the ethereal Xianzong will inevitably suppress us.”

“We will either bow our heads and fall under their knees…”

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Shen Qingxian said decisively, “Master!”

The other Elder nodded too, obviously not wanting to get underneath.. ….

Everyone’s reaction did not exceed Lu Chen’s expectations. He continued: “Also, after leaving the Spirit Sword Sect, we may have some trouble along the way.”

“Tai Shang Elder means that the treasure of the Lingwu treasure house will be watched?” Ye Lianxing asked with his head raised.

“I think it’s not just those things, even if it is a hundred Sanqing Guyuan Dan, it is enough to make the sixth rank immortal door jealous.” Xiongba said.

“Yeah.” Lu Chen nodded, got up and looked in the direction of the stands, “You will get Medicine Pill later, and you will assign it as soon as possible. You must have the ability to protect yourself before you leave the Spirit Sword Sect.”

Everyone nodded in response.

It was the second day in a blink of an eye.

Today, the Lingwu Treasury of the Spirit Sword Sect is about to open, and the first three immortal gates who have won the examination of the Immortal Gate will have the opportunity to enter the Lingwu Treasure to choose treasures.

Early in the morning, Lu Chen, accompanied by Shen Qingxian and Lu Qianrou, came to the hinterland of the Spirit Sword Sect.

The other two Sect Sect Leaders are already waiting here.

The Sect Leader of Nanshan Sect, Hu Nanshan and the owner of Chimei Villa, saw Lu Chen and others, and quickly greeted them.

After being courteous with each other, I saw the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect coming.

“You are the top three in this immortal door assessment? Please follow me.”

The group followed behind the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, and walked through two long corridors 2.4, before reaching the depths of the Spirit Sword Sect.

In front of him, a towering cloud fairy pavilion emerged in front of him.

The disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect pointed to the fairy pavilion and said: “This is my Spirit Sword Sect’s Spirit Martial Treasure, and you can enter the Spirit Martial Treasure by virtue of your status.”

“Remember, in each Sect, only one person can enter, and stay for a maximum of three days. After three days, even if you can’t get your favorite treasure, you can’t enter it again.”

The candidate for Nanshan Sect to enter is naturally Hu Nanshan, and Chimei Villa is also selected by the owner himself.

When he arrived at Tianjizong, originally Lu Chen wanted to give up the opportunity to Lu Qianrou, but found that Nizi had already quietly left with Shen Qingxian after she knew the rules.

Lu Chen had no choice but to go on his own.

But he had just walked out a few steps, and the disciple before that drank him again: “Dare to ask, but the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Secret Sect? Our sword master has invited you to go there for a while.”.

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