Chapter 128

“Exactly.” Lu Chen replied.

After the Spirit Sword Sect disciple saluted again, his attitude became ambiguous: “Please come with Elder.”

Under the leadership of the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, Lu Chen entered the Chamber of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Luo Feng, the sword master of the Spirit Sword Sect, had long been waiting for it.

Seeing Lu Chen coming, Luo Feng raised his hand to let the other disciples leave, then pointed to a wooden chair beside him and said, “Sit down.”

“Thanks to the Sword Master.” Lu Chen was not polite, and sat directly beside Luo Feng.

While Lu Chen was still speculating about Luo Feng’s intentions, Luo Feng already raised his hand and said, “Bring people up.”

Two disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, upon hearing the order, an elderly figure tied up with five flowers was escorted up.

When Lu Chen looked over, the man was also looking at him.

Luo Feng pointed to the person and said, “This is the thief who stole Sect’s treasure several times in my Spirit Sword Sect. Today I beheaded him here.”

“The sword master is forgiving, I…I am only sent by the deputy owner to investigate the details of the spirit sword sect, not the gangster in your mouth.” The man begged for mercy.

Luo Feng didn’t talk nonsense, and waved at the two disciples: 24 “Kill.”

The figure that had just appeared in the hall was hurriedly pulled out of the hall.

Soon after, there was a sharp roar.

A disciple came forward and said: “Report to the Sword Master, the culprit is dead.”

Lu Chen, who seemed to have guessed the idea of ​​the sword, raised his brows slightly.

Luo Feng put on a smile again at this time: “Hey, let you see something you shouldn’t see, it’s all right, let’s talk about some serious things.”

“Sword Master, but it’s okay.” Lu Chen turned his head and cupped hands slightly.

Luo Feng coughed slightly: “It’s the same thing that I explained to you before, and you must remember it.”

“Lu Chen dare not forget.” Lu Chen said.

The Sword Master nodded, got up and made a gesture of seeing off the guests directly: “Just remember, then go to the Lingwu treasure house and see, there are countless treasures waiting for you.”

The atmosphere in this chamber was depressed, and Lu Chen didn’t bother to stay for a long time.

In addition, Luo Feng gave him the opportunity to leave, so he wouldn’t refuse.

Under the guidance of the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, Lu Chen went to the Lingwu treasure house.

On the way out, Lu Chen carefully figured out Luo Feng’s intentions.

Judging from the appearance, Luo Feng had known for a long time that the many Sect thefts in the Spirit Sword Sect had something to do with him.

Since Luo Feng hadn’t broken it, Luo Chen would not expose his own crimes.

Even if Luo Feng found out at the time, Luo Chen would still do it.

Because the time that the Heavenly Machine Sect can use is really too little.

Outside that cloud fairy pavilion, there are two Spirit Sword Sect Elder guarding them. When Lu Chen passed by, he quietly checked their details, and they were both in the early stage of the Saint Ruins Realm.

“It really deserves to be the number one immortal gate in Zhongzhou.” Lu Chen secretly said with emotion.

“Tianjizong Taishang Elder Lu Chen.” Lu Chen self-reported his identity.

“Please!” One of the Elders opened his eyes slightly and raised his hand in a please gesture.

Lu Chen only felt that his eyes were dark, and when he could see things again, he had already appeared in a strange place.

What I saw before my eyes didn’t seem to be in a tower.

Surrounded by birds and flowers, the fairy spirit lingers, more like a paradise.

“Is this the true face of Lingwu Treasure House?” Lu Chen muttered to himself as he walked toward the depths.

Not far away, Lu Chen confirmed his own conjecture.

This seems to be a quiet and precise place outside the world, but in the meantime, there is always an unusual breath lingering.

After several explorations by Lu Chen, he saw several rare treasures and panacea.

However, Lu Chen did not rush to start, three days, enough time for him to investigate carefully.

If it is not a favorite baby, Lu Chen will definitely not make a move.

It was not until the evening of the first day that Lu Chen stopped in front of a pool of water.

He looked towards the pool, and his face was reflected in the pool.

Lu Chen smiled at the water pool, the reflection in it was still the look of Lu Chen before.

“This pool is really weird.” Lu Chen murmured.

The pool seemed to understand him, and ripples rose up.

“Do you want to follow me?” Lu Chen asked.

The reflection in the pool finally showed a smile.

Lu Chen took a closer look, and detailed information about the water pool appeared in front of him.

Tian Luo Jing: Supreme Lingbao.

Introduction: You can use the luck of heaven and earth to gather together quickly. It cannot be triggered if it is not a person living in the atmosphere.

“Tian Luo Mirror? Gathering Spiritual Qi together?” Lu Chen muttered to himself while looking at the information in front of him.

If this treasure is in his hands, it may not be of much use.

He can pick his luck by himself, and there is not much difference between having this treasure and not having it.

But if it is handed over to the old Antarctic fairy, it is hard to say.

Lu Chen made up his mind and continued to say with Tian Luo Jing: “I can’t accept you, but I can introduce you a good friend. If you want to meet, you can leave with me.”

Ripples appeared in the pool again, and then they quickly converged under Lu Chen’s nose, and then turned into a stone mirror.

Lu Chen raised his hand and held the Tianluo mirror in his hand, looked around, and put it directly into the storage ring.

“It is indeed a place that can be coveted by the Saint Ruins Realm, and the treasures can also urge the development of own spiritual wisdom.”

After receiving the first treasure, Lu Chen decided to rest around for a while, and then waited for the sunrise tomorrow before walking towards the depths of the Lingwu treasure house.

Soon, the night fell, and countless little luster, 223 surrounded the mountains and forests.

Lu Chen found a tree hole, and just wanted to rest, he looked up and felt what seemed to be a breath, and glanced over him.

“There is another Lingbao?” Lu Chen moved in his heart and explored the past with his breath.

Soon, Lu Chen locked the approximate position.

His figure flickered and appeared on a boulder.

The previous breath radiated from under the boulder.

Lu Chen looked down for a few times, but found nothing strange.

Obviously, the boulder at the foot is not Lingbao itself.

“Underneath?” Lu Chen thought, touching his chin.

He leaped down from the boulder, raised his hand and pushed it lightly, and the boulder moved a position.

Lu Chen pushed again, and the boulder rolled to one side.

Lu Chen looked over with a faint luster, and saw that in the darkness, there seemed to be a black cave the size of a fist or two.

He was short and looked into the cave, less than a foot deep.

And in the middle of the cave, there is a formation exuding a faint luster, and inside the formation, a dark key is suppressed.

Lu Chen glanced at the key, and the Spiritual Sense that had been swept past him before, flooded again.

“That’s it.” Lu Chen confirmed in his heart.

At the same time, he seemed to hear a soft whisper from the bottom of his heart that he couldn’t hear clearly. .

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